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when i was little my fingers were siblings and all had different personalities. Thumb was the strongest but also the most gentle, the next 3 fingers were very close perhaps triplets, and pinky was the only girl so she got picked on a lot by the 3 brothers, thumb was the only one that could control them, and he often stood up for pinky, although he was close with his brothers as well. Sometimes they would wonder why he always stood up for her, but understood it was because he was a nice guy.

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I was so unpopular with girls when I was younger that I made up an imaginary girlfriend. Not just any girlfriend though: I told everyone I was going out with Carol Decker's sister (Carol Decker - singer with 80's band T'Pau). I called her Vicki. I am sad.

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I had imaginary friends named Susie, Tommy, Debra Lee and Frog Ass. To this day I don't know why he had that name. I used to make my family set plates for them at dinner. My sister's boyfriend made the mistake of sitting on one of them and I started screaming at him. My sister was mortified.

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I used to tell my stepkids about a friend of mine named Mr. Donkey. A donkey with seven antlers. I told them that he came over to visit when they were with their father every other weekend. My favorite story was to tell them how he'd relax in the bathtub, reading the newspaper and smoking a big cigar.

Once, I made little muddy hoof prints in the bathtub, and made some leading through the kitchen. Neither of the kids had believed a word of my stories up until then. But they became instant believers.

For about a week.

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I had an imaginary friend named Bull's Eye. He was a skinny bull who walked on two legs, all black, and had one red glowing eye. I guess I was a pretty disturbed child since he would be deemed frightening by appearence.
I would talk to him and he would talk back. I remember my baby sitter's daughter, who was my age, going nuts over Bull's Eye. She told her mom about him and she said he was evil (she was very religious, must have been the whole Giant Raging Black Bull From Hell thing), and from that moment on I never gained full trust in him. I still have fun doodling him in class and addressing my thoughts to him at times. :)

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When i was little i use to have imaginary horses and one was blackey and one was whitey and my brother and i would tie them to the porch when we came in for lunch and hop on them and ride them to the park...take them up to the drinking fountain for a cool drink and we would gallop to make the sound we thought horses made,then when we rode them home for the night we would pretend we took the saddles and the blanket off too.We watched alot of westerns but never rode a horse lol.

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When I was a child not only did i have an imaginary friend I had imaginary families ... One in every color (blue, black, green, yellow, etc.) They each consisted of a mom, dad, brother, and sister, a fish, a dog, and a cat. Whenever I would Get Ill with my parents I told them I was going to live with one of my other families and to look me up whenever they decided "not to be mean". What would I have done without them?! :)

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I used to have an imaginary friend who was a monkey. He never had a name, just monkey. When I went anywhere with my mam, I wudn't let mam cross the road with out holding his hand. My mam used to get very angry and once shouted at monkey in the street, telling him to keep up and stop walkin slow. Whos the crazy one I ask u?

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When I was in first grade I would walk around the playground and try to hear the Care Bears who needed me to help them find sad people.

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My family moved from the suburbs to the country when I was five. Not only did I insist that we pack a box for my imaginary friend's stuff, but I made my mom promise that there would be room for her in our new house. When we moved, however, Mom -- trying to get me to grow up -- told me that my imaginary friend found a new family to live with and wouldn't be coming with us. I cried for weeks and tried to walk the 20 miles back to our old house to find her.

But it's ok. 29 years later, I've almost stopped being angry about it.

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I created my imaginary friend, it was a broom with taped on paper eyes and lips, and I named her broomie.. She didnt live for long.. my brother made a mess in the kitchen.

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When I was little I had an Imaginary friend named Jay Jay. She was a little Mermaid. She was very pretty but she told lies. She told me that Doctors eat little kids like me. So when my mother toke me to the Doctor one day. Jay Jay went with us and Jay Jay told me to run or I'd get eatten so I ran outside and I claimed a tree. Then Jay Jay came runnin out with me. It toke us 5 hours before we decide we would come out of the tree. The Doctor's Office had to call the local Police office to come and get me down. I can remember them Policemen talking to me and Jay Jay it was so funny. Then Jay Jay told me that the Policemen were strangers and since I wasn't allow to tell strangers my name...I wouldn't tell the nice Policemen what my name was....He would say "WHATS YOUR NAME SWEETHEART"? and I would say "JAY JAY SAYS YOUR A STRANGER AND I'M NOT ALLOW TO TELL STRANGERS MY NAME"!! But they did get me down after 5 hours and after that I wasn't allow to talk or see Jay Jay ever again.

Country GirL
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When I was little I used to keep imaginary chickens in the bottom drawer of my bedroom cupboard. Every day I would shut the door, open the drawer, let the chickens out and feed them. One day my dad came into the room and all the chickens escaped. I was devastated as they were all eaten by my imaginary dog, Sandy.

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whenever i was little, i had an imaginary turtle that i made my mom kiss everynite before i went to bed. i also had an imaginary friend named "Chelsea" and one time at a very nice restaurant, the waitress came over and asked it she could take the extra chair, there were 4, only 3 of us. well right in the middle of the restaurant, i started crying 'no no! Chelsea is sitting there!' the waitress apologized and apologized until my mother explained that Chelsea was my imaginary friend. Needless to say, Chelsea no long traveled with us to restaurant anymore!

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When I was little I had loads of imaginary friends, but my sister had twins with totally made-up names! They were called Mefron and Tee-tee. When I was a baby I always wanted to play with the remote, but my sister never let me because she wanted her imaginary friends to play with it instead, and would sit there for hours waiting for them to change the channel!!!!!

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I had an imaginary purple cat named Unicorn. But my parents started asking me all the time "where is unicorn? what is unicorn doing?" So I locked it in the shed and told everyone that Unicorn died of starvation.

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Most kids have an imaginary friend or two -- well, I had an imaginary club, complete with both made-up children and some from books I'd read...and a menagerie of animals that we all took care of during club meetings.

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I had an Imaginary Friend who's name was Connie. She was the same age as me, I was about 4. Maybe she was a little older. Anyways, She dresses like she was from victorian time. Long fluff brown hair, frilly dress, etc. She was really mean. She would bite me, pull my hair, break things, I WOULDN'T DO ANY OF IT! Then one day i got fed up and pushed her out the car window while we were moving. Yup, that was the last time I saw her. Until about 1 year ago when I thought I saw her out of the corner of my eye. hmmm interesting...

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I use to believe I was the principal of a school. I had thirty-something "students" and I knew all their names and personalities. One was even a half -leopard half girl named leprena.
When started school, I believed it was to make me a better principal. I would make up crazy stories with them, and even now I want to be a writer. I write stories and still use them at times.

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When I was younger, I used to talk to my shadow. I named her Trinity and always played tag with her. I also sat on my swing set and complained that she always went higher than me. I was weird. Sometimes, when I was on the swings, I would close my eyes and imagine that i was flying above the clouds and eventually I would meet Jesus and go to ice cream world.

Pathetic, I Know.

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