i used to believe

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When I was in kindergarten, my father ran his own construction company. When he came home one day complaining to my Mom about how he was going to have to fire a guy, I thought he meant that he was going to burn the guy at the stake, on top of a big bonfire of leftover construction materials.

ah to be young...
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I'm 56 and, until quite recently, i thought that a local anaesthetic was one that you had done in a hospital near where you live.

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When I went to Disney World when I was four ,I really thought Epcot was pronounced Cobweb, and I'll never forget how embarassed I was after jumping on the bed telling my parents how excited I was to go to Cobweb today.

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I used to think that the letter W had a sound that you'd repeat U two times. I was three and would pronounce, for example, watermelon: "U-Umelon". (double u...?)

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I used to believe that when people said "(such and such) is on the house" I thought it meant that it was so expensive you'd have sell your house to afford it.

It's on the apartment.
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I used to think there were 3 guys who lived together in a cabin and made up all the words

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When I was little, I liked to ask lots of questions. And sometimes I would ask my parents. And they would reply(since I am sure they were tired of hearing my questions) go look it up in your *funkin wagnal* I had no idea that meant dictionary. I always thought they were cussing at me.

Carrie Jane
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I used to believe that the name Sean was pronounced "seen". I also used to believe that the name Esther was pronounced "es-thurr".

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As a child my father used to fix his car with a tool called a ratchet, I always thought he was saying "pass the rat sh*t" I always gave a confused look and meandered off incase I got wrong for knowing what a sh*t was. or even worse, had to actually pick it up!

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When I had just learned to talk ( like in saying sentences) My mom once asked me to go call to dad that dinner was ready. Neither of them could stop laughing when I stood at the bottom of the stairs shouting "Call, Call,Call"
Unfortunately for me my dad even taped it on video.

little girl blue
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My friend and I had some confusion about the word "rape." I insisted that the word was pronounced "rap," as my dad with his heavy Chinese accent said it was, and that it was when a man kidnapped a girl. My friend thought it was pronounced the correct way, because his older siblings had told him that, but didn't know what the word meant. In the end we accepted my pronounciation of the word since after all, I knew what the word meant.

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When I was like four, I went to Disney World. I saw the Little Mermaid's Grotto, which was like this thing where they squirted water on you and you played in very shallow little pools. I wanted to go, but didn't have my bathing suit, so I went without my shirt. My mom said to me, "You have no shame." I thought that was like merchandise, like a Mickey Mouse bathing suit, so when we went to the gift shop later I said, "Mommy, can I get some shame? Pleeeeeeease?"

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I used to believe when someone said "...as far as the eye can see...", that they were speaking of the Ican Sea. I also believed that the Ican Sea was somewhere in Europe. So, it's pretty far away (at least from where I was).

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I had a high school English teacher who often referred to the novel, Don Quixote. The way she pronounced it, I thought she was saying something like "Donkey Hotie". I wasn't sure just what word sounded like "Hotie", but I thought I heard the "Donkey" part quite clearly. It was later in college that I learned of the actual "Don Quixote", seeing its name in print, but even then I didn't immediately connect it with what that high school teacher spoke of. Some tiem later I finally realized that she'd been saying "Don Quixote", and not anything with "Donkey" in it.

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When I was in 2rd grade a few friends and myself were stopped by a group of 6th graders and asked if we were homosexual or heterosexual. When my friends looked ro me for an answer I replied, homosexual because I figured 'home' is a good place to be.

Anthony M.
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I used to believe that if my favorite words were used by other people, the words would get all "used up" and I wouldn't be able to say them any more. My dog was named "Daisy" and I wouldn't let anyone else say her name.

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When i was about 9 i had this made up alphabet.I used to talk to m imaginary friends and real friend in it. For every letter of the alphabet was a wierd symbol.
Wierd huh?

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I was watching the news with my father one day, and the newscaster announced "Ravaging Guerrilas are invading the middle East." I thought he meant gorrilas and kept wondering "wow where did they all come from, how will they get them back in the zoo?

little Jen
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I attended a Catholic school as a young kid, where we were made to attend weekly mass each Tuesday. The priest was a nice Vietnamese man, but whenever he would say "Jesus Christ", I always thought he was saying "Cheetah Cry". Mentioning this years later to an old school buddy, he admitted that he had thought the same thing!

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When I was in kindergarten the teacher would tell us to "make sure to color inside the lines" but until I was in about 2nd grade I always thought she said "color inside the lions." I was always very confused, where were the lions?! Coloring was a tad scary for me then...I thought a lion would pop out.

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