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When my older sister was younger she had this imaginary friend that lived i her fist. I cant remember his name it was something weird though, like nallywag i think, anyways, one day he got married and there wasnt enough room in her fist anymore so they moved into the electrical socket. She always used to sit and look into the socket and talk to them. She did that untill we moved out.

Christine Valente-Gibsons
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I used to love the TV show "Punky Brewster" and I wanted a dog exactly like Punky's, the golden retreiver. Well, I was at the age where children start developing invisible friends and such. ...Well, my imaginary friend happened to have been a dog named "Brandon". He was exactly like the dog on Punky Brewster, except he was all white and he could talk. He went to preschool with me, slept in the same bed as me, and even ran beside us while we were driving in a car (on the freeway?). Mind you, no one knew this imaginary friend/dog existed except myself. Sooo, one day, my mother was getting ready to sit down on the couch and I started screaming. Crying hysterically, and she was like "WHAT?>!?! WHAT?!?!" and I go, "YOU'RE GONNA SIT ON BRANDON!!!!!!!!" ...she looked at the couch, looked back at me and goes, "Oh, sorry, I didn't see 'Brandon' sitting there......" and she sat down at the other end of the couch. I don't think she has thought I was very "sane" since that day...

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My son had three imaginary friends at age three. One day at lunch, she held out his arm and wiggled his head. He said " look mama, a little elephant, then he did it again, and said " well, lookit there, it's a little mouse, and again, "I be darn, anoder little mouse, but he's grey.
The mice were with us for a few years, and went everywhere with us. Peter was the grey mouse, and he would fly outside the car we we drove, he'd even role down the window to let him in. Once he let his grandpa keep Peter in his pocket, while my son kept the brown mouse in his. Then when they had sit down to order, my son said, Where's Peter Pop? His grandfather answered, He's still in my pocket. Then my son, in his usually load voice said: "Well Papa, Why don't you take your Peter out of your pocket and put it on the table" His papa couldn't stop laughing, neither could the waitress.

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This wasn't mine, this was my sister's. She used to think that I was really a cat named Beyonickle and that I was her cat/human daughter (she's two years younger than me). I hated this game a whole lot, and would only play it because she would feed me "treats", usually Cheetos. I'd make a weird "ahh ahh!" noise and she'd say "Oh Nickle! Are you hungry?" and give me Cheetos. Once they were all gone, I'd say I was tired of playing.

Needless to say, we don't do that anymore.

The one with a weird sister
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Ever since I can remember, I would pretend I'm someone else and make up friends for this person. I've been an actress, dancer, twin, quintuplet, druggie, bording school student, ect. I still do this, not in public obviously, and I'm 16!

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I used to believe that the other side of the mirror was an alternate dimension, and that my other self was my friend, only that she told me to do bad things. Every time I stole a cookie or terrorized my brother I would tell my parents that she told me to do it.

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When I was in kindergarden I had an imaginary friend named "Noname". I truely believed in him. He would accompany me to school and he even had his own desk. looking back I am surprised and gratefull that everyone went along with it.

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When I was maybe 5 or 6 I told my mom there was a secret Narnia-like basement door in the back of a closet and there lived a girl named Dana, and a couple others, who looked just like me. I even went to "go get her" and have her meet my mom. My mom went along with it but I thought she really believed me and I felt so bad about it that I confessed I made the whole thing up!

Not Dana
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I used to think that there is another world on the other side of the mirror, where everyone is named Philip.

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I'm not sure if this counts as an imaginary friend, but I used to believe that there were small people inside my mouth, and they were hiding in little slits i had found in my mouth (I later found out those led to my nose) I thought they took the food I ate and either stole it or turned it to poo. I used to think that I needed to get them out so I would stop being hungry and pooing, so at the dinner table I would open my mouth, stick out my tongue and place it on the table as a ramp, so the little people would leave and go to someone else, I would also point my head at my brother, so the little people would go to him instead when i "let them out"

Not Fiona from Shrek
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I had two imagniary friends. Carol and Jacko. Jacko looked like the Fonz (from the TV show Happy Days) and was my best friend. He hung around for a while then one day he broke his arm and died.

Carol had split personality disorder. There was "good" Carol and "bad" Carol. Bad Carol made me cut ALL my hair off when I was about 4. I looked like a little boy...was my dad HOT!
I remember crying and telling my mom that "bad Carol made me do it!!"

