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I used to believe that the letter P, in the alphabet song, was very special, because when you sung the song it sounded like you were supposed to say: ...H,I,J,K,"elemeno" P...(say it out loud). I thought the word "elemeno" meant something very special about the letter P. I later realized that I had been stringing the letters L,M,N and O into one sound...it's funny, cause it never occurred to me that those letters were not in my alphabet song, even though I knew they existed.

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when i was about ten, my parents bought tickets to see the musical version of 'les miserables.' i was so upset that they weren't bringing me, that i wrote my mom a very angry note and pinned it on her bedroom door. she saw the note, and started laughing, which incensed me even more. when she showed me the note and why she was laughing, i understood, but became even more enraged. in my blind fury, instead of writing 'i HATE you' i had written 'i HAT you'. how's that for being a mean kid?

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I used to think "D" was an optional letter of the alphabet, because once my kindergarten techer once skipped it while singing the alphabet.

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When I was little I thought that you said minnow in the alphabet. You know m, n, o...

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My sister (when she was in Kindergarten)used to sing the alphabet song with her class, except they'd start "Oh! A,B,C,...)and for the whole year she thought O was the first letter of the alphabet. She even argued with our mom about it!

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I used to think facade was spelled f-a-s-o-d.

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I used to think that Sioux Indians were pronounced "Syox" it wasn't until I was around 18 that I realised the pronunciation is "Soo". I'm Australian so what would I know!

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When I was little and had been taught the Alphabet Song, but before I could read I thought that LMNOP (el-lem-en-opie) was one letter because of the way they're run together in the song. I still think of them that way when I'm trying to remember letter order. I'm 38.

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I remember singing the alphabet and being confused that the letter "S" was in there twice; "q-r-s-t-u-v, w-s-y and z...

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I always used to spell 'They' 'Thay'. When I was in year one, my teacher was marking my book and told me the correct way of spelling 'They'. I was very upset (I almost cried!) and argued my case like hell, and I was certain I would win, but I didn't. It shoud be spelt phonetically in my opinion. But you just wait. I'll get my revenge on teachers in Britain.....MUWAH HA HA HA HA

Anna H
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I used to believe that the word "strawberry" was actually spelt "BBBB". Why? Because my sister used to pronounce it "Forby".

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When I was seven we were in class and were asked to do a book review. I went up to the teacher - a nun - and asked her how to spell "so shitty". She asked me to repeat what I wanted which I duly did to her horror and she told me to sit down. I then went back to her and told her the rest of the title of the book which was Secret Seven. The word was society - as in Secret Seven Society by Enid Blyton - but I had never heard the word society pronounced, I had only read it!

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For years my friend John and I would hang out in back of the library under a sign "NO LOITERING".
One day, (we were 17) I threw down a candy wrapper. John said "Hey- don't break the rules. There's no loitering here".
I said "What do you think that sign means?"
"No Littering."
"Well, why do you think it is spelled that way?"
"I don't know- I thought it was a fancy way of saying "No Littering".

Tom S.
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I beleived up until I was about 15 that there were two words for forehead: forehead and forrid. I blame this on living in Essex.

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My letter E always had far too many lines in it. I used to think that the E was actually a ladder, and I needed more "rungs" to help people climb it.

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When I was at school I learned the alphabet as Aay Bee Cee Dee etc, my cousin [a year younger] was taught the phonetic alphabet Ah Buh Cuh Duh etc she asked me if I could say the alphabet so I started saying A B c, but she stopped me because she didn't know the capital letters [i.e uppercase] alphabet ...
Speaking of which I heard a kid in a shop asking his mother what "re-dock-ed" meant, he pointed to the signs sayign "reduced" and spelled it out using the phonetic alphabet, and indeed it did say re-dock-ed when spelled phonetically ...

Lobelia Overhill
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When my son was learning to sing the alphabets it always came this way. i,j,k,elephantpee, q,r,s........

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When I was two and learning the alphabet I always wondered why there was only one of every letter exept "n", which was in there twice.
...W, X, Y, N, Z.

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when i was a baby,my mom read me a story with a happy elephant and after that i thought "happy"was how you said elephant

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I used to believe the phrase 'whet your appetite' was 'wet your appetite' and that a 'pep talk' was a 'pet talk'

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