i used to believe

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I used to believe there were two "N"'s in the alphabet. As in... L, M, N, O, P..... and X, Y, N, Z.

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When I was in second grade I was just learning how to spell and my Mom would pick my sister and I up from school and then she would pick my brother and is friend up and I used to play with his fingers because they were so long and I thought they were so much fun. Well one day he was going to be moving away and my mom thought it would be a good idea to write him a note for him to remember me by and so I did. It read Dear Nathan's Friend,
I really wish you do not have to go but you do. So I write you letter saying that I just wanted to let you know that I liked palying with your feggers in mom's van on the way to your house after skool. please do not forget me.
Love lot,
so n so
and for the longest time I thought that is how you spelled "Fingers". Until my twin sister told me that was not how to spell it. to this day i still get teh line palyed with your feggers.

totally clueless
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Before i could write i thought that writing was just scribbles that i diddn't know how to read yet. I would draw pages and pages of squiggly lines and give it to mum and ask her to read out to me what i had written. She gave up trying to explain and humoured me.

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I used to think that L M N O P was part of the alphabet song only and they were not letters but "enomenopee" and that was part of the lyrics to make it ryme with Q R S T U V

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When I was little I thought that I had forgotten a letter of the alphabet somewhere between G and L and that unless I could remember what it was no one would be able to spell anymore.

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Because I learned to play the piano at such an early age, I thought the alphabet only included the music alphabet, 'ABCDEFG'.
Needless to say, kindergarten was quite alarming.

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I used to think that the alphabet was one big word and that it was pronounced as one huge word. I thought that it was one of the most famous words and that someone wrote a song about it because it was so great

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When I first learned the alphabet song, I didn't realize "l, m, n, o, p" were letters, I thought it was "elemenopee" - a decoration in the middle of the song.

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I thought chore was spell like "choir"

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I was raised in Florida, but my mom is from new england and they always drop "R's" and add them in different places when speaking. Like car is pronounced just "ca". Well, until I was 9 or so I thought that "idea" was actually "idear" with an "R" on the end. When my friend pointed out the truth I was so embarassed. My teachers must have thought I was a complete idiot. It was totally my mothers fault.

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When reciting my ABC's i could never figure out which letter was "elemental pee." C'mon now, you sing LMNOP quickly and see what you come up with!

Ian Spragg
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For the longest time, I thought the word "thorough" was just poeple spelling "through" incorrectly. I don't even know when I finally figured it out.

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I used to belive the alphabet had the letter N twice and never understood why? One I was asked to write out the alphabet...L M N O...X Y N Z...you know X Y AND("n") Z. The teachers laughe, but I thought they were all stupid and ingnorant for not speaking properly.

Mike Rushton
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I used to read the sign outside of convenient stores or gas stations that said "no loitering." I didn't know what loitering meant and would always laugh to myself because I thought that the people who made the sign spelled littering wrong.

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When i was at school I just couldn't figure out why the letter "X" was mostly absent from words and if he did appear he was always at the end like in fox. I figured he was always late but so wanted to be first and cried when "F" and "O" beat him too it AGAIN. As a grown up I know that "X" has had more success than that since he often makes second place but so frustrated with never being first he has often struck off on his own and set up his own scheme of complementing words like ray, files and factor oh he is big and fireworky on the X factor but my generation (generation X) have tried but failed to put him in his proper place. Oh you are such a maverick; letter X!

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since at least 1998, when i started playing starcraft, i would spell notice with a k...
knotice that?
well one day not too long ago my girlfriend pointed that out to me... and i was like nuh uh... no way...
well, my mom bein a scrabble freak and all, i just reached over and looked it up, and sure enough, i noticed that i had been spelling it wrong for over 6 years...
and to think... i graduated highschool last year and have just about finished a year of college

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When I was small, my friend Melissa wrote her name in all capital letters, letting the center line of the A extend past the sides, making it look somewhat like a star missing the bottom two lines. She told me that only certain people could write their names like this, as it affected pronunciation, and I was devastated. For months I came home crying from daycare because I couldn't cross my A's like she had, and afterward, insisted being called 'Diamond' so that I could write my name with the amazing A's.

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When I was between 3 and 4 and learing to write the letters of the alphabet and my name, I thought the letter E could be drawn with an infinite amount of horizontal lines.

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W was called wubble-doo

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Thought the whole alphabet was: A B C D E F G apple-juice X Y and Z

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