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On the second time I had lost a tooth I was dying to find out my tooth fairy's name. The next day I looked my tooth fairy was Oberon. My mum and dad told me so I thought I was so speacil that the faires sent thier king.
Next time I asked if I was talented and he said "Dear Oliver,Yes you are very talented. Love Obreon". This time I'm going to ask in what.

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I used to believe that the tooth fairy was real. I believed this until my mom told me that your parents take your teeth and leave you money. I found out that the tooth fairy is fake.

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My friend told me that when somebody sneezed and I said "bless you", if I didn't clap my hands twice I would kill a fairy. I believed this until about the age of 11.

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when i was 5-6 i lost a tooth and i had a fairy doll and my mom told me she was the tooth fairy and comes alive and takes ur tooth at night sure enough she was right there was a dollor right by my doll in the morning for years i thought my doll would come alive at night looking for teeth and was the actual tooth fairy

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If there hadn't been any rain in a while, the ground at my school would dry up and form large cracks.
I was sure that a little gnome family lived underground and I would go into the playground and lie down and talk to them through the cracks.
I also push food down their and write little notes for them.
Some of my friends were convinced it was true too and we did this every year until we were about 11.

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I used to make really little houses out of leaves and sticks under trees so the fairies will have some place to live.

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as a child, i believed in the tooth fairy. i used to watch the time, fall asleep, and wake up seeing that only minutes passed when i realized that i had a dollar under my pillow. my last tooth fell out at the age of 11. i swear i found all the keys to the rooms in our house, i hid them and locked myself in my room to see what would really happen. once again, 10 minutes, i fell asleep, i woke up to a locked room and of course, i had a dollar. i was totally pissed because still to this day, i believe in the tooth fairy and i'm 20! what the heck? LMAO

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I used to believe I was a fairy with hidden wings and I would throw sand at people telling them it was pixie dust.

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My best friend, Tana, to this day swears on her life that the fae folk stole things of hers...sometimes merely hiding them underneath her bed.
I say "why not?"

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The sand man was always a favourite where i grew up . The parent's talked to their children and explained to them that a fairy creature would come into their room at night and sprinkle fairy dust in their eyes to gently send them to sleep and when you wake up in the morning te sleep will still be in your eyes. However my vision was much different.A red haired troll ,with horrible skin and abnormal muscles dribbling on my pillow shovelling grit into my eyes . YUK !! . I made sure he wasn't sending me to sleep.

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When I was little, I believed that if a tooth fell out the mouth and i put under my pillow when I went to bed, the Fairy God Mother would come and take the tooth and leave me money.

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when i was little some really lovely lady told me that fairies like to disguise themselves as these little pea pods with hundreds of tiny wings.she gave me a little sseed to plant in my back-yard "so the fairies could visit the you all the time.now every time the plant lets its seeds go i try to catch the 'snow-fairies'.

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when i was 6 or so we lived w/ my great-grandmother so 1 night i found a toadstool ring and i wrote a note to the fairies. the next morning before skool i went to the ring and it wasn't there!!!(the mowers had come earlier)the note was in pieces and i thought that the fairies had torn it up so they could read it better(there is always a ring in that 1 spot to this day(10 years later) weird huh?

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once when i lost a tooth when i was little, i decided that I wanted to keep it instead of getting some money. i thought about how teeth were so important, and thats why i wanted to keep the tooth. anyway, i went to my mom and she helped me write a letter to the tooth fairy. i wrote it in my best handwriting too.

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When I was about 8 or 9 I thought these three angel decorations on our Christmas tree were real. One was a large treetop, one was an ornament, and one was a very small baby angel ornament. The three of them were sisters and they always needed to stay close to eachother, so I put the middle angel girl and the baby angel girl up by the top of the tree so they wouldn't wander away from their older sister. That started a tradition, and I would always put the three angel sisters close to eachother. And then last year the oldest sister, the treetop, got thrown away because the two white Christmas lights she held stopped working. I was sad because the other two angels had lost their older sister. But they got over it. I still put the two angel sisters together, because even though they're older than they used to be they still like to stay close together.

The Overactive Imagination Girl
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I used to believe that all the fairies in our garden were homeless and starving, so I make them little houses in the trees and left pieces of bread out for them.

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When I was a little kid (im not sure what age) i thought I was an elf..... well it's becuase I have pointed ears, and it's really cool, but now i'm inn love with the Idea of bieng a vampire or half-dragon haha I guess im crazy!

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I used to believe I was an elf because I had pointy ears and everyone I met would make a big deal about it. So then when I got old enough to read on my own, I read a book about fairies. So I started not eating meat for a while and spent all of my time barefoot and outside. I even thought Tinker Bell was my sister!
Then I met this really mean girl who thought she was an elf princess because she had pointy ears too. I thought she was lying, and I asked her how she knew she was a elf. We had this big argument at school one day and we were going to have a big competition, but eventually the principle came and told us that both of us could be elves. I never did like her. To this day, I don't think I'm an elf, but I do still believe in fairies. Is that normal for a 12 year old?

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when i was little my mum used to tell me that there were faries and pixies at the bottom of the garden and when if i ddin't eat my dinner up they would eat it up for me so rom that day i used to eat my dinner up all the time!! how rong woz i!?

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I used to believe that my families cherry tree in our back yard was a fairy tree. My brother and I would wake up every morning and go outside to see what the fairies had left us. Usually it was a stick of gum, or some money.
I didn't find out until later that my mum and dad were the one's putting presents under that tree.

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