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imaginary friends

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my oldest sister grew up with an imaginary friend named Danielle and when i was born my parents didnt know what to name me so my sister named me after her fake friend.

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Whe I was about three I used to have an imaginary friend named HaHoo.He was very scary looking and he wasn't very nice to me. He used to live in the basment and I would never want to go down there alone.When I was five my mom asked me where HaHoo was and I said that he moved away to England (my parents are from there), and later when we went to England my brothers were on a bus and as they were driving past, they were looking at a brick wall and saw written in graffiti HaHoo Lives! I can't explain it!

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I had a lot of imaginary friends, but the one that stuck round the longest and bonded with me the most was Ellis. Ellis looked like a regular boy, but without a nose, and he had fewer teeth than normal (but they were bigger). HE lived in the oak tree outside our house, which was close enough to the house so that i could reach my hand out and touch some of the leaves. Ellis would climb (he was really good at that) through the window sometimes and we would eat shortbread. I knew that i couldn't get to his home in the tree, but i HAD to send him messages somehow. (We were best friends after all. ) At some point, I found a stash of those plastic Easter eggs that come apart, and i would stuff them with bits of food and paper and throw them at a tree. Ellis and I said goodbye to eachother when I explained it all to my parents and they were a little concerned. ( I was about 8.) They told me he was moving away (for some reason I assumed it was to Cornwall). I've been to cornwall, but never been able to find a guy there with no nose.......

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When I was a kid I had several vivid imaginary friends. One of my favorites was Star, a silver cat with a very long tail who lived in the stars where she would watch over me but would come down whenever I called her with this star necklace I had. I had her for about 2 years but then she had to return to the stars forever.....

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When I was about six, my first imaginary friend turned up. Her name was Kate, and she was sixteen, tattooed, and with multiple piercings. I used to adore Kate, but she couldn't stand me, and I'd often go crying to my mother that Kate was ignoring me. Luckily, Kate had a brother, named Montezuma, who was much nicer. He was any age I decided he should be, but was most often thirteen. Strangely enough, I got a crush on Montezuma when I was eight... Yes, they both lasted until I was nine...

Erika - with the bizarre childhood.
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I had many imaginary friends when I was little...at first, they were just some dog pets nobody could see except me... then I started to believe I was a Pokemon trainer...
I only had one human imaginary friend, it was girl a little bit older than me, very pretty, with blond hair and blue eyes, but I can't remember her name...
Imaginary friends I can most remember were made-up creatures called Emoties. They had long ears and big, cute eyes, each one represented one emotion, such as love, hope, sadness, faith...They were white, but their paws and ears were different colors, depending on which emotion they represented. They were cool. : ))

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I used to pretend that I was Supergirl. And that I had a best friend named Thiri.

There was a local realtor named TIRI. So every time that in the classifieds a house for sale had TIRI on top, I would wonder how in the world did they found out about my secret friend Thiri?

Now I have a gamut of characters inside my mind with crazier personalities and life histories.

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When I was in the fifth grade I had a imaginary friend named Randy. I based whatever was happening in his life off what was going on in the episodes of my favorite tv show. I based him on 2 of the male characters. Whenever he got a girlfriend I would cry and cry because I had a secret crush on my secret imagniary friend. My mom would ask what was wrong and I would tell her that Randy didn't like me and liked some other girl instead. I let her think he was a boy at school. She told me he wasn't worth it. When she started asking me more questions about him since I cried about him often (who's class was he in, did we play together at recess) I told her he moved. I was always really embaressed about him but he didn't 'go away' till I was in middle school and got a crush on a real guy at my school and didn't watch that dumb show anymore!

embaressed over this
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i was an only child and my mom worked long hours so i wanted a pet to play with but she was alergic. She gave me a rock and told me she had a pet rock growing up and i could too. I thought that if i believed hard enough my pet rock would be real.He was happy when i was sad when i was and kept my secrets. he also liked to watch tv with me. that was his favorite thing. Best friend I ever had!

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I had a friend when I was younger who had an imaginary friend named "Germs". He chose that name because our parents were always telling us that germs are invisible.

David B. - Georgia
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When i was about 4 i had an imaginary friend called Bee Bee. she was blonde and wore a red cape and didnt have any legs, so she used to bounced along on a spring.i used to imagine she was behind me at night, and if i looked at her she'd tickle me to death. and when i was going down the stairs i always had to run, because she'd be chasing me to try and tickle me but once i got to the living room she wouldnt be able to get me. Yeah i know, im a freak

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Between the ages of 3 and 5, I had a lot of imaginary friends. One of them was named Tina and she sat with me on the bus to preschool. A real kid wanted to sit next to me
and i told her she couldn't because Tina was sitting there, so when she pretended to pick her up and throw her to the front of the bus I cried.

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I was very lonely when I was little, so I used to make-believe myself a lot of friends.
I used to stare up into the sun or lightbulbs to get the colorful splotches in my eyes. I thought this was them. At first I thought they chased me around, even wearing sunglasses didn't get them away, but we became friends.
when they faded away, I was sad.
I had imaginary friends until I was about 11-12?

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i never had imaginary friends, but i had a menagrie of imaginary pets. i also used to imagine that i was a centaur while walking to school and that my lower half was always some wild breed of horse.

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Sunday mornings me and my brother and sister always used to climb into bed with my mum and dad. Here, they introduced us to matress man. Matress man lived at the end of the bed and always used to bob his head up and down. Funnily enough it was right where my dad's foot was...and he spoke in the same voice as my dad. Then one day they got a new matress and dad told me that the new one did not have a matress man. How gullible was I?

my m8 the mattress man
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So I'm the youngest in my family and when we were younger my sister and brother would play together but exclude me. So I made up an imaginary friend named Kathy at the time I was two. I started to tell everyone about Kathy who's mom was in jail, her brother named Dayeco (day-echo) drowned in dirty water, kathy lived in a swear at one point in her life and also she didn't have a dad because I didn't think she needed one. I also used to believe that I could "turn her off and on" so if I didn't feel like playing with her then she would just disappear and when I felt like playing with her then she would come out of the swear and play with me. I also used to believe that she lived in the swear close to my house. Lol I was a weird child with a huge imagination.

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I used to believe I had a guardian angel named Salty... Salty because I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl

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When I was four I had three imaginary friends. One was named "Betty the Girl", and the other two were boys but I always pictured them as Laurel and Hardy. Betty the Girl lived in the crab apple tree in my back yard, and the only time she would come out of the tree is when I played my Muppets album full blast. Usually one or all of them would get into an argument about which song to listen to...All the while my parents would listen and laugh.

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I had two imaginary friends, one called Giant and one called Spider (who may or may not have gone on to be a environmental protester in Coronation Street, we lost touch). Giant and Spider used to travel everywhere with us and I would make sure my family left room for them in the car. Many a time I would shout at unsuspecting aunts and uncles when they sat in what they mistakenly thought was an empty seat only to be told that they were squashing my friends.

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My younger brother had an invisible friend called "Bungbing" (Because it kept "coming" to see him but he couldn't say coming) I got jealous of him always having some one to play with so I made up my own, a cat called Scratch. I convinced my brother that we ought to swap for a day and he never saw Bungbing again! Apparently he was cross at my brother for swapping him for an invisible friend that never even existed!

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