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imaginary friends

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From when i was about 3 to the age of 8 i had three imaginary friends. They werent people though. one was a little blue and purple fuzzy thing that was named Zookie. The other one was the body of a cheeta and the head of a guy, i cant remember its name. and the last one was a woman/horse thing.. the body of a white horse, and it had the upper body of a woman... i dont know what the hell my parents were feeding me back then.. lol

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When i was little all my friends had imaginary friends. I felt left out and cried for ages. I asked my mum to buy me one but she said i had to concentrate and find one myself. To my luck my imaginary friend was a hamster

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when me and my little sister were about 4 and 5, she had an imaginary friend named "rosie". i was so jealous, bcuz i thought she actually had an invisable friend that only she could see. so one time we were on vacation at a house on a lake. i was outside by the lake and when she came outside i told her i had pushed rosie in the lake. she started crying and my mom made me go out in the lake and find rosie. i must say it took me a long time...

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I don't know if this techincally falls under the imaginary friend category, but I supose it will do. When my brother (4 years), sister (5 years), and I (6 years) were little we didn't have imaginary friends. We had imaginary enemies. Their names were Mean Fat Barney and Sally Breaka. They used to always cheat at games and sports. They would also mess up our rooms and throw our toys all over. We would get mad at them tell them to stop but then they would fight us. So we would beat them up and they would go away until another day. Our mom didn't believe that our imaginary ememies were messing up our rooms though, we still had to clean them.

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I used to believe, due to a dream I once had at a young age, that if i walked up my neighbours big lane halfway up i would fall into a rabbit-like hole where there were 1000s of little cartoon people and i was there king. There, i said it

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I had a whole host of imaginary friends as a child - mostly TV characters, often from Neighbours. I also had an imaginary dog (the golden labrador Bouncer from the Oz soap opera "Neighbours") who I would walk when my grandparents were taking me somewhere.

The embarrassment they suffered when I used to hang back and announce that we had to wait because Bouncer was peeing.

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My brother was terrorised by an imaginary charecter called anorak doo-dah

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I believed Mighty Mouse was real and played with me and my friends. Once when one of my friends suggested we should pretend to play with Mighty Mouse again, I said, "It's not pretend!"

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I had an imaginary friend when I was about six, Steam the Chicken, a spectral rooster composed of water droplets who inhabited the bathroom shower. I would talk to him at length while taking showers, but he would only respond with a series of clucks. The friendship came to an end one day when I saw that Steam had been beheaded, plucked and roasted by some unknown entity.

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Between the ages of 4-6, I had an imaiginary friend called Super Bunny. I believed he lived in the giant clouds you saw in the sky, and that all the giatn clouds were sort of different colonies that were all part of 'Bunnyland'. One day we were at our local grocery store, and the logo on the carrots wrapper was a rabbit wearing a red and blue super hero outfit, exactly as I imagined Super Bunny. Seeing this I exclaimed to my mother, "Look! Look! He's real! He's real!"

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When I was 5 or so, I used to be afraid of the dark. To calm my nerves I thought of a little friend. He was a good ghost, that looked a little like the full moon. His name was Stefanus. He would sit on the windowsill at bedtime watching over me while I slept and when I had to walk hame in the dark he would hold my hand.
Only when there was a full moon he would slip way and play in the toilet, splashing the water. Whenever I saw the moon was full I'd make sure to leave the toilet lid up so he could play.

Stefanus was a good friend for a long time, he grew up as I did, became a person who'd always listen to me in puberty, was a shoulder to cry on when I was heartbroken. He allways understood me and it was comforting to know that there was at least one person that loved me as I was.

In the first year I had a car, I was driving some friends home and almost had an accident. I remember imagining a flash of white light that kept the two cars apart - I smiled because I immediately thought of my good old friend Stefanus.

I still like to leave the toilet lid up when there's a full moon - even if Stefanus is only make believe, it's nice to think that he might pop round to see an old friend and play in the toilet like he used to.

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when i was young, i used to have an imaginary friend named Carla. She was accually a tape recorder. and i would use a blank tape and have conversations with myself. I used my own voice for myself and a different one for carla and then i would play it back and listen to it. I would never let anyone touch my black stereo because it was my best friend, Carla

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When I was younger, i not only had an imaginary friend....i had an entire imaginary class!

I wanted to be a teacher, so everywhere I went, i woul dexplian to "my class" where we were going and why, I used to even read them stories and give them lessons on the chalkboard easel in my room

I was such a dork!

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up until i was about 9 or 10 i had a herd of about 40 imaginary horses who would follow me around. sometimes i'd ride them (don't ask me how). they all had names and i had songs about them.

i was a strange child...

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I had an imaginary best friend when I was a kid named Gringo. Gringo and I did everything together and we even 'dated' for a while. He then bought a house across from the mall so I didn't see him as much...only then did I learn he went off and married some woman and moved to Australia w/o even a goodbye! Every time I pass the mall, I still wonder how he's doing... I think he dumped me because it was easier on me than putting me thru the pain of telling him that I was in school now and it wasn't cool to have an imaginary friend... of course his rejection of me was just the beginning in a long line of men to follow... :)

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I once had an imaginary arch-nemesis called Daywood. He was nothing more than a lopsided pattern of squares that made up his face, but he had his own dimension and legions of robotic demons and stuff. He scared the crap out of me from when I was about one and a half until I was about eleven.

He was everywhere!

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Some little kids have imaginary friends, but my little sister is the only one I know with imaginary enemies! According to herself, she is the guardian of a land called Dekulina, and she must protect it against the evil House Demons and Voodoos who try to take over Dekulina. There are lots of them, but the ones who always bother us in particular are Twiggus, Porkus, and their father Gordon. Twiggus likes to steal things and throw spikes at people. Porkus is his little brother, and is chubby and lazy. Gordon is the leader of the House Demon Army, and he leads the march into Dekulina from time to time. There are also hazards upon hazards in Dekulina, like the dangerous Neutron Flower that will give you "goofy magic" until you drink the antidote.

I will credit my sister one thing though--she acknowledges the fact that she has the weirdest imaginary "friends" ever. :D

Sarah's Sister
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When I was around 5, I had two imaginary friends named Fred and Tornado. Fred bore a striking similarity to the monster in Monster's Inc. that got a sock stuck to him, and Tornado was a constantly spinning, talking tornado the color of my portals. Mostly turquoise with some red.
They could shrink because I felt bad that Fred had no place to sleep and offered him the under of my bed, because that's where monsters were supposed to sleep. But since i didn't really have an "under," he had to be able to shrink.
I met Tornado's family once. He had a dad named Hurricane, a mom named Gail(like gail force winds), and a little sister named Breeze.

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I do not believe in "imaginary" friends. I STILL believe in invisible ones. My parents tell me stories about my group of 'boys' who would go with us where ever we went. I remember a crowd of "seafoods" after eating at Red Lobster one night, they usually lived in the floorboards of the car. I have had a ghost named Peanut butter, a whole family if Pegasuses, some "good luck bugs"... Sadly, most of them left when I was about 15 and realized I didn't need them.

However, now at 25, I keep the company of two dragons and a white hawk. *grin*

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When I was little (early 80s) I used to love the Monkees. I watched all the time, reruns, not the originals. The Monkees were my imaginary friends. Mostly Davey. I had a hobby horse that I rode like crazy, and I'd jump on the horse with the Monkees. Davey got to sit right behind me, how the other guys crowded on, I have no clue. Sometimes, Davey would fall off the horse, and I would wipe his brow with a red washcloth. Red from the blood, of course!

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