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In kindergarten, after our teacher read us a story about fairies, she would tell us all to close our eyes so that the 'fairies' would come and scatter lots of glitter all over the room, and we could collect it afterwards. I thought the fairies really did come at first, but then I started to suspect that this wasn't true. This was confirmed when one day, I just pretended to close my eyes, and saw my teacher scattering the glitter. I didn't tell anyone, though, because I didn't want to ruin it for them.

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Two of my grandchildren were convinced by their mom (my daughter) that the Tooth Fairy does not work on Saturday, Sunday or any Stat or Civic holidays. These grandchildren believed this during all of their tooth falling out days.

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When I was 12, I was convinced that the November of that year, Peter Pan was going to come get me. (The note in the live-action Peter Pan movie said November 1904, and it would hae been November, 2004).

The 21st Century Wendy
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When I was little, I strongly believed that the Tooth Fairy used all the little teeth to make castles and stuff.

Yup. =]

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When I was in about secon grade, I lost a tooth. My aunt asked me, "did you see the tooth fairy?" I said yes and that she was this big and was wearing a purple dress and had light brown hair that she wore real cute. If I still believed, I think that she would have really looked like that.

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I found out that the tooth fairy wasnt real by leaving a note under my pillow with my tooth, asking what the tooth fairies name was. I woke up the next morning to find out that the tooth fairies name was "Annabella" and she had the exact same writing as my mum. However I still played along with it for another year or so.

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When I was little, I used to believe that Pater Pan was real and that one day he would come and get me and fly me away. So every morning I would get all dressed up and wait for him at my window sill.

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i used to think Peter Pan was real after watching the Disney movie. i actually wrote him a note, asking him to bring me to Neverland, and stuck it on my window. The next morning it was gone. I wondered if he took it? (:

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One night when I was in bed I pulled the covers over my head and saw little oranges sparks. This lead me to the conclusion that fairies lived in my bed. It wasn't till I was older that I worked out it was just the statick on my pj's when I rubbed my legs together

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My uncle led me to believe that in autumn, fairies would take shelter from rain by using fallen leaves. When it stopped raining they would leave money under the leaves as tokens of appreciation.

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When I was a little kid (im not sure what age) i thought I was an elf..... well it's becuase I have pointed ears, and it's really cool, but now i'm inn love with the Idea of bieng a vampire or half-dragon haha I guess im crazy!

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when i was little i didnt believe in the toothfairy ut my mum told me there was an evil goblin who would eat you if you didnt leave your teeth under the pillow when you lost one. i never got any money and i always wondered why my friends got money when they lost teeth

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i used to beleive in the tooth fairy but one day in the car my mom told me it was just her and i was like oh

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i used to believe that a army of gnomes came when you touched them.

john cena
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i believe in fairies.

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aged 4 or 5 my mum told me that fairies lived in the circles in the patterns of the curtains in my parents' bedroom so i used to hide under the bed and wait for them to come out and play.

they didn't.

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when i was little my cousin had me convinced that the tooth fairy was actually evil and was using my teeth for evil doings...none-the-less i still liked her but was somewhat afraid of her until my mom told me otherwise...i am now 15 and do not believe in the tooth fairy or that she was evil

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my mum says the bottle fairy would come and take my bottle and dummy away when i was big and leave me with a gift

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When my friend and I were in 3rd grade we believed in leprchauns, and started our own leprechaun club, We made leprechaun stew and left it in a hole until the next recess, and it had magically disappeared! We even looked in the grass and "found" the letters T, Y, K, and M: T being thank, Y being you, K being the first letter of my name, and M being the first letter of my friends name. The best part is that we got the whole school looking for leprechauns. We still laugh to this day.

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I used to believe that fairies are real (who didn't believe that when they were young? :D ) My sister and I would make fairy houses in our garden and hope that some fairies would move in.

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