i used to believe

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I used to believe that "perhaps" was only used when you were tired of saying "maybe", instead of just being an alternative word, and I asked people who said it if they were tired of saying "maybe". I had a children's dictionary that explained that they meant the same thing by saying "'Perhaps' is a word you use when you are tired of saying 'maybe'".

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I used to believe that when someone sneezed you would respond with "Blesh You" and that blesh was some word used only when someone sneezes.

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Until about my freshman year in high school, I always heard about mostly celeberties being "incognito" but i always thought they were in Cognito like as a place. I thought Cognito was some tropical island somewhere.

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I used to think tardy meant that you're being a r e t a r d then one day the teacher said that I was tardy and the teacher explained it to me

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When I was little my grandfather told me that my cousin was in a private school. I was so confused. If it was private, how did he know?

Yes, I was the kid that took everything literally

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When i was 6 or 7 i used to think that all boyfriends/husbands/fathers spoke with a french accent, so when i played with my barbie, i always portrayed ken speaking with a french accent ahaha all this happened because my mom is portuguese and my father is french

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I used believe the word "monstrosities" was pronounced "monstro-rites"

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I thought the word "current" only applied to electricity. One day when I was maybe 6 or 7, I went on a nature hike, and the guide started talking about the current of a stream that was flowing through the park. I concluded that the stream must have had electric eels in it.

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When they had us sing "America the Beautiful" in school, I thought the words were,
"In the Donzer Lee-light."
Instead of "In the dawns early light"

I discovered that I was wrong when I read one of the Ramona books by Beverley Cleary, in which Ramona makes the same mistake.

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I used to believed that "approximately" actually means "important".

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My cousin used to believe that her dad and uncle (the two closest men in her life) sat at the kitchen table one day and decided on the names of everything in the English language.

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The first time I heard the word "magpie" was in very casual conversation so I wasn't exactly sure what was said. I saw some while in the car with my dad and while pointing them out made the best guess I could at their name. I said "Look at those mudpies." My dad couldn't stop laughing and teased me about it for years even though I was highly embarrassed!

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Because of my sister, I've always been keen on different disabilities that people have. One day at the store we ran into a friend of my mom's who was using a wheelchair. I asked my mom later what she had and I swear she said "voo-kee-oo cremalaptis." It was about a decade later that I realized she had said MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.

Bad Listener
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I thought it was "all of THE sudden" instead of "all of A sudden." I was like past high school when I found out and I still cannot stop saying it my way! I can't even write it--I use "suddenly" instead!

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When I was little I thought This Old Man was "Dissell Man" and the only "man" I could think of was a snowman. When the song says "This Old Man came rolling home" I pictured a snowman, completely adorned, on its side rolling up to my back door.

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I used to believe that "according" meant playing the accordion, since it sounded like accordion.

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I used to be in a class with a girl whose last name was Lurdet. I kept mishearing it as Lordette and thought that a lordette was the female version of a lord.

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I used to believe that when my mother was going to run errands, that she was actually going to the retailer called "Aaron's". I was confused when we never went there!

Run some Aaron's
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I used to think that a Prima Donna was a "Pre-Madonna" and when someone was called "Pre-Madonna" it meant they were like a young Madonna.

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I've always misunderstood the phrase "you can never have too many friends."

I took it to mean that "having too many friends is bad, therefore it should never happen."

I was wondering why it would be a bad thing to have too many friends, and suddenly it hit me that I was misinterpreting it!

the cool anon
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