i used to believe

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The babysitter used to take us out for "fairy hunts" in the woods behind the house. After two hunts without seeing any fairies, I stayed in the house, believing I was a jinx and the fairies wouldn't come out if I was there. Sure enough, next time I stayed behind, and they came back grinning, with fantastic stories about the fairies I had missed that day. Dang! ;-)

h.a. Seattle, WA
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When mushrooms appeared in our garden my sister and I wanted to pick them but Dad said we mustn't because that's where the fairies lived and they'd be homeless and our family wouldn't benefit from their good magic.
'How is it we never see them?' we asked.
Dad said 'fairies only come out to dance and play and do their good magic late at night when children are fast asleep.
I remember being very dissapointed and sometimes trying to secretly stay awake looking out the window down to the garden - but I was always too tired to stay awake very long, so never saw any fairies.
I loved the mushrooms, and our magic garden. I felt great that we were able to provide so much housing for the fairies.

Alice - UK
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My friend and I rubbed "fairie potion" on our backs and then thought that our shoulder blades were the buds of wings...we soon realized that wasn't the case.

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I truly believed in the Tooth Fairy as a child. When I would lose a tooth, I would write a heartfelt plea on paper begging the Tooth Fairy to spend the night. I would write this letter and put it in one of those plastic medicine bottles and put it under my pillow. I wanted to see what she looked like when I woke up. She never spent the night --I guess she was just too busy!

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When my god-daughter learned that the tooth fairy left money in exchange for teeth, she mysteriously lost seven in a two week period. None of them were loose!

One from my son...

When my 10 year old son lost a tooth a couple of days ago, I scrawled the usual flowery, loopy-lettered note on an envelope from the tooth fairy scattered with tiny, intricate footprints and glitter with a crisp dollar bill tucked inside. The next morning he sat me down for a serious 'boy-to-mom' talk. He told me not to get upset, but there was no such thing as the tooth fairy, santa claus, the easter bunny, ect. and that his grandmother (my mother) had told him two years ago. He had decided to wait till I was thirty to tell me because then I would be old enough to handle 'the truth'. LOL! I played it up and acted shocked and he spent the rest of the day randomly rubbing my back and telling me everything would be okay because we wouldn't tell his father or baby sister. What a sweet little boy!

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When I was a little girl, my dad would always tell me to leave a little bit of food on my plate at dinner for Miss Manners. I thought that Miss Manners was a tiny lady like the tooth fairy who came by after dinner to eat our leftovers.

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My wonderful Mother taught me to believe...she is amazing! On car trips we would imagine their homes in the gardens we would pass. There was always a fairy peeking at me from behind trees. I used to run around and around trees trying to catch them...now my own daughter gets secret letters and presents. Always believe!

Apple Blossom and Etta
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i believed that the tooth fairy was real until i found a drawer full of teeth next to my mom's bed. talk about tramatizing!

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When I was about 7 or 8 I used to believe that Peter Pan and Tinkerbell were real! I'd stay up countless hours during the night, staring out my window, hoping to catch a glimps of them. I had my favorite racoon stuffed animal and happy thought ready for take off!

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My best friend, Tana, to this day swears on her life that the fae folk stole things of hers...sometimes merely hiding them underneath her bed.
I say "why not?"

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When I was about 12 I was told the facts about Father Christmas...even though I should have realised from that moment on that most things like Santa, Monsters etc wasn't real...I still asked if the tooth Fairy existed...broke my heart ;)

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I used to believe that at night when I was asleep all my furniture including my bed was replaced with identical copies by the fairies. I started putting a cross in pen on my bed to fool them. They obviously sussed it though because they always copied that too.

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When I was young and beleived in the tooth fairy my mom and dad would put chnge under my pillow in exchange for one of my teeth, so when someone told me that the tooth fairy would take any tooth I went and found the teeth from a dead animal in the field. But I did'nt get any change that time!

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My mom had one of the most amazing imaginations I have ever been exposed to. As a child she believed that she was sent to the humans by the flower fairies as a gift. Every afternoon she would run out into her garden and shout out 'I'm alright ! The humans are treating me well' so that the fairies wouldn't worry about her.

Noel Daniel
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When I was about 7, my Mom sat me down and told me that she was the one putting
money under my pillow whenever I lost a tooth. For the next 2 or 3 years, I
actually believed she was the toothfairy, and was constantly trying to figure out
how she found the time to give money to every kid that lost a tooth, and also, if she
had access to so much money, why were we still living in a little apartment?

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I used to believe the toot fairy stole your money.

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I believed a star that I later found out was the planet Venus was the Tooth Fairy

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In reference to my earlier post, at age 15 I convinced our camping nieghbor's small grandchild, Kevin, that fairies flew up from the water and captured the fireworks sparks, after Kevin voiced his concern to me that the sparks would hurt the fish in the lake, and that was why the sparks always went out before they got too close to the water. I told him the process was that the fairies had little bags made of seaweed, and they would catch the sparks and then bring the sparks down into the mud to bury them. The sparks kept the fish warm in winter.

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When I was a little girl I used to believe that fairies and Goddesses lived in Teledo Bend Lake, where I would often camp at with my grandparents. I'd spend hours sitting under cypress trees near the shore, making little shrines of out white clam shell (dumped nearby for keeping water back from the yard) sticks, and pieces of bark and water weeds. While I don't think there's little fairies in the water now, I've grown up to be Wiccan, and I still respect the energy of the lake. <|:D

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i used to believe that small spirit people (i didn't consider them fairies but it's the closest catagory) were following me around and were only visible in my peripheral vision. as soon as i'd focus on them they'd disappear. they were not evil but rather more curious and watchful of my activities. i wasn't afraid of them and would consider noticing them a good sign that i was doing something interesting to others. i stopped noticing them at about 10 or 11yrs old.

mike dunn
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