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imaginary friends

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For two years I believed that my sister and I had captured leprechauns that only we could see- and just barely at that. We gave all of them names and designated the city areas. I even took them to school for show and tell and commanded them to move a ball in a certain direction after I pushed it. We also believed that they could come out of wounds, so once I purposefully skinned my knee!

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When I was young i had an Imaginary friend called Lenny,although this is a boys name she was a girl. when my mum asked about Lenny i told her that her mummy and daddy died in a fire and that she had a dog that was black because it was burned, so she moved into my wardrobe. I also cried when i found out Lennie was a boys name, I used to take her to school and everything!

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When I was 5 I had 2 imaginary friends named Beattie and Ghani. They lived under the stairs but would also make occasional appearances under the kitchen table. I remember that Beatie was the wiser of the 2 whilst Ghani was a bit of a rogue. Beatie would spend a lot of his time keeping Ghani in check! They would always appear together and were great friends. After a while I just declared that had gone from under the stairs. Good memories!

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Mopsy who was a mop. It was a real mop but it only talks and interacts with me in my imagination and dreams. When I couldn't sleep or had problems at night, I would go to mopsy and tell problems to it. It would give me good advice and play with me in my imagination. I kept it a secret from everyone until my mom caught me talking to mopsy at night and she asked me why i was talking to a mop. I stopped believing in imaginary friends 3 days after that.

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I had three imaginary friends, Mike, Volk, and Amy. I did everything with them. I played gameshows with them. They did everything. I even got a "family portrait" taken with them on the couch. (It looks silly, me sitting alone on the couch.) There's even a conflict as to what they were called. I say they were Mike, Volk, and AMY, my parents say it was Mike, Volk, and NUMBERS. It will never be resolved.

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i used to think a small man named homer lived in my grandmother's freezer and made ice.

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I had a little hole in the wall under my bed when I was little and I thought that Fraggles lived in there.....

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up until I was about 8, I had an imaginary friend named Sprogget. (originally stemmed from a fairytale book I had as a child) He would go everywhere with me and ride in my pocket. I believed in him so much that it drove my family crazy. On one occasion, my father sat down to dinner,on poor Sprogget, and I started screaming and crying hysterically "YOU'RE KILLING HIM! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" The same night my sister decided she had had enough. She got out the Fairytale book and called me to her room. Well, whenever she read his story, Sprogget had to get in the book to make the story work. When he got in the book, she slammed it shut and said he was trapped forever. I cried a whole lot as a child. Carrie (my sister) hid the book and I never saw Sprogget again. I really believed that he was trapped in the book

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My four year old son Dorian has an imaginary family that consists of Grandpa
and Grandma Dorian who make him warm milk
and tell him stories and a brother named Dorian who always gets into trouble they go on all kinds of adventures that always
happen fifty years ago.

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I used to have three imaginary friends called Phineas(Finny), Elwin(Leper) and Brinker. Finny was my childish side. Leper had all my fears and Brinker was my conscience. One day I imagined I pushed Finny off a tree. Then my friend Brinker gave me a trial but Finny, with a broken leg, ran out of it and slipped on marble steps. He died because a piece of bone marrow got stuck in his heart. This happened when I was 5. Leper went crazy and died going to war when I was 13. Brinker however stayed until my 18th birthday.

Gene Forrester
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When I was about 6, I started believing that there was a sewer rat living under the school that I could talk to telepathically. I would stare at the bathroom drain and when I flushed I would warn him about it.

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I used to think that the splash that came up from the bathtub when the water faucet dripped was my friend, Mr. Drip. He would jump up out of the water if I told him something he was interested in.

nerdy baby
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I had a somewhat imaginery friend it was actually more like a voice in my head. It sounded like an older and british me she would know everything going on in my life and was my voice of reason and comfort me when I was sad. I also had a mean voice that sounded like an evil me and would make fun of me and put me down all the time. Surprisingly they never fought with eachother. I still hear them from time to time.

Penny Lane
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When I was really small, I believed that there are little creatures, living in my bathroom drawer. They were called the Zyziks and they looked like beans covered with short, brown and spiky four. They had stick-like legs with big feets and big, funny noses. They were reall trouble-makers, but I still liked them, becouse they weren't evil - just really clumsy and fun-loving. They wernen't my imaginary fiends, I guess, because they were half-wild. They would always hide, when somone entred the bathroom, and you could never seen them or talk with them. I'm not even sure if they could speak. But my and my mom knew, that they existed ^^

Maja ^_^
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i had two imaginary freinds called Cruncher and Crusher, they were two brothers, they had a dragon's head, a jaugar's body, wolf's legs and a horse's tail. Cruncher lived under my bed and Crusher lived in my wardrobe they used to go to school with me to protect me from bullies and to help me they were also my guardians.

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I used to have a kitchen knife "friend" named ben. He never really "talked", he just sent me messages with his head.Once I was using him and lost him in the kitchen.

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When I was little I had an invisible friend named Shorty. I did the usual, talked, played, set a dinner plate and fed him. One day he just went away. A couple of years later I was at my first Passover dinner and the adults announced that Elijah had come and drank the glass of wine that was left for him and pointed to the empty glass in the middle of the table. No, I yelled out, that was Shorty! I was convinced that this must be the house Shorty had moved to.

As a side note, I find it funny now that his name was Shorty and I never grew taller than 5'2".

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(Sort of nervous to put this here because people are really harsh with ratings, but...)

I do have an imaginary friend, but she's not as interesting as some of the others. She is a girl, no particular age but a little taller than I am, with long midnight-black hair and indigo eyes named Mara (mah-rah). She looks like a fantasy character - her hair is thick and long and swirly, and she wears a dress the same color as the inside of a very pretty shell I found once, gray-silver with rainbow tints.
I came up with her when I was seven or so and going through a stage in which I thought I was better than everyone else and everyone hated me. I was also a very dramatic child, as evidenced by the fact that "Mara" means "bitterness". At that time, Mara defended and comforted me as I thought I needed, and I think she had brown hair.
In sixth grade I brought her back and gave her her current appearance, and she developed a teasing personality, though we're good friends and she is caring when I need it.

Erulasse Aranel Partial-Dullea
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My mother tells me that when I was three I had an imaginary friend called "Lady". She tells me (in a hushed voice, because I think it might have freaked her out) that I used to make everyone wait for the "Lady" to catch up with us when we went shopping together...."come on Lady..."

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I used to have these 4 imaginary friends: Vicky & Tara, two Boarder Collie dogs; Frilly Baby (a baby with a pink dress & yellow hair) and Squeaky Mouse (cartoon-type mouse).
If they're reading this, I'd just like to say hi!

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