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I thought my imaginary friend was real and he imagined me

I hope he still believes I exist

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At about the age of six, I believed that two little penguins lived under the pews in my family's church. I saw them peeking out at me from beneath the pew in front of us on quite a few occasions when we were kneeling and praying. Sometimes I whispered quietly to them to see if they'd play with me, but they never did anything but sit there and stare, so I eventually gave that up and just watched them.

Years later I realized that the "penguins" had actually been the high-heeled shoes of the woman sitting in front of me. They were black on the top and white on the bottom, so when the woman knelt and the heels were sticking out, they looked like little tuxedoed birds! Good thing I never tried to touch them or told anyone about my little friends.

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When I was about 10 and my little sister was four, we went on a family camping trip to France one summer. One day, I found Katie, my sister, starring at a tree a little way away from our tent. She told me that was were Boris, the cheetah, lived. Boris was a french cheetah, who was pink (with pink spots), and, coincidentaly, loved all the food which Katie hated (nameably, everything healthy.). Boris came home with us, and for about the next year and a half, whenever my Mum said 'Katie, eat your vegetables.', she always answered, 'But then Boris will starve!'

To this day, we don't know if Boris was an honest figment of my little sister's imagination, or a clever ploy to guilt my parents into giving her more biscuits.

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I had my imaginary friends and sisters when I was much older than most kids are when they have them. I was about 9-12 when mine were developed. I convinced people that I was a triplet. My sisters names were Leigh and Sonya. I dropped Sonya after a while and just had Leigh. Sometimes I was Leigh and sometimes I am me. I also had a "imaginary" brother named Toby and he saved my life a lot. My bestest friend was Kenzi, and I actually tried to set Kenzi up on dates and drew pics of her. I'm 27 now and I still have Kenzi around. I actually made a myspace for her and we talked back and forth. Every year, every few months or so, my daughter (7) and I have a birthday party for our imaginary friends (i didn't tell her about mine, she just had them one day at around 3 years old.) We make a cake on the special day and make cards and make presents and take pictures. I should post them up somewhere.

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My sister and I used to pretend there was a giant skunk that followed the family car, floating along behind us like a giant Macy's Day float. His name was Saywer.
Whenever we went across the bridge between our part of town and West Lebanon, Sawyer, sinking like a giant nimbus cloud, would hover in mid-air to take a sip from the river.
During this dilemma we peered anxiously through the rearview windows, our kiddie chorus peeping the chant, "Hurry up! Hurry up!", while we waved with as much exertion that a 5-7 year old can muster.
He usually finished lapping by the time Mom or Dad quieted our chatter. Then Saywer rejoined our journey , and then and only then was it all right to go on home.
More than anything, we didn't want him to be left behind.

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Imaginary Friends (weird, but true)...

When I was young I had 2 imaginary friends: Panty-Hosey and Panty-Jesus. They were both tan dachshunds. Panty-Hosey was the mom dog and Panty-Jesus was her pup.

When I tell this to my friends now, they always respond the same way: "That explains a lot."

Damian Synadinos
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When I was really young, 3 to 5, I had two imaginary pets. Their names were Dingo and Ginga-winga and they were bullfrogs who lived under the fourth steps of my deck's stairs. I used to crouch on the third step and watch them and listen to their conversations. Occassionally I'd throw bread down there for them. My clearest memory of them was them sitting around facing each other, just hanging out and discussing life.

tony baloney
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I had an imaginary friend called Minnie who went everywhere with me.

I don't recall it but I have been told the following.
I was three and on a plane (not for the 1st time, my family used to travel alot).
I started screaming and crying. Apparently Minnie who had been sitting on the wing of the plane (as you do) had been hit by a cloud and had fallen off!!!

Kitunae the Klot
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When I was younger, I would play with marbles. But not in the normal way, oh no, not me. I would play with the marbles like other kids play with action figures. I would assign them names and personalities. I would form armies of marbles, and they would fight amongst each other to tragic ends. But sometimes, they would all band together to battle the Lego armies. I've come to the conclusion that I was either exquisitely creative or horribly disturbed.

