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The maple tree in my yard was my "boyfriend". One day we had a tearful breakup because I told it/him, "I can't see you anymore, I'm in love with the apple tree!" Well, those trees were better men than any around here.

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I used to believe that we were all just part of Alvin the Chipmunk's dream. I constantly tip toed around the house because I thought if I woke him up, "the end" would come and would fulfill the prophecy. (My parents were religous freaks.)

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I actually had an entire imaginary society, Project Reality. The "project" we were trying to accomplish was to create another world to live in when we got tired of Earth (read: ASAP). We had some pretty elaborate schemes, involving portals and time travel and whatnot, in hidden areas in various wooded areas.

A few of the project's members, if I remember correctly: Annie Dinny, who was my age and my best friend; Andro Gene, whom I eventually married; Jack Dodger, the six-inch-tall elf who kept the library; and Paul McCartney. I'm not sure why he got involved. I must have been an odd child.

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When i was a kid i had an imagionary friend called scamp, every time i did any thing bad, i would blame scamp. eventually my parents got so sick of it my dad told me that scamp got stood on by the Big Friendly Giant, i cried and cried and held a funeral for him... sad isn't it?

scamp mourner
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When my sister and I were younger, we used to believe that we had imaginary cats called Fred and Bread (mine was Fred... Bread was my sister's). We would run around the backyard holding our 'cats'.
The strangest thing was, my sister would often 'eat' her cat, Bread. He would then regenerate... She's a little weird...

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My brother used to have imaginary friends named donk and ponk. They were twin donkeys, but I don't remember which one was a boy and which was a girl. They would gaurd the house whenever we went somewhere so all four of us, (me, my brothers and sister) would shout out, "Bye Donk and Ponk," as our dad pulled out of the driveway.

I remember when I was about seven, my brother, the creator of donk and ponk, hadn't mentioned them for a while, like a couple years, we asked him what happened to them, he told us that they had tragically died bunjee jumping off of the Calgary tower without a bunjee cord.

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I used to believe that everything in my room was alive. I thought they'd come to life once I left the room. I couldn't figure out why I could never catch them while they were moving, even if I snuck up to my room. How could they know I was coming? Then it hit me. The carpets must have told them I was coming. I tried to wager with the carpets. "Just let me see if they're moving and I'll vacume you...please?" And when that didn't work, I just barged into my room and yelled at everything. "I know you're alive, so you might as well not hide it anymore. C'mon, I won't tell anyone! I promise!"

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From the time I was 3-8 I had an imaginary friend named Gwender who lived in my upstairs toilet, along with his whole family, whom I did not have a person relationship with. It was an insult to Gwender and his family to use said toilet, so I was forced to go downstairs to use the loo. I started telling people about Gwender and my mum got worried about the mental wellbeing of her oldest child. When asked about my "imaginary" friend, I simply stated he was invisible and only I had the ability to see him. Unfortunitely, after years of friendship, Gwender was killed when my mum put one of those pucks that turn the water blue into the toilet.

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When I was a little girl, I had an imaginary place called "Cat Land" in our backyard, and when my friends and I entered the backyard we would turn into cats. Being the bossy little girl that I was, I insisted that my friends and I go to the bathroom outside, since that's what a real cat would do. My mother, who happened to notice our "cat droppings" one day, exclaimed, "That big dog is getting into our yard again and crapping behind the shed!" LOL, 15 years later and I still don't plan on telling her what that really was!

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When I was about four I had a imaginary friend. Her name was Tao. Tao told me that money was the devil. She told me to take it and hide it in the shoes in the back of my mom's closet. Needless to say after four years of doing this my parents found about $1600 in my mom's shoes.

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My sister is legally blind. She can see the big E on the chart, but even then, it is only shadows. I always had to guide my sister around when we were in an unfamiliar place. (I still do, actually...) Anyways, I felt silly walking around holding my big sister's hand, so I made her hold Velma's hand instead. Velma used to steer my sister into gutters and trees and railings. I miss Velma...

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I used to believe that any person or animal that I drew might come alive and get angry at me (for drawing it badly?) Somehow, I alleviated my worry by always drawing the mouth second-to-last (so that it couldn't complain) and the eyes last (so that it couldn't see what I was doing until the last possible second).

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When I was a kid, I had two major imaginary friends, that is, ones that lasted more than a couple days. One was Tia, a red dragon that looked out for me and taught me how to swim, and at night she would stretch one wing over me so I would be warm. Tia lasted three years, and then one day she died. I found her body at the park and cried for three days. (I had a vivid imagination). Then, there was Charlie DeSablo, who was a guy the same age as me, with blond hair and sunglasses who always drank martinis because he was immune to alcohol. He was the subsitute devil and had once dated Marylin Monroe, and knew everything. Contrary to his description, he was a rather nice guy. One day he decided to go see Europe, and he hasn't come back yet. He took my toothpaste.

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I used to believe that the reflection in my bathroom mirror was named "Reflectia" and lived in a another world. I'd have conversations with her, thinking this really wasn't strange at all. There was also a girl in the medicine cabinet mirror, but she was mean.

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I used to believe that when I went to the toilet, the things in the room would come alive and talk to me. For example, the shower curtain was a REALLY fussy lady called Fiona who was obsessed with cleaning, the football loving Craig the toilet roll holder and David the gay toilet seat who didn't mind me sitting on his face. I would literally spend HOURS talking to all of them. I was a wierd kid...

Mrs Tre Cool
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I once had an upper floor bedroom that had a great view of the sky and I wished to leave earth to sail around the stars and planets. I used to stash coins under the carpet by the window, so that the pirates from space would see that I was good at hiding money and come to take me along with them.

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I went to catholic school and when I was in kindergarden our teacher told us that all children have guardian angels to protect them. Later on I fell in the playground and scraped my knee. When I went home I told my mom about what had happened and that I wanted to get a new guardian angel because mine wasn't doing his job. I obsessed about this for some time, every time I bumped into something, or fell I'd think "I need a new guardian angel!!"

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When i was little I had 4 imaginary friends....but they married each other....the rasberry family and the marshmallow family.one day Mr.Marshmallow
was beating his wife and then was taken to jail.Later Ms.Marshmallow died from eating too much KFC.....after I got over that Mr.rasberry went to jail then comit suicide...(he did not want to pay child support).Sadly tho....the rest of them was hit tragicly by a train......see I was watching too many of my dads shows when I was little....

Still recovering.....
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When i was 2.5 yrs old untill i was about 5or 6 I had an imaginary friend and his name was jesus christ and he went to university in europe. I always was on my best behavior in case he ever came home cause my mom told he was the son of god and could punish me . the funny part is we are jewish

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When I was a little kid, I believed I was marrying my imaginary boyfriend named Rusty. He had given me an engagement ring (which I stole from my mom's jewelry box) and I kept it in a little jar next to my bed. When people asked me where Rusty was, I told them he was in the backyard feeding the chickens, which was odd, seeing as to how I grew up in suburban New Jersey.

Naturally, everyone thought I was weird. I had forgotten all about Rusty until my mother told my now REAL boyfriend all about my sexual adventures as a five year old.

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