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easter bunny

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Did anyone ever see Bill and Teds bogus journey? Well, I was afraid of the easter bunny ever since I saw that film cos Ted goes to his personal hell kinda thing and it steals his egg and it just looked pretty evil and scary!

Bunny Killaz!
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When I was little I could never eat my chocolate Easter bunnies because I didn't want to hurt them, so my mum told me that after I ate them they would grow back together in my tummy, so now, to this day, I can happily eat a chocolate bunny!!

Jude Horrocks
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For a large proportion of my life I believed that the easter bunny was 8 feet tall, wore blue overalls, a yellow teeshirt and huge red sneakers that would squash me if i got out of bed. Many an easter I swore he was watching me through my window and would spend all of easter eve terrified.... until the chocolate was there in the morning. Isn't it funny how sugar can fix even the scariest moments!!

S. Sharp
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My parents thought it would be cute to make my brother and me think that there was an Easter PIG instead of an Easter Bunny (no kidding). We always new that the Easter Pig would come to our house (kind of like Santa Clause) and leave gifts in the night instead of the bunny. I caught a lot of grief from fellow students and teachers over this, but I stood my ground. We thought we were very special in that we were the ONLY house that the Easter Pig visited. To this day (I'm 33 and my brother is 35) my parents still call us to say that the Easter Pig came by and left us presents at their house! Too funny. (I'm sure my kids, when I have them, will grow up with the Easter Pig also)

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One Easter years ago, my parents left a small amount of cotton stuck in the doorway to our house. They then told my sister and I that the Easter Bunny must have gotten his tail caught in the door as he was leaving our house and lost some fur. My mind was blown: Not only did the Easter Bunny Exist, but I had concrete proof!

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When I was little I never got traditional Easter baskets from my parents. I told my friend that there was no such thing as the Easter Bunny because of this -- and she told me that I was wrong, and that he'd probably just hidden my Easter basket. I checked in my closet and under my bed and never found an Easter basket... but for some reason I still believed her, and always imagined these elusive piles of Easter baskets hidden somewhere in my house.

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I had a dream as a kid in which my mother, dressed in a bunny costume, delivered easter eggs. At the time, though, I didn't think it was a dream.

It stopped me believing in the easter bunny, and I talked my sister out of it too, but it took a number of years before I realised that there was no way my mother would be dressed like that.

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One easter holiday my family was staying in a caravan park. My sister claimed she had seen the easter bunny outside, very early in the morning. She swore it was true - there were the eggs to prove it!

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When I was young, Easter was a wonderful holiday at our home, with church and wonderful Easter baskets at home. When I was told at perhaps eight or so that there was no Easter Bunny, I was absolutely devastated.
It was much worse than losing Santa!

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My older sister once told me one year while she was sick sleeping in the livingroom, the easter bunny came to our house. He was drving around in a small car with our baskets in the back of it. He even fixed my little sister's broken basket.

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When I was six, my parents decided it was time to tell me the truth about The Easter Bunny.They said my father was the Easter Bunny, and I took it literally.
I went around for almost a week asking how he could get around the whole world in one night.

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I convinced my little brother that the Easter Bunny had to help Santa on Christmas Eve since there were so many houses to go to in only one night, and told him to leave out carrots too just in case. Which he always did.

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I'm Maltese and on special occations, eg christmas, easter, birthdays etc we would go to my nan's house for lunch which was usually rabbit for the main meal. Because we were little, the grown up's used to tell us it was chicken not too scare us. One easter a relative had passed away so out of respect we were'nt aloud any easter eggs or chocolates. Becuase we were children, myself and my cousines couldn't really understand why we didn't get any chocolates that year. That was untill we were informed by one of our elder couines that the easter bunny didn't come that year because we were all going to eat him and his "helpers" for lunch and that they were defrosting in the kitchen sink. Sure enough their was the easter bunny and his "helpers" defrosting in the sink. I wouldn't believe my mum for about 4 years afterwards that my cousine was only teasing us and that the easter bunny wasn't really defrosting in the sink.

Alexia, Australia
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About the time me and my 2 sisters quit believing in Santa and Easter Bunny I had a dream that this pink Easter Bunny came in the back door of our trailer and I saw him put out the baskets. I really believed I saw him. I convinced my sisters I saw him. And later in my teen years, when I knew better, I still kinda believed that I had seen the Easter Bunny! :)

Pam H
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My mother and father had me believing in the Easter Bunny untill I was around 10. I began to suspect one year that the easter bunny was not really-for-true, so I wrote a mean letter to the easter bunny's wife. A part of me was petrified while I did this, but I handed it in to my mother anyway. What it said was, that YES, I would like lots of chocolate but I really dont believe in you anyway, besides you always hide my basket in the bathtub but if you really are for real, dont get mad, and please tell your husband to bring candy anyway. When my Mother read this she held back from laughter, sat me down at the table and told me that I was right. Well, even though I had my suspicions, I was let down with the truth. Then my mother said that there will still be egg hunts and candy, not to worry. She also said 'Dont go writing a letter to Mrs. Claus like that because they are real and she will be pissed'

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I believed in the Easter bunny long after I learned that Santa and the tooth fairy were a lie. It was because one night before easter I saw a human-sized bunny outside my window with a basket full of candy. I now know that it must have been a dream, but it seemed real at the time. My mom even tried to tell me it wasn't real, but I thought she was tricking me.

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I handled finding out about Santa Claus pretty well. However, when I later found out about the Easter Bunny, I was completely devastated.

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The house we lived in when I was young didn't have a fireplace, thus, no chimeny for Santa Clause to come down. My parents thinking they were being reassuring told me they left the door open for him. This scared me a little. What really creeped me out though was the thought of some huge rabbit having acess to our house at Easter. I pictured the Easter Bunny as some deranged animal with huge buck teeth and was afraid each Easter-Eve to be alone in my bedroom. I was VERY relieved when my older sisters told me there was no such thing as Santa or the Easter Bunny.

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I still believe in the Easter Bunny. Mostly, because when I was a young child (probably around 5 or 6) I saw him running down the street throwing candy and plastic eggs on lawns.

I bolted out of the house screaming and couldn't catch him.

My mom didn't believe me for years, but then we both realized that yes, someone had dressed up as the easter bunny.

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My sister told everyone (when she was 6) that she has seen the shadow of the Easter Bunny on her bedroom wall and that it had waved at her. She then believed that she was its assistant.

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