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I used to believe I had a guardian angel named Salty... Salty because I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl

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one of my friend believe she had a secret friend that no one knew in her childhood. She was a superhero with powers but I don't remember the superhero's name.

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i used to believe that the voices in my head are actual human beings.

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my brother had two amagenary friends i can't remeber there names but he said that one of them moved away and the other died

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one of my imaginary friends was Karen from Frosty the Snowman. I always had trouble making real friends, so I mostly had imaginary friends. Sometimes, I still like to imagine my favorite cartoon and movie characters as my friends when I need some company. :)

Never stop believing in imaginary friends and using your imagination, that's what makes life interesting! [3

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I used to know in the hunt house in the forest next to my house, leaved the seven dwarfs.

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I use to believe that the planet was raising by an elephant in a river of milk that he decided if it was day or night.

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So, when I was in third grade, I was obsessed with WW2. I also had over 100 imaginary friends. This is a recipe for trouble. My favorite was an imaginary friend who was a black wolf who was part skeleton. He had chainsaws for hands, a tail that was on fire, red eyes, a really long tongue, and his name was “Killer”. He killed Nazis all day, and did nothing else. He literally just killed Nazis all day. I also had an imaginary friend named “Zeroe”, who was a winged wolf. Her fur was the pattern of a Pearl Harbor plane. I used to think that Zeroe would sit and the end of my bed and tell me stories from Iwo Jima/the battle of Midway. Did I mention she had a transgender kamikaze pilot named “Devil” for a best friend? Now, I’m 11, and it still creeps me out.

Freakalique Monique
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When I was little, I thought that my blanket was alive, It was my friend.I used to speak with it in the morning, I used to sleep with it at night, I used to kiss it after sleeping and in the morning. Its name was Lala, I loved my blanket

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This is weird but when I was little my hands were kind of like friends to me (only sometimes) and when I washed my hands I pretended they were fighting over the soap. My left hand was a little boy and my right hand was an older girl. Sometimes I would play with my hands and pretend the right hand was a witch who tried to steal stuff from the left hand, it was weird.

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There used to be these realistic plastic toy horses by a company called Breyer that little girls loved to collect. My friend Mary was convinced that her Breyer horses had souls and would move around and do stuff when we were out of the room.One day she left a pen and paper and asked the horses to write a message. Later, we found strange markings on the paper, like another language, and it gave us both chills.We were absolute believers!Years later, her brother admitted he had written the mysterious message. Mary was very hurt though she was in her 20's.I think this experience had been very real and special to her, and he ruined the magic.

The horse reader
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When I was about 10 years old, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Eleven while my (nick)name was Nineteen (my favorite number back then). We often made bets like "I bet [insert name] will be at school today". When it was true, I scored, but when it was false, Eleven scored instead. I think I was even keeping track of our scores.
Later, we (me and Eleven) found two more friends: Fifteen, and Ten.Fifteen scored when the bet was half true and half false (since 15 is half-way between 11 and 19).Ten scored when the bet was neither true or false or completely unclear.

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Ok, when I was seven I started to see "Alex". First I say his dog. Then when I was eight I saw him. He had a black hat on and dark brown trousers with a black jacket. When I was eleven I was in tescos and my mum was in the video Isle when I saw a film called the Martian. The guy on the box looked like Alex. That's weird I though. I said to mum, hey mum, that film looks good, she ended up buying it and we watched it that night with my siblings. When I was nearly thirteen I saw him standind in my bedroom door at midnight, only he had taken his hat off. Please talk to me. He said. Who are you I said. I want you to leave me alone! I said as I got up and sat on my bed. He walked in to my room and pushed me back down on to my bed and wouldn't let me get up. He held me down and I shouted at him loudly. Then he got in to the bed and I was just about to slap him round the face when I heard my mum get up. I stayed still and he still held me tight. I was getting very angry. When mum was back in bed he got on top of me and I tried to kick him. I don't remember any more than that. I dont see him often anymore, but I hear his voice in my head.

Clara Ashwood
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I used to have an imaginary friend named Mopsy who was a mop. It was a real mop but it only talks and interacts with me in my imagination and dreams. When I couldn't sleep or had problems at night, I would go to mopsy and tell problems to it. It would give me good advice and play with me in my imagination. I kept it a secret from everyone until my mom caught me talking to mopsy at night and she asked me why i was talking to a mop. I stopped believing in imaginary friends 3 days after that.

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I used to think that there is another world on the other side of the mirror, where everyone is named Philip.

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(Sort of nervous to put this here because people are really harsh with ratings, but...)

I do have an imaginary friend, but she's not as interesting as some of the others. She is a girl, no particular age but a little taller than I am, with long midnight-black hair and indigo eyes named Mara (mah-rah). She looks like a fantasy character - her hair is thick and long and swirly, and she wears a dress the same color as the inside of a very pretty shell I found once, gray-silver with rainbow tints.
I came up with her when I was seven or so and going through a stage in which I thought I was better than everyone else and everyone hated me. I was also a very dramatic child, as evidenced by the fact that "Mara" means "bitterness". At that time, Mara defended and comforted me as I thought I needed, and I think she had brown hair.
In sixth grade I brought her back and gave her her current appearance, and she developed a teasing personality, though we're good friends and she is caring when I need it.

Erulasse Aranel Partial-Dullea
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When I was about six years old I used to believe that some invisible fleas, that my cousin invented, were real and played with me.

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I used to have an imaginary 'servant' named Fallon. I would tell her to do things, like "Get me some food, Fallon." I never saw Fallon do anything, but I thought she was trying. I wrote down a list of commands for Fallon once. I thought she was out there somewhere, I just never saw her.

Add this belief, Fallon
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I still have an imaginary friend named Simon,he looks like that kid Billy of of school of Rock.he is a fashion freak and he protects me.

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When I was maybe 5 or 6 I told my mom there was a secret Narnia-like basement door in the back of a closet and there lived a girl named Dana, and a couple others, who looked just like me. I even went to "go get her" and have her meet my mom. My mom went along with it but I thought she really believed me and I felt so bad about it that I confessed I made the whole thing up!

Not Dana
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