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I thought werewolves were just wolves, only cooler. Consequentially, I "ran a werewolf farm." and I sold imaginary friend werewolves to my classmates. Oddly, the currency was invisible rawhide doggy bones.

Dove Pan Daisy
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My parents told me that as a 3 or 4 year old that I thought Bob Geldof was my invisible friend. I would talk to him and I wouldn't let them walk up the stairs because he was sat on them. I have no idea why I chose Bob he was in the boomtown rats at the time.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named "Nanoo-nanoo" who was made out of electrictiy and of course, lived in the electrical outlets. For my 8th birthday he was the only person I invited. I was crushed he didn't show up.

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I used to believe that a little ant named Sylvia lived inside my body. She was my imaginary friend, I guess...She controlled all of my bodily functions, like running the potty factory! She also went on vacation inside my yellow tri-cycle.

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When my sister was younger, instead of having an imaginary friend, she had an imaginary herd of cows under the stairs!! She used to hunt them into the kitchen every morning, and back in under the staris every night before she went to bed!!!

Judy Jugs
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i always thought people were selected to get imaginary friends. all of my friends had an imaginary friend, i thought because it was a birthday present. but i never had an imaginary friend

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My mother told me that when I was three or four I used to believe I had babies.

Let me explain. I had a dozen babies and apparently I could make them jump in and out of my stomach when they needed to hide or I was going somewhere.
My mother said she went to sit down beside me one day and I yelled, "NO! You'll crush my babies." I then proceeded to call them all by name and wouldn't let her sit down until they had all jumped in.
I have no recollection of this but...Wow!

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when i was 6 i got onto the computer and made a character. i went to sleep that night and when i woke up i saw him sleeping with me! he follow me all the way up until i was 10. then we argued about cake(LOL!) and he left.

then i created another one online and saw him in the bed next to me the next day. i am 11 now and he still followes me around. we chat and everything.

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When I was little (but considered too old for an imaginary friend) I saw Harvey (an old classic movie) and saw that this 30 year old man had an imaginary friend and he was his BEST FRIEND! What a deal, I thought. So, I adopted Harvey. I don't know how, he just appeared to me. I was in 4th grade at the time and he was my best friend. We use to play dress up, but to everyone else I was just a crazy little girl in the supermarket dressed up like Cinderella (he was the beast). I'd even do my homework with Harvey. He was my best friend. He read me "The Catcher in the Rye." I'm still convinced he was real, because I myself have never read The Catcher in the Rye, but I know the WHOLE story.. Fishy!

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We used to have a hole in our skirting board when I was about three and a believed that the borrowers lived in it, for months I left food in it and my dad used to write messages suposedly from the little people , it was the weirdest pen-pal I ever had!

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You know those little fuzzy pompom things used for arts and crafts? I used to talk to them. I was also quite convinced they produced pudding...

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on saint patty's day back in 1st grade my teacher brought in a jar filled with leaves and said her friend from ireland sent it to her and there was a leprechaun in it. everyone wanted a chance to see the jar and they all said "i saw a hand!" or "i saw a foot!" of course they were lying but at the time i believed them. when it was my chance i went to see it and i didnt see a hand or foot or any trace of the leprechaun. i was so upset that that afternoon when i went home i cried because i thought the leprechaun hated me.

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When i was younger i had an imaginary friend called Bubbleinda and she was a pink elephant in a bubble! I used to bring her on holiday and my brother used to ask" where is Bubbleinda?" and i would simply reply "in the bath".

strange child
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I used to believe when I was about 3 or 4 in 1950, that there were a population of tiny people made of paper called "The Saturdays". They were triangular shaped and lived on a night-shift basis. When they went to bed at dawn, they would hang themselves up on the nails in a vertically stored "Bagatelle Board" kept in a cupboard under the stairs.

I don't think the bagatelle board was ever in use and we never went into that cupboard by day as it was dark and there were Saturdays in there asleep.

My parents told me I really did believe they lived in there and came out when I was asleep.

Jeremy Prior
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I had 3 imaginary friends, Olo, Peth, and Ancy. One was a girl. One was a boy. One was half and half. That had to have troubled the parentals.

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I had an imaginary friend named Scarlett Sheffield. She was British, with long blonde hair, long bangs, and plump red lips. She was always in haute couture and would often tell me what to wear. Sometimes, even now at age 13, when I am getting dressed I still hear her voice in my head saying, "That doesn't match..."

Kat needs fashion advice
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I used to pretent I was deep in the jungle of Africa doing a study on lions. My only contact with the outside world was through letters, which I typed on my type writter. I documented trapping, taming and becoming very close with these pretend lions. Eventually they turned on me and my last letter to the outside world, which I still have, pleads for my colluges to find my remains and revenge my death by killing the lions.

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one night after watching the movie peter pan my sister sister had told me that my shadow could come off like peter's did and it could kill me i spent the rest of my younger years trying to run from my shadow i even fainted when my sis locked me in my bedroom with my shadow

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Until I was 10 I had lots of imaginary friends. Most of them were very weird, like Sam the warthog, Mathmouse, and a purple cat that didn't have a name. I also had different ones at different places, like the purple cat only came in the restroom at the K-C Hall and Mathmouse only came at Lowes and at school. I never told anyone about my imaginary friends, even though most of my friends had imaginary friends too, because they were all so strange!(I didn't list all of them, but I had about 20 in all!) My strangest one may have been a wolf, which turned into a rabid wolf when we were in the car and a werewolf(It didn't look very different from the rabid wolf but to me it was differnt) whenever we were away from home(and not in the car) The werewolf's first appearance was the death of the purple cat because the werewolf chased the cat into a bathroom stall and messily devoured it.
I think the only reason I didn't have all these imaginary friends longer then I did was because in the end they had a war. None of them survived so I decided to not make any more.

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When I was very little, I so wanted a puppy, but my parents would never let me have one. So, in my desperation to have some sort of pet, I made up a little scruffy white Highland Terrier, called Toto. Toto sat on the sofa with me to watch television, he slept on my bed at night, and he even had a special bowl filled with water in the kitchen (that my parents insisted they, and my mean older brother would never kick over) I guess sometimes I was just plain lonely, having all my brothers friends living close by, while all mine lived in the bigger, posher houses further from the local primary school. Toto has now become a valued family heirloom-because I've now 'passed him on' to my littlest cousin, who is only five. She adores Toto, and even though her parents say he's not real, the rest of us cousins know he's merely invisible...

Manga Artist
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