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I used to have an imaginary friend called Bob, who lived in my Nan's bathroom cupboard. He used to talk to me when I went to the toliet. He had red hair, and was originally from Scotland, however moved to London for work. Its strange I knew this as I didnt know what Scottland was when I was that age (3)

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When i was around 6 or 7 we had a garden out the front. i always thoguth it was really pretty, and would play Fairy Schools, because there were a lot of rose bushes and small leafy green trees so it was like a little rainforest room. One day i invented a fairy friend called Christabelle. Everyday we would go to 'school' and get our name marked off the roll, and just spend a lot of time making daisy friendship bracelets. I did this almost every day for around 2 years lol and sometimes i still go into the special rainforest room and be with Christabelle. Even older kids can imagine!

S0fiA and Christabelle
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The Monkees were my imaginary friends. We had so much fun, they would always entice me into playing games instead of doing chores. My parents thought I was lazy, but of course I had to entartain my friends!

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When I was 5, I saw the Wizard of Oz for the first time. Then I made up my imaginary friend Mary who was exactly like the Wicked Witch of the West, but she was named after Mary Poppins. She had green skin, blonde hair, and was very beautiful. Guess I thought that skin and hair combination was beautiful at 5. She had a nemesis named Janet, who would always tattle on her. I threw Janet in the trash can a little while later because I hated her and never saw her again. I made up lots of stories about Mary, her husband Willy (after Willy Wonka), and their three daughters Kelly, Sally, and Erica. I made up LOTS of stories about them, and started writing them down at age 18. She was either a Wicked Witch, a vampire, a crocodile, an alien, etc. You name it, Mary was it at some point. Mary stayed around until I was 27 (I'm serious) and she only left because she said that I needed to write stories about other people.

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I used to believe that the smurfs were real. There was this huge cluster of Pine trees by our house when we were little. Tons of mushrooms would grow under there.
My sister would say "I just saw a smurf!" and I would scurry under the pine trees to find it!! :D

Julia Meachum
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my imaginary friend was the cheshire cat (as in from Alice in Wonderland). He always used to pop up and give me riddles, an tell me to do stuff (which i always did, even if it was naughty....i mean would you argue with a cat with a mouth that size??) When people asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up, i always said the cheshire cat...he was my inspiration :P

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When I was four, I had an imaginary friend. Naturally, it was a purple cow that looked (ironically) like the calf on the milk cartons.

One day, my mother--who was totally unaware of my dealings with THE cow--came and sat down in my room while I was chatting away. I turned around when she said something and was extremely shocked to find that she had sat on my purple cow, and, in effect, had deflated her. You can only imagine how angry I was with my mother.

Things did pan out though. After all, purple cows come back to life, and mine did an hour later.

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When I was three I would bring two imaginary mice to the dinner table with me every night. I have no idea what had gotten into me.

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Ok, this is *really* weird. I used to go to my grandmas instead of daycare. Before she lived there, a young boy called Mark took his own life in there. I would constantly sit on the stairs and jabber to no-one. Then my gran asked me would I like a drink. Response? "Yeah, can Mark have one too?" From then on I had an invisible friend named Mark, who lived on my gran's stairs. How weird is that o_O

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I was the baby in my family and my siblings were all much older. I had an imaginary friend named Pukka. Pukka and I played together every single day and he kept me from being lonely. Pukka also went with us everywhere and I would sometimes say (as in throw a fit) that we "forgot" him in the house as we were leaving and we had to go back and get him. My family always indulged me and this went on for years. I am now 44 and lo and behold I am getting mail from Pukka. It appears he is a world wide traveler who has been "friends" with many small chidren who needed him through the years. (I suspect my older brother is up to this, but who knows? Maybe my "imaginary" friend was more real than I thought!)

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Raki.He was a guy who wore all black and had black dragon wings.He and I would play for HOURS!Pretending to fight each other and he would give me powers!One day he had to go to war with evil mole men.

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When I was about three or four, my parents took me to France for a holiday. I had recently watched Puff the Magic Dragon, and it was my favourite film. One day, we were walking down a busy boulevard, when my old man told me a rather amazing story about Puff. He told me that he had been stuck on an island when he was small, and that Puff had rescued him, and that only kids rescued by Puff could talk to him. He said that since he'd been rescued, he was allowed to give one other person the gift of being able to speak to Puff, and he gave that gift to me. Apparently, when you talked to Puff, only you and puff could hear it.

This resulted in me running down the boulevard, getting odd looks as I yelled at the top of my voice, "PUFF PUFF I LOVE YOU PUFF! YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND PUFF!" to some nonexistant dragon. My dad will never let me forget about that day..

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when i was about 5, i didn't have many friends.
so i made one up. his name was sonic. (saw a videogame with his name + picture) he looks exactly like what he does now (ex. Sonic advunture battle 2) so i had him for a couple of years until 4th grade. last christmas (2005) igot Sonic Heroes and he came back only when i played the game on my gamecube. now that the disk broke thanks to a certian sister, my only memory of him is the instruction manuel :;(

misses sonic
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My little sister used to have an imaginary friend called Jason Emmiel. She never got to meet him, but she used to talk to him on the phone (dunno what she heard?) and send him faxes by putting notes under the phone.

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I used to refer to my concience in my head a lot when I was little... it was a girl with short, black hair sitting in a button-filled control room. She would always tell me what to do and we would fight a lot but always apologize.

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I had (and kind of still do) an imaginary twin brother named 23.
(Yes. His name was really 23.)
We always fought over simple, small issues, and he took the pleasure of picking on me while I was in classes, knowing I couldn't do much about it then.
Almost every day, I'd shoot glares at him, but the boy sitting across from me would think I was glaring at him instead.
23 was mean....

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I used to tell everyone that the janitor was my best friend. I don't know where I got this idea or why I thought this was cool. but I told everyone. and we never even talked.

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when i was young i used to think i wasn't normal not to have an imaginary friend because my closest friends had them so i used to make up ones on the spot and try really really hard to see them but it never worked.....

abnormal child
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When i was a little kid i had an imaginary shark/whale friend who made videogames out of malls and cows etc. just by pointing some invention in that direction and push a button, he lived in the clouds and put a banana on the sky when the moon came up
and an orange when the sun came up.
he had over 200 children and was really good at surfing
(he's norwegian name was Ola Bonga)

Weird imagination, huh?

LH from norway
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We all believed in guardian angels and so my dad told us to name them. I named mine Danny (after a boy I liked) and my sister named hers Peanut Butter. We thought they would do things for us like be an alarm clock in the morning or find parking spots for us. My dad still believes it works.

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