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I learned in 3rd grade that (missus) was spelled Mrs. I went home and bet my older brother a "million dollars" that mississippi started with Mrs. I lost and he never let me forget that!

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one time in school, aged about seven, i was looking at the 11 year old kids' work on the wall. i always had a knack for spelling and i was disgusted to spot spelling errors in the work on the wall. i thought children of that age should really be able to spell perfectly, they'd had long enough to learn...

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When we were learning the alphabet at school the teacher used to make us sing the alphabet song, where the letters "L,M,N,O,P" are all sung quickly together. For some reason I thought that we were singing "elemental P!" What's most odd is that i knew the word "elemental" before I understood the alphabet!

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I used to believe that if I had spelled a word incorrectly that it wasn't me who was wrong but that someone had changed the spelling for that word. A particular one that sticks in my mind is an argument I had with my mum about how "from" used to be spelt "form" and how could I possibly be expected to get it right if they keep changing it.

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I used to think that when you wrote in cursive you didn't just join letters in a word together - I thought you could join all the words together too. I refused to believe my mother when she corrected me on that.

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I used to think that the end of the alphabet song ('Next time, won't you sing with me') was 'Next time, won't you sing with cheese.'

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I used to be convinced that N came up twice in the alphabet. L N N O P... You get the picture

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wen i was younger and just grasping the whole reading concept and id been taugh if u didnt know a word to say it how it was spelt, when reading a menu i became baffled by the word meringue and for ages pronounced it mirengoo coz my mum didnt have the heart to tell me i read it wrong!!!!!

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I was a horrible speller during elementary school (still am). I remember being very upset with my mother because she didn't convey to me that the word "together" was spelled To-Get-Her.
After I learned that it was spelled that way I thought it meant that.

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I used to mix up the words orgasm and organism.So once , on vacation I felt like writing some sort of a horrortale.I started this story with "I went deeper into the woods , and all of a sudden an orgasm appeared from behind a tree...".I didn't realise why my mother started laughing all at once...: )

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I learned how to read before I learned what the letters were called, so when I went to school and they taught us that alphabet song I asked how to spell the letters.

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I used to believe the word rapide didn't mean fast but a median speed, I made this connection because the national express buses which travelled at or below 70 mph used to have this word emblazened on their sides, whereas the trains that travelled at 125 mph had the words intercity.

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My mother, who dropped out of school at 16 and who isn't terribly bright was helping me memorize my 'vowels' when I as a kid. She told me there was a rhyme to help me. I just needed to remember that the vowels were "A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y and W." I learned them that way, then repeated that in class one day and got laughed at by everyone.

Denise, the perpetually embarrassed
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I used to not be able to pronouce the "-rette" in ciggerette so I said ciggasette, to to this day I can't spell ciggarette

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I used to think that cursive writing was something terribly complicated; a secret language that adults used so kids could not read their secrets.

Dial Zero
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When I was littel I thought the alphabet went A...B...C...D...E...F...G...H...I...J...K-mart!

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When I was starting school, one of my first 'tough' spelling words was 'selfish'. As I was studying in the living room, I looked up at my Dad and asked him what kind of fish a 'selfish' was...

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I used to believe that it didn't matter how many horizontal lines there are in a capital "E", as long as they are evenly spaced. All my "E";s looked like combs.

Kate Joly
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when i was younger i believed that the english language was invented by a group of four or so biblical looking characters who sat around in a cave taking it in turns to invent words for things.

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As a six-year old I moved to Hong Kong and thought that maybe if i stretched my eyes to make them "slitty" then I would be able to read Chinese.

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