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Once when I was little I thought I would make a present to give back to the tooth fairy to thank her for all the money she gave me. I made a little backpack out of leaves and sellotape so that she could carry the teeth she collected in it, then wrapped it up and put it beside my bed.

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When I was little, i used to believe that the tooth fairy had little bity colorful helpers that only came around while I was asleep. One night, when i lost a tooth, i decided to sleep on the couch so that i didnt miss a thing. I ended up falling asleep and having a dream about the little fairy helpers, so when i awoke in the morning, i was fully convinced that i had wittnessed them. of course now i know it was only a dream.

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I believed like many other children that the toothfairy came and collected my teeth when I lost them, but what I also believed was that if I let the teeth lay on the bathroomfloor for a long time I got more money.

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once when i lost a tooth when i was little, i decided that I wanted to keep it instead of getting some money. i thought about how teeth were so important, and thats why i wanted to keep the tooth. anyway, i went to my mom and she helped me write a letter to the tooth fairy. i wrote it in my best handwriting too.

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i remember once my 4 year old brother lost a tooth, my mum told him to put his tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. He said to my mum 'oh mum make sure you let the tooth fairy know i want paper money' When he woke up the next morning with $5 i realised that you had to request the amount you wanted from the tooth fairy. I felt so stupid because i was probably half way through my baby teeth and had missed out on all this potential cash!

Sarah. F
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I used to go around tapping on tree trunks when I was little because I believed that if I could just find the right one, I would knock on the door that led to fairyland. It amused my parents, but they never took away my belief. It faded away on its own.

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When I was a kid, I believed the tooth fairy was a cheap bastard!! All of my friends got 5 dollars, and I only got a quarter!!!

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when i was 5-6 i lost a tooth and i had a fairy doll and my mom told me she was the tooth fairy and comes alive and takes ur tooth at night sure enough she was right there was a dollor right by my doll in the morning for years i thought my doll would come alive at night looking for teeth and was the actual tooth fairy

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I believed that fireflies were fairies. This belief became even more true for me after watching Ferngully, where all the fairies when they flew, left behind a colored glow. On top of that I never say a firefly up close so I never knew it was a bug until many years afterwards. So I stuck to my story for a good few years!

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When I was little, I used to believe that the homes of doodle bugs, the little cone-shaped holes in the dirt in front of my house, were the Tooth Fairy's footprints. I thought she had little pointed feet.

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My best friend used to always tell me these weird stories, and I'd always believe them. For a long time we believed in the "SHOE FAIRY" - if you threw your shoe on the roof, the shoe fairy would come and bring it back down, so one day we tried it. The only thing that happened was we got in trouble for throwing our shoes on the roof.

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When I still believed in the tooth fairy, I REALLY believed in her/him. I always put a glass of water by the bed when I lost a tooth, because the tooth fairy would die the water. My water was always blue, except one time it was green. My mom said that my fairy must be sick and so a different fairy had to substitute. I later learned that it was her that was dying the water, and that she had ran out of blue dye.

I also once lost a tooth at my mom's work, and I wrapped it in a tissue. But by the end of the night I couldn't find it, and I went home and wrote a note to the fairy explaining why I didn't have my tooth, but that I DID lose one and she would just have to take my word for it. She gave me two half dollars for being so honest!

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My dad told me that the Snap Crackle and Pop elves hid behind the corner of my bowl when I was eating rice crispies. I kept moving the bowl around to catch them but then realized there were no corners. That's when I used a bowl with corners. Still no elves.

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When I was in fourth grade, one of my friends thought that fertilizer pelets were leprecon eggs, and they would grow into leprecons. We also believed that the spraypainted gold gravel the teachers put out on the playground really was leprecon gold, and we were always dissapointed when our St. Patrick's day leprecon traps never caught anything.

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I used to believe that the tooth fairy used teeeth as money, and I began to worry that if she got poor, she might steal all my teeth through the night.

Ness R
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I used to belive that fairies lived inside lavenders but they were so small you couldn't see them. And if a bee ever came near you they would give you 50pence under your pillow.

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When I was in secand grade, my sister told me that the fireflys were faeries. Of course, I belived her. One day I caught one, and showed my sister. She told me it would put a curse on me. I got so scared I slept in my closet.

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I used to believe there were little men with spoons inside nailpolish bottles stirring the nailpolish when you shake it. I couldn't wait until my mom got to the end of the bottle so I could try to let them out to play

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when i was a little girl my nan and grandad told me that when it was frosty fairies use to ice skate on the car roofs during the night and thats how the pretty patterns was formed

frosty fairies
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I used to think that there were magic fairies all around. and I would make fairie food for them so they would be happy with me. The food consisted of a large leaf, grass, flower pettals, and bird berrys all rolled up.

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