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I used to believe that there were more than one toothfairies. I believed that they all worked in a little factory and when they brought teeth back, they would run those baby teeth through a machine that made them grow or turn into big teeth and then the toothfairies would place those bigger teeth in your gums and the teeth would pop out later. Hmmm...

Tooth Factory???
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When i was smaller i had read a story where a fairy had played a trick on a young lady beacuse she had wished that she was like the flowers and in the end she died in the winter.Scared i ran to my mother who was talking on the phone and at that monment i heard my mom say,"Well i dont care Honey you might as well go to hell."i was crying for over an hour thinking my dad had been taken by fairies to hell.
(fairy tales screw kids up huh?)

Steph 15
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I used to believe that Peter Pan was real, so I used to sprinkle sugar (the closest thing to fairy dust) and jump off our cofee table, hoping to fly.

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i used to believe that if i went to bed too late i didn't get my quarter for my tooth. so, i always went to bed really early, kinda like kids do on Christmas eve, so i would get my money and go shopping.

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i always thought that there was a christmas fairy that lived with the easter bunny, tooth fairy and santa.

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when i was little i was so convinced there was a real toothfairy one night i didnt go to sleep until the toothfairy came, so of course i was up all night

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when i was 7-8, after watching a cartoon i began to believe that if we put our broken tooth under the pillow when we are sleeping at night, tooth fairy will take it and leave a sum of money at the place. so i did as i saw. the next day i found 2 ringgit under my pillow. i was excited and continue for several months. one night, i left a message that read fairy please draw your look. next day i found the picture of fairy's look. it looked like my sister's drawing and finally found the truth

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When I was little, I believed that fairies lives in lamps, and whenever you turned hem off, it meant the fairies were asleep. Obviously, the royal fairies lived in chandeliers, and poor fairies lived in street lights.

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When I lost my first baby tooth, my mother told me to put it under my pillow and the Tooth Fairy would leave me a suprise. I hurried to sleep with my tooth sitting snug under my pillow. I've always been a light sleeper, so I woke up when my mother replaced the tooth with a quarter. I faked I was still asleep, but I saw the truth. My mother WAS the tooth fairy!! For the longest time, when other kids would talk about the toothfairy, I would proudly declare that the person leaving money under their pillows was my mother.

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When I was little, I thought the tooth fairy was a personal friend of my mom since she was a dentist.

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when i was little i was scared of the tooth fairy, so i kept a metal baton by my bed just in case i saw her in the night.

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When I was younger, I had minor health problems that my family was unaware of until later. Because of these, I could alway see these funny things that happened from not enough oxygen getting to my brain. Well, I would always stand up in class and say, "There they are, get them!!" and try to catch these "fuzzy things." Of course, I was the only one who could see them and couldn't figure out why the teacher kept having conferences with my parents.

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When i was younger, my dad told me and my sis that tooth-fairies existed. they'd only come at night when you sleep. one night i left a tooth underneth my pillow and the fairy didn't come.(i didn't tell my dad that my tooth fell out) he told me it rained the previous night and the fairy's wings got too wet to fly

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I used to believe the colorful lights peaking in through the blinds were faeries. The red ones were evil, you couldn't let them see you. The green ones held candy within them and the rest just loved to play tag and giggle.

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The sand man was always a favourite where i grew up . The parent's talked to their children and explained to them that a fairy creature would come into their room at night and sprinkle fairy dust in their eyes to gently send them to sleep and when you wake up in the morning te sleep will still be in your eyes. However my vision was much different.A red haired troll ,with horrible skin and abnormal muscles dribbling on my pillow shovelling grit into my eyes . YUK !! . I made sure he wasn't sending me to sleep.

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I used to believe that if you were very quiet and snuck up on a mushroom and looked under it, you would find a fairy and she would give you a present if you didn't scare her away.

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i believed in the tooth fairy...until one day i woke up and the light was on and my dad's hand was under my pillow.

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I always knew that my mother was my tooth fairy, but for somw reason I was under the impressin that she was *everybody's* tooth fairy-- that she put on a tutu every night and went all over the world to every child who lost a tooth.

Jackie F
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Before bedtime,I put my lost tooth under my pillow with hopes that in the morning there would be money under my pillow from the "tooth fairy". I was also curious and I wanted to see what the "tooth fairy" looked like because how could I believe if she was real if I never saw her? So, that night, all night I kept my hand under my pillow where my tooth was. However, when I woke up in the morning to my surprise, I found nothing, my tooth was still there! I told my father, and he said, "Maybe she'll come soon." I was discuraged and I thought that I would never get to see the "tooth fairy". I took a bath and when I returned to my room there was money underneath my pillow. I then looked out my window hoping to catch a glimse of the fairy who left me the money. In the sky was a shining star, which seemed odd because it was bright and sunny outside. Then I knew, this wasn't any star, I had seen the "tooth fairy"!

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When I was little my mum and dad told us kids that the tooth fairy took our teeth from under our pillows to make false teeth for our grandad.

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