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When I was a kid we had this lovely china dinner set that was white with tiny black and gold flowers. I truly believed that this dinnerset had been made by the fairies out of childrens' teeth collected from under their pillows when asleep.

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when i was young, i was petrified of the tooth fairy. for some reason i got it in my head that she was this really old hag who had lost all of her teeth, and she would go around at night to find little kid's teeth that she would then put in her mouth to replace her own lost teeth. it was harder for me to fall asleep on a tooth fairy night than it was on christmas eve ...

mikey boy (the mixed nut)
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When I was little, I believed that fairies lives in lamps, and whenever you turned hem off, it meant the fairies were asleep. Obviously, the royal fairies lived in chandeliers, and poor fairies lived in street lights.

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I once lost my tooth in a piece of pizza at a Bar Mitzvah in Colorado. When I put the tooth under my pillow, the next morning I only got 50 cents, when I would normally have 1 dollar. I told my parents, and every single member of our family about how cheap the Colorado tooth fairy was. Then, when we got back to Detroit, my mom slipped a not under my pillow that said, "Well, your a cheap little kid. From: The Colorado Tooth Fairy" From then on, I thought that The Colorado Tooth Fairy was out to get me and that I couldn't lose any teeth while we were in that state

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When I was about 7, my younger brother (4 at the time) came home from Preschool with a "Leprechaun Finder." It was a piece of cardstock cut into the shape of a clover with green celophane in the middle. He explained to me that if you looked through it, you could see Leprechauns. He led me around the whole yard and inside the house, telling me he could see them, but they always ran as soon as I asked to see them because they were scared of me.

At one point I got incredibly frustrated and said to him "Tell the Leprechaun I'm not going to hurt him. I just want to pet him!" (who knows why I wanted to "pet" a leprechaun). He looked up at me and laughed and explained that it was a joke, and he had gotten me good.
Now that I look back at it, I was a real moron to let my little brother pull the wool over my eyes.

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I used to believe that my dad could talk to faeries and make them appear. He would make a tiny circle of light appear on the wall or the ceiling and it would 'fly' around where he told it to, and even make it land on me. I really believed it was a faerie and I was bitterly disappointed when I worked out that it was just the light reflecting off his watch and that he was simply moving the light around by turning his wrist.

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When i was little(I was four or five) I was CONVINCED faeries existed adn lived in our berry bushes. I would make swings for them out of ribbon and wood, and buttons and lace. One day after my nap my mother told me she had seen a little faerie with striped stockings and a pink dress on my swing. I ran to the window but it was too late. I was so dissapointed. About four years later I reminded my mom of this event trying to convince her faeries were real- and she got a guilty look on her face and confessed to making the whole thing up. I was crushed!

Faerie architect
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You know when you look up at your dark ceiling at night you can kind of see spots? Well, my sister told me these spots were fairies and that in the center of every room was a tooth fairy. Every bedroom had it's own tooth fairy and the other fairies worked for her and would pass messages from room to room.

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My big brother and I thought this pretty spot under a tree in our yard where there was moss and dew in the morning was where fairies lived. We would go there and just sit and look at it.

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till i was 7 i used to believe the tooth fairy was a afriend of my dentist and used to give her my complete address to pass on.....

silly me
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This is really gross but i used to believe that when my stomach rumbled there was tiny people eating my food in my stomach! i stuffed my face until i got tummy aches!!

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When I lost my first baby tooth, my mother told me to put it under my pillow and the Tooth Fairy would leave me a suprise. I hurried to sleep with my tooth sitting snug under my pillow. I've always been a light sleeper, so I woke up when my mother replaced the tooth with a quarter. I faked I was still asleep, but I saw the truth. My mother WAS the tooth fairy!! For the longest time, when other kids would talk about the toothfairy, I would proudly declare that the person leaving money under their pillows was my mother.

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i used to believe that when fireworks exploded, the sparks in the sky were fairies who liked to entertain humans by flying around a bit before they dissapeared

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When I was in fourth grade, one of my friends thought that fertilizer pelets were leprecon eggs, and they would grow into leprecons. We also believed that the spraypainted gold gravel the teachers put out on the playground really was leprecon gold, and we were always dissapointed when our St. Patrick's day leprecon traps never caught anything.

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When I was about 8 I was on my swingset outside Icould have SWORN I saw a fairy. She was green and smiled at me and looked like a dragonfly.
I still believe that I saw her ;)

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When I was a child, I read the book "Peter and Wendy" (Peter Pan) by J.M.Barrie. I wanted Peter to come get me and take me to Neverland. I used to keep my bedroom window open whenever I could do it without getting caught, thinking that he and Tink could arrive for me at anytime. My mom caught me with the window open once and made me shut it. I was convinced she knew about Peter Pan and made me close it because she didn't want him to take me away. lol

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As a child I thought the tooth fairy would gather all the children’s teeth and make dentures out of them. Why else am I getting paid for my tooth and where the hell where dentures coming from.

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I used to beleive that when you point you kill the fairys

Miss. Understood
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Up until I was 9 years old, I was absolutely CONVINCED I was a fairy. I'm the only brunette kid in my entire family and all of my siblings have blue eyes, while I have green. I accused my mom of lying to me, saying that I was really adopted, so how could she know if I wasn't a fairy? Then she showed me pictures and FOOTAGE of my birth... It was proof enough for me to decide that I'm not a fairy, and that if I ever want to have kids, I'm going to need serious mental therapy.

TMI, Mother...
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I use to really believe in the gold at the end of a rainbow myth. One time during a house party I saw a rainbow and I urged my mother to drive me there. She didn't know what I was talking about but she drove me to the other side of the neighborhood. Imagine my surprise when I find no leprechaun waiting there at all.

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