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I always loved the stories about "Winnie the Poo" when i was younger, though i didnt quite understand why he had such a nasty name.

Morten Vestergaard
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When I first heard the alphabet, I thought it went a b c d e f g h i j k elameno p, q r s etc. I thought elameno was one long letter. I imagined it would look kind of like an 8 on its side... Don't ask

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I used to believe that I had created the word "lesbian" when I was in the 4th grade. I had never heard the word before and used it in naming a landform (i.e. Lesbian Lake) for a social studies assignment involving naming your own country and creating mountain ranges, bodies of water, and cities within the country. I had thought of the word "Lebanese" and turned the letters around because "lesbian" sounded like something important and creative...only my teacher did not see it that way, and made a big deal out of it (since she was not a nice teacher anyway). In front of the entire class, she made me look up the word, and (no kidding) in my dictionary, it said "homo". I was laughed at for days. Gotta love paranoid people in the 1980's.

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When I first learned the alphabet, I came to the conclusion that some letters were composed of several letters; like B ("Bee"), C ("Cee"), D ("Dee"), F ("Eff"), etc. I ended up thoroughly confusing my mom.

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I use to think that the abc's went like this: abcdefghijk im a little p qrst..etc

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When I was learning the alphabet, i got mixed up in the middle and went; Lema nema pee... insead of L M N O P

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So some people assign genders to numbers... I assigned genders to my name (and family member roles)
C was the mom, I remember.. I was the baby... E was the nurse.. R and R must have been the kids.. etc

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When i was first learning my alphabet, i thought that "l, m, n, o, p" was "elemental p". i always wondered what "elemental" meant and why it was used to describe the letter p.

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I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT THIS!!! I used to believe that l-m-n-o was one letter also. I laughed when I saw that some people thought l-m-n-o-p was a letter! (with the p). What a weird thing!! It's that "darn" song we all learn. The "ABC" song needs to be re-written to clarify those letters!! HaHa!

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I remeber believing that all letters could be "spelt" - if it made a sound, it could be spelt into a comeplete word - like "W" would be "double-yew" So I asked my mom how to spell "k". she replied "K". I got angry with her and said "No, how do you SPELL it?" She said, again "K" this argument went on for quite a while. ^_^

Miss Kangaroo
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When I was about 7 or 8, we had to look up lists of words for homework. One of my words was 'infiltrate' and the definition I found was 'To enter secretly with an unfriendly purpose.' Somehow I misread it as 'To enter secretly with an unfriendly porpoise' and I wondered why somebody had made a word for that, as it couldn't be that common.

unfriendly porpoise
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When I was young I believed that the word hypnotize, was actually spelt Hitlertize because I had only ever seen Nazis in my war comics trying to hypnotize people

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I think it was year 1996 ... a mate told me that button [SMS] in some homepages means a link to (S)ado(M)asochist (S)hop ...

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i used to think there were two n's in the alphabet. the normal one plus one in between y and z because when you say y and z it sounds like y n z

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I used to think 'elleminopee' was a letter of the alphabet. It came right after K and before Q.

(Think about it.)

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My ex-husband and I share custody of our 11-year-old daughter, but the relationship is a difficult one. This past summer, my ex tried to stop me taking my daughter to visit her grandaprents abroad. I decided to be honest with my daughter and told her that her father was trying to stop the trip, but that I would try to talk him into it.

Later that week, I found some crumpled up pieces of paper in my daughter's room. Over and over she had written, "I hate my dad. He's a tourist." Flummoxed, I tried to work out what on earth she was talking about. Until it dawned on me: she meant 'terrorist'. I laughed so hard I fell over.

(Mind you, she wasn't far off the truth!)

Oh Lordy
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My sister was learning the alphabet, which was pretty funny in itself, she'd go "A G K R Y V W, S T..." and then, somewhere in the middle of the mess, she'd scream "Elmo!" (lmno) It was SO funny!!!

Noah Wong
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I used to think that Popeyes was spelt Pope Yes and I never understood that Pop Eyes and Pope Yes were the same restaurant and I was like "Can we go to Pope Yes?"

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i had jsut moved to union ..and it was my first week ...and i asked the gurl next to me how to spell ok ...and i got really fusturated cuz all she said was ok ....later i found out after she wrote it down that its spelled ok ..

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I used to think that cursive writing was just a big scribble. I would draw a bunch of squiggles and lines and show it to my grandmother saying, "what's this say grandma?" She would pretend that cetain squiggles meant certain things.
I felt really smart!

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