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When i was about 5 or 6, none of my teeth were wobbly, and i wanted money. So when my dogs tooth fell out i decided to trick the tooth fairy, by putting my dogs tooth under my pillow. When i woke up, there were a bunch of dog biscuits under my pillow. I was dissapointed.

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Whe I was wee I had a fear of faries and flowers, which, as you can imaginge, is odd for a wee girl. Here is the reason why.

When I was begining to read, my auntie bought me a lovely little book about a fairy village, but instead of houses, they lived in flowers.

Why, would this scare me you ask?

When I was 2, my brother was showing of infront of his friends and told me that if you went any where near faries the would jump out and kill me with a big knife then set me on fire.


Troubled Kid
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I used to believe that my dad could talk to faeries and make them appear. He would make a tiny circle of light appear on the wall or the ceiling and it would 'fly' around where he told it to, and even make it land on me. I really believed it was a faerie and I was bitterly disappointed when I worked out that it was just the light reflecting off his watch and that he was simply moving the light around by turning his wrist.

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That the tooth fairy drove around in her green Volks Wagon Collecting teeth from all the children.

Wanda Trytten
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When I was a child, I was very imaginative. Even today, I still believe this. I know it doesn't make sense, but I believe that dew on the plants every morning was sprinkled there from the faeries and water nymphs and nixies and stuff. They would use their hands and feet to place it there with magick. Yes, I am a strange person, but a bliever nontheless...

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When I was a child (5year old), I use to belive in the Tooth Fairy. I waited for my teeth to fall out.

Gloria Belen
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I used to think that there really were leprechauns at the ends of rainbows so I would wander off searching for them. Every time I got to the edge of the building complex I was so disappointed because I couldn't cross the street on my own. I'd slouch back home so sad that I'd never have a pot of gold and I couldn't buy myself a unicorn. I was sure they existed if you had enough money, and they were just kept secret so not that many people would buy them.

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my sister(aged-9) believes that the "tooth fairy" is real she thinks that the tooth fairy comes and takes away your fallen teeth,makes jewelery out of them,gives them to demons for money and then gives us that money!!!wats up wid thaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!!!!!!

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When i was young I used to worry about the tooth fairy becomming bankrupt so I started leaving donations of my pocket money under my pillow for her to take with a note saying the money was for her. She never took it, my parents were obviously too honest to steal from me.

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I believed that if I put a crown on my head and ate a flower at night, that I'd become a fairy and I'd be able to fly around like Tinkerbell. It never happened.

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When I was little, my mom knew I loved holidays. So she on valentines day she said there was a valentines day fairy that came and brought me valentine's heart shaped chocolate! My mom made it look like that the chocolate appeared out of nowhere, and I thought it was sooooo cool, and when I told everyone at school, someone told me that my mom was pretending. I was so sad and hated my mom forever.

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When I was little, my parents told me that there wasn't a tooth fairy, they said instead, there was a tooth mouse...so they told me to put my tooth in a shoe by the side of my bed, and then in the morning the tooth mouse would have left me some money. Apparently the mice had there own kingdom made out of teeth, and they slept in shoes, they sold my teeth to other mice for cheese...and I actually believed them!

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When I was young I somehow came to believe that there were fairies living in a tall, pine tree in our yard. The bark reminded me of hundreds of little doors and I thought that if I could only "open" one of the doors I could meet a fairy. I dug holes in several of the pieces and even used a key to an antique hutch to try to turn the "secret locks" on the "doors"--in other words--the holes I had made in the trees. One day my mom caught me "digging" in the pine tree bark with the key and asked me what the hell I was doing. She also told me that what I was doing could make the tree sick by exposing it to diseases of vegetation. I stopped, but I continued to believe that there were fairies in there that only came out at night.

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I used to believe that marmaids and unicorns were real !!!

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A few years ago my best friend Emily and I made fairy houses in the summer. And my mum put little fairy dolls inside the house or tent. afterabout a week or two she said we were too obsessed with fairies and it was her all along. I cried for a day!!

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My nephew refuses to put his tooth under his pillow in case the fairy burns him with her wand.

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When I was a child, I read the book "Peter and Wendy" (Peter Pan) by J.M.Barrie. I wanted Peter to come get me and take me to Neverland. I used to keep my bedroom window open whenever I could do it without getting caught, thinking that he and Tink could arrive for me at anytime. My mom caught me with the window open once and made me shut it. I was convinced she knew about Peter Pan and made me close it because she didn't want him to take me away. lol

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my brother used to tell me that a fairy called the nitzy witzy
lived in a warm white tree, and if you knocked three times
on said tree she would grant you a wish! so i went to every
white tree i could find, feeling for warmth ,knocking on them and shouting nitzy witzy!!? i want my wish! are you home?!
i think my brother was just kidding me......

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When i was little my best friend told me there was a different tooth fairy for each street. She said that her block had Tinkerbell and that my tooth fairy wasn't as good. At four years old, this was devastating news, and I wanted to move on my friend's block so I could have Tinkerbell.

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i used to believe that mermaids and unicorns were real.
(by the way sorry i put it in this catagory,there wasnt one for this.)

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