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My son used to think that the Tooth Fairy was a magic, flying ferry boat and when he was grown he told me he always wondered how it could get through his bedroom door because it was so huge.

Texas granny
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One of the last "magical" figures I beleived in was the Tooth Fairy, but as I got older i eventually started having more logical questions about the mysterious lady i imagined. So i decided since i didnt have very many teeth left to loose i should go ahead and start a correspondence with her to find some answers. So with my tooth, i left a letter asking all sorts of things; where she lived, how she got in the house, how she could afford to leave $20 a tooth with so many children in the world loosing teeth, etc etc. i was so excited to find her reply the next morning that i barley fell asleep. when i awoke i found she had indeed replied. all my questions were answered,and i was so excited. (i mean this was some good stuff for show and tell) After i calmned down i realized there was one problem.... she had the same exact hand writing as my father!! LOL

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On St. Patrick's day when I was in kindergarten my teacher told the class that it was the one day of the year that leprachauns could come to life. The rest of the year they were stone statues. So we all went out for recess to look for leprachauns. Our teacher would yell and point "There's one!" and "I just saw one run over there!" and we all went running where she pointed. When I hadn't seen one that day I was kind of mad that I'd have to wait a whole year before I could try again.

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I used to belive that Jack Frost was a real man! and that he came and painted frost on the windows at night.

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i used to believe that if my tooth came out the tooth fairy would come and kill me!!!

dangerous tooth fairy
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On the summer weekends, my mum and dad would take me and my little sister on walks in the woods. Dad used to tell us that the wood fairies left Opal Fruits on the stones on the bridge. So we would look on one side, but there werent any, so Dad told us to look on the other side, (while he put some on the first side) and so we would swap sides again and miraculously find Opal Fruits! We took ages, years to twig what was up.
There were never any sweets in winter, because the fairies were hibernating.
Then one summer there werent any sweets at all, and Dad told us the fairies had all moved to Florida and werent coming back.

KP Nuts
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That babies came from wishing to fairies (the same sort as tooth fairies)& grown ups who hadn't got any children hadn't wished hard enough.

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When I was young I used to believe that the tooth Fairies all lived under the holly tree in my garden and used my teeth for their furniture, but whenever I tried to see them under there they had just popped out. They were out alot suprisingly.

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When I was a kid we had this lovely china dinner set that was white with tiny black and gold flowers. I truly believed that this dinnerset had been made by the fairies out of childrens' teeth collected from under their pillows when asleep.

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I had a beautiful little pillow with a pocket on the front and a note to the tooth fairy that I loved, but it always ended up under my moms pillow becuase I was adamant the tooth fairy would crawl in my ear and pull my brains out instead of taking my tooth. i still get queasy at the thought of it today.

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you know how you stare at an object, let's say its blue, and then you look at a wall, maybe its an orange wall? and you can see the remnants of that blue object - because of the colour spectrum, optical trickiness? yeah well, i used to think that those optical illusions were fairies and they were naughty fairies because they would only show themselves to me - no-one else could see them. so everyone thought i was a little tweety in the head.

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When my brother was about 7 he lost a tooth, and was so proud of himself. He couldnt wait to go to bed that night, so he could get money in exchange for his donation. I was the only he told.... and I, being the meaner older sister that I am, I devised a plan. Once he went to bed, I quickly scribbled a note, and slipped it under his pillow, and went to bed myself. Because we shared the same room, I woke to find him sobbing like a big baby........"Whats wrong?" I asked. He sniffed, "The tooth-fairy wrote me a note, she said she didnt want my tooth because it was too yellow!! She didnt even leave me any money either!!"......
The crying only lasted for a few minutes, but it scarred him for life.
He has no chance of forgetting, because I tell just about everyone I know. Thats a sister's right of course!

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My grandad used to take me to the New Forest and tell me Fairies left money in the leaves on the ground and sure enough there was! To this day I don't know if it was all a big trick, although he was quite sly

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I used to believe the tooth fairy was real until I saw my mum creeping around in the bathroom one night. We left our tooth is a glass of water in the bathroom and the 'toothfairy' would leave us a silver coin.

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I used to believe that if I fell asleep at my grandmother's house, I would somehow be magically whisked away home to my own bed the next day. I thought the babysitting fairies took pity on me and sent me home while I slept:)

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i used 2 believe that fairy's lived at the bottom of my garden! then my sister got me a new teddy she said that get would come out and play with me and my new teddy! at the bottom of the garden!

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When i was about five i believed that when you stared at a bright light for a long time then looked away the coloured lights before your eyes were faires,i explained this to my sister my mum walked in one morning to find us jumping up and down on my bed trying to catch them.

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Whe I was a nipper my older sister, by seven years, used to tell me that sometimes the Tooth Fairy got drunk and took an eye by mistake.
Gave me nightmares for months.

Derek, Baildon, W.Yorks.
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When I was about six I was helping my mum change her bed and found what I realised much later was a sanitary towel (clean of course!). My mum (either from embarrassment or a twisted sense of humour) told me it was a magic carpet that the tooth fairy had flown in on the previous night, as i'd lost a tooth the day before). After pondering this for a few days I asked why she'd left her carpet and how she managed to fly out again. "Magic" was my mum's less imaginative reply! For years I believed that this was true, and only realised what I'd found when I was a teenager.

Lee U
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the tooth fairy. my mum used to tell me that the tooth fairy would go around collecting teeth from children to build a big "tooth castle" in the sky for all the faries to live in. and the reason you got more money for a big tooth was their was of saying "thank you" for helping them to build and finish their castle quicker.

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