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Okay, this is a crazy one! When I was little, I had MANY MANY MANY imaginary friends. So many, that I didn't even know them all. I had a place inside my brain called 'Imaginary Land' and when I closed my eyes I could see it. There was a short skinny man dressed like a doctor with glasses, who was balding. He was called 'Professor'. He stood oustide Imaginary land and held my key to the gates for me when I came and went. With my eyes closed, I saw myself talking to Professor, taking my key and opening the half-gold, half-silver gates to my land of imaginary friends. Then I would pick 1 or 2 or 3 of my friends and take them out, open my eyes and they would be in the real world with me. To name the only ones I ever played with: A monkey that jumped all over everything (I sat in school and glanced all over the room watching him do silly things that no one else could see, like sitting on peoples' heads), a tiny baby panda bear, 2 GIANT german shepherd with giant puppies (The mom was Midnight, the dad was Demon), A cool roller-skating girl (when I was in the car she would be outside of the window following us and keeping up, and she could skate up trees and along power lines!), my imaginary boyfriend with an australian accent names Killer (???), and an Eagle that could fly anywhere and bring me back anything.

Where did you keep YOUR friends?
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When I was in first grade, all my friends made up imaginary friends. I thought everybody had an imaginary friend and they were invisible and only the person whose friend they were could see them. I spent all day in the bathroom crying because I thought God had forgotten to give me an imaginary friend.

Waaahhh---I STILL don't have one!
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My dad used to point out the reflection of his watch face(only I didn't know it was his watch face) on the ceiling and the walls and I thought it was my imaginary friend, a whale named Jeremiah. And when my parents made me mad, I'd say, "I'll tell Jeremiah on you and he'll come and get you!!!!"

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I used to believe that there were two evil people in my house who continually planted bombs to blow up my home. They would peek at me when I took a shower. If I washed in a particular fashion (e.g. shampoo, face, feet, left arm, stomach, shampoo again, etc.) the bomb would be diffused and I would spoil their plan once again. If I thought I did it wrong, I would stay in the shower extra long to redu the process until I got it right. The order would change everyday (except for special days when they would try to fool me and do the same order twice in a row). One of the guys was short, bozoo bald, and chubby, the other was a little dumber and taller and skinnier.

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My brother had an imaginary friend named Rogney until he was about 10. When he desided to not play with Rogney anymore, we had a going away party (my brother, sister, and I) and at the end of the party we opened the closet door and waved goodbye to Rogney, as the closet was the entrance to "Imaginaryland", where Rogney lived.

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hehe! when i was in first grade, i used to take the bus to school. anyway, i was waiting in my driveway (before we got it paved) and i saw a mud puddle. i decided that he would be my friend and i named him Sandor (lol, dont ask). i would talk to him while i waited for the bus. hehe! the bus driver thought i was crazy.

i was pretty sad the day Sandor "died" and we got our driveway paved ;(... lol, i was weird ^_^

xoxo, R.I.P Sandor!
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I used to have an imaginary friend who would only come out after it rained, i would imaging a puddle would turn in to blob with a smileyface. His name was puddle man, and we would go swimming in my pool and wade in puddles all day. My mother asked me what i was doing and i said " Not now mom i have to catch up to puddleman!!!" Wow i was weird lol

[Enter Clever Name Here]
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When I was little(about 5), I had a boy imaginary friend and a girl imanginary friend.I loved the girl(Loretta) one and the boy one(jeff) was my friend.One day jeff and loretta got married and did not invite me.I was mad and asked my older sister (she was 12 at the time) to kill jeff.So her friends came bye in a cardboard box car and did a make believe drive by.After Jeff was shot down I married Loretta but after 1 year of happy marige my sister and her friends did a make believe drive
bye on her.....which broke my heart.
I hated her for 5 months before i got some real friends and forgot about it.

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When I was little, I had an imaginary ENEMY. His name was Tweezers. He was Osama Bin Laden's son. (Don't ask. I was, like, 6 at the time.) He used to call me a doofus, so I made him write infinity sentances (this kid at school said he was going to make me write infinity sentances all the time) saying, I quote, "I will not call Alexander (rest of name censored, but it was my full, very long name) a Doofus. If I do not write these Sentances, I will be thrown into the Alligator Pit. Who was the REAL terrorist here, eh? :-)

Alex (arch-rival of Tweezers)
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