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When I was around 5 or 6 I invented myself an imaginary wife named Sonja, and I told everyone about here and had a whole pretend life with her. At that age, I only knew one phone number besides my own (that wasn't an emergancy number), that played a recording of the local weather forcast. I'd call it and have made up conversations with her. I think the imaginary marriage lasted a couple of years before I abandoned the fantasy.

Jerry Jeff Nathaniel
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When I was in Preschool I had an imaginary dog named D.D. We would pretend to plant bombs under the playground equipment and blow up the school. ... Ooookaaay...

Also, in 1st grade I had a giant imaginary bird named Kiwi. He was about as big as a horse and I'd "ride him" around. He was brown with a metallic head. (His real one fell off).

I was a weird kid.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Silo. He was like a troll sort of creature and I used to talk to him all the time but I was always afraid that my parents would be able to see him and send him away so I kept him quiet. I remember he used to wake me up in the night and shout at me for leaving him. then one day he just left. I cried for days and my parents didn't know why. hehe.

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When I was younger, maybe about 5-6, I had two Imaginary friends named Littlee Fella and Micos. They lived under the bottom step of my staircase for a long time. I imagined that it looked like Mexico under there. Then, they moved into a hole in the wall of my bedroom. I used to pretend I could see inside and it was a dark room with a couch and TV. Once in awhile, you could hear Little Fella's mom yelling at him from another room.

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When ever i saw a "face" in objects or walls ie. tree trunk, bedroom wall splatter (splatter of what who knows), I would think it was watching me and stare back into their "eyes" (I was a lonley kid)

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There used to be these realistic plastic toy horses by a company called Breyer that little girls loved to collect. My friend Mary was convinced that her Breyer horses had souls and would move around and do stuff when we were out of the room.One day she left a pen and paper and asked the horses to write a message. Later, we found strange markings on the paper, like another language, and it gave us both chills.We were absolute believers!Years later, her brother admitted he had written the mysterious message. Mary was very hurt though she was in her 20's.I think this experience had been very real and special to her, and he ruined the magic.

The horse reader
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I only had one imaginary friend. He was a boy, and his name was Jane. No matter how hard anyone ever tried to convince me that Jane was a girl's name, I would not be swayed. Jane was a boy. Jane and I didn't get along too well. I would get really upset when sitting in the back of the car and when asked what's wrong simply retort, "Jane's saying bad words!" He was, however, my sole companion and dearest friend whenever my sisters would kick me out of their room...

I don't know whatever happened to Jane. I have a feeling he left because I got too mad at him.

I still miss him. ;)

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I used to believe that I had an arch nemesis. An opposite of me. His name was Semaj, mine backwards. But I'd never actually seen him because he could transform into ANYTHING, except my next door neighbours 3 on their letterbox. I never found out what happened to him.

Arch Nemesis
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When I was little, I had an imaginary friend named 'Steve'. Steve died when my dad sat on him at a family gathering.

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I had an imaginary friend who was actually my reflection. She looked just like me, of course, but her name was "Jealous" because she was imprisioned behind the mirror. I thought that if I broke the mirror she would be freed and would take her revenge, and that was why it was bad luck to break a mirror.

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i guess i had an imaginary friend. he wasn't very friendly though. i saw him a lot more when i was like three. he never told me his name no matter how many times i asked. he always said 'sir' was fine. he was pretty tall and skinny and always wore a suit. he looked pretty normal except he didn't have a face and when he talked to me, i heard him in my head. we never really played games or anything though. he tought me how to draw and how to play the piano. i remember he never let me touch him. every time i got close he'd vanish but i'd hear him say to me in my head that if i tried that again he'd leave me forever. i would see him a lot in my dreams too. he would always call me by a different name in every dream. once he called my by my father's name in a dream and when i asked him why he called me that, he said to take it as it is. what does that even mean?? i'm fifteen now and i see him less and less. the one thing that bugged me was he had people of his own that he could see and i couldn't. he would talk to them all the time but i couldn't see or hear them. i thought it was a game but he said it was just work. i guess even imaginary people need imaginary friends of their own.

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