i used to believe

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My cousin used to think that "body" was a swear word.

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I used to think "fummy" was a bad word. No clue why.

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I once was playing a computer game (Monkey Island 2) that displayed text whenever a character said something. At one point in the game, the character said "Do you know how many times a DAY I have to hear about the d*** stump joke?"

One of my sister's friends then said "Oh! he just said the 'D' word!"

Seeing as it was in all caps, I assumed "day" was the D word that had been said.

For weeks later, I thought "day" was a curse

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I thought that since putting up the middle finger meant "Fuck you" I thought that the other fingers meant other swears...

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When I was in preschool, we were taught that "stupid" and "shut up" were the absolute worst things anyone could possibly say. Worse than any swear words. I, being an antisocial little brat, often found a need to use "stupid" in particular. It got me in trouble until I switched to saying, "You are so stu...bborn." I figured I'd just made up the word "stubborn" (which I technically did, because I'd never heard anyone else say it), and thought no one else knew what it meant.

I completely freaked out when I saw a book with the exact title "You are so stubborn" in a store.

Still a Stubborn Brat
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when i was in third grade i was writing my homework in my agenda and instead of writing work sheet, i wrote work sh**! when my mom was looking at my paper she said honey, did u write this! I started laughing and saying oops, work s***! i said it like 5 times! My mom said it was a very bad word and not to use it! lol

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I used to believe that if you spelled the curse word it didn't count. But only because my mom did it first. ^_-

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One time when I was little, my middle finger hurt. I told my mom, "My Finger hurts!" She took my index finger in her hand and said, "Is it this one?" I said "No! Its this one!" I then flipped her off, but I didn't know that it was bad. She said, "You're not supposed to do that! Bad girls do that!" I then ran off sobbing because I thought I had committed the biggest sin in the entire world!

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When I was two years old, I was having ice cream with my family at some reunion or something. Everyone noticed that I'd stopped eating the ice cream and had been sitting-- for a good 5 minutes-- scowling into my bowl.

"Kelly, what's wrong?" my mom asked.

"Well," I said, "This bug in my ice cream is fucking with me."

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When I was maybe five or so, I overheard my dad saying, "Son of a bitch." I didn't know what it meant, so I asked him, "Dad, what does 'son of a bitch' mean?" He answered, "Don't you ever say that again." I didn't realize that he hadn't answered my question, just forbid me to use the phrase, so when my older brother told me later in the day that he was going to take my portion of that night's desert I yelled at him, "SON OF A BITCH!"

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When I was in seventh grade, I heard the word "decapitated" for the first time. I didn't know what it meant, but I thought it sounded cool, so I went around using it. I had a really mean gym teacher, and she did something that really made me mad. I blurted out that she was decapitated because I thought it was something you could say instead of cussing. I found out the hard way what it meant when she put me in detention and dragged me to the guidance counselor like I was some kind of terrorist.

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When the movie, American Pie, first surfaced, I was about 11 or 12. I had heard them used the term "fudgepacker" in the movie and started using it all the time thinking it had something to do with a guy who works with chocolate. I had ended up in detention for using that word in school and no one would explain to me what it meant. I'm well aware now it is a slur against a gay man. Hahaha.

i am awesome.
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I used to think that genuflect was a bad word. I mean, come on! What does that sound like to you?

We weren't a very religious family...

I also used to think harass was a bad word, because of sexual harassment.

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i saw one of the national lampoon's family vacation movies when i was like 5 and chevy chase told someone to "kiss my ass" and i was confused as to why he would want someone to do that.

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My brother used to think that "crap" was a swear word. Well one day I said it to him (in one of our MANY fights) and he told me back that he would tell on me for sayingit, that I was going to get into so much trouble. I told him it wasn't a swear word and he insisted that it was. After awhile I got annoyed and yelled out to my Dad "IS CRAP A SWEAR WORD??" After my Dad finished laughing, he informed us that it wasn't but still not a nice thing to say. I turn stuck out my tongue to my brother and said "So there!"

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I used to believe that when my dad yelled "Jesus!" at other cars when he drove me places, he was really saying "Cheeses!" So I started yelling that when I was upset. One day, my parents took me aside and told me not to say it anymore because some people found it offensive. I always wondered what they had against cheese.

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when i was in about 2nd grade a girl said to my friend F**k you. and i wispered to my friend "what did they say?, duck you?" i was totally unaware of what it meant. so my friend informed me that it was a bad word.

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once at preschool, me and some other kids stuck up our middle fingers, having no clue what it meant, and my mom who worked at the day care told me and my friend tabitha that if we stuck up our middle finger, we'd get struck by lightning. since lightning is usually accompanied by dark clouds and rain, and since there was none i thought it'd be ok just this one time, so the 2 of us kept doing it...and then there was this teengage boy who worked there and said, "she just stuck up her middle finger. she's gonna get struck by lightning!" i didn't learn until i was in grade school what it actually meant.

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top belief!

When I was little, my grandparents used to read the Bible to me. There are a few times that it uses the A word. I got upset because I thought the Bible was cussing until my granny explained that it wasn't a bad word if you use it in context. A few days later, I was acting up, and my dad said he was going to bust my a... I flipped out and said, "Ooooom, you said a bad word. You didn't say it in context." Without missing a beat, Dad goes, "Well would it be in context if I said I'm gonna bust your donkey?" I laughed my head off.

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When my sister was 5 and I was 7, her, me, and my mum were trying to train my dog. I told her to "sit", but the dog didn't move.

My sister then said "You have to talk in a baby voice" so she went up to the dog and started saying saying "shit" because she thought it was sit in a bad voice. My mum started laughing, but then said "That is a naughty word, don't ever say it."

I knew what my sister meant, so when I started school that year and the teacher said "Sit down" I thought I was going to cry.

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