i used to believe

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My last name is Adams, so when I first heard my parents use the expression "Up and at 'em," I thought they were saying "Up and Adams," which was a special expression just for our family. According to my logic, people who weren't named Adams couldn't use that expression, and therefore would just have to say "Get up," or whatever, because they weren't as cool as us. ;) My parents thought that was so funny, they actually started saying "Up and Adams" instead of the real expression, lol.

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Me and my sister laughed for 45 minutes streight when we realized that it was WHAT_A_Burger not WaterBurger. I guess neither of us had ever looked up at the spelling on the sign, we just thought it was a stupid name that didnt make sense.

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when mi sister was learning to talk, i was around 5 or 6 and i used to think that i was the only one who could understand her because a lot of people were like 'what did she say?' and i'd be all "well, that she's hungry, duh!" but aparently, mi parents and friends could understand her too

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I used to believe that styrofoam was "styrophone."

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i used to believe that ''alice in wonderland'' was actually called ''allison wonderland''
i thought i was just a story about some girl named allison. how boring

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my sister and i used to call burger king "booger king." we knew it was burger king, but we couldn't pronounce it for anything.

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my sister and i used to think sideburns were called "hash browns."

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I got the word hobo confused with homo. So one night years ago, my family and I were walking out of a restaurant, and my dad said "Let's walk the other way, there's a hobo asking people up the street for money". I yelled "Where's the homo? I want to see him! Why don't you like homos dad!?". Haha, I look back and laugh.

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When I was like, 4 up until they moved out, my great auntie and great uncle lived in this house with another house behind it. My great aunt always told me to never go near the other old woman's house because she would 'bite your head off.' I always thought she meant it literally, but now I know what she really meant

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i always thought albeit meant i'll be it

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I use to believe 'brainwashing' was when someone cut open your head and poured water in to wash your brain!.

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I used to to mix up masturbation with Mastacation, so while at at a family dinner party I decided to show off my vocababulary and knowledge of a cows' digestive system. I sarted talking and said," ...Oh yes, did you know that after MASTURBATING its food teh food has to travel through 4 chambers...." Everybdy started laughing and my mum was mortified.

She wasnt too happy with me later when it sparked some interesting questions from my younger siblings later on...

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One day I said "No, I don't want to go to school right now I want to go to school at three o'clock" and my mother said "But them school will be boring!" But I didn't know what "boring" meant, so I thought it meant that it would be raining (as in "pouring")!

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when i was 4 i used to believe that the only thing people ever said was their name!

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top belief!

I used to believe that if yo took a picture of someone while they're talking, a speech bubble would appear in the picture.

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I used to think that "string him up" meant that you took someone high up on a tree and used string to tie them to it.

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When I was younger I thought that "exceptional" and "acceptable" meant the same thing, so when I was young and I tried really hard and the teacher whose class I got an A in their class (yes, I was young) said I was an "exceptional" student I was thinking he menat acceptable and wondered why getting an A was only acceptable and how much you'd have to do to get this teacher's respect.

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When I was about 6 I knew a mute girl at primary school. I used to believe that people had a limited number of words that they could pronounce in a lifetime and once you'd used them all up, then you became mute. From then on, I paid special attention not to waste words.

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I used to think the word "procrastinate" meant to put off going to the toilet. I couldn't work out why we needed a word to describe that - why didn't people just go to the toilet when the needed to go?

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until today, while reading a psych book, i found out ive been saying "disconserting" with an N making it "disconcerning" my whole life....im 20.

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