i used to believe

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From about the age of 6-11 I was convinced that a terrible monster, the "red-eyed Hedgehog" lived in the space between my neighbour's fence and our garage. My next door neighbour who was a year or two older than me also believed there was a creature that lived down. Every day when we would climb the fence to each other's houses we would have to run really fast and clamber over the fence super quick so the Hedgehod wouldn't drag us down and eat us.

It took us a long time to get brave enough to go back to each other's houses at night time and often we'd ring our parents and ask them to pick us up.

By about the age of 10 I decided that I had to proove the existance of the red-eyed Hedgehog to my parents, so I set a trap. I got a cat carry cage, tipped it on its side and put a stick up to support the cage lid and then filled the plastic base of the cage with chocolate chips. I was upset to discover the next day that the chocolate chips were half gone and the damned Hedgehog had gotten away. :(

Red-eyed Hedgehog
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Everyone at school used to claim that there was an invisible man named Mr Nobody who lived under the desks at Infant School. I'm not sure if anyone else believed it but i did! He would pull our toes off if we dangled our feet, so we used to scrunch up our feet as close to the chairs as possible! He also had a wife, Mrs Nobody, and they'd run from one table to another and eavesdrop and eat our food. If anything happened and no-one owned up it was Mr Nobody who'd done it.
They'd also do something to do with fire-whether putting it out or starting it, i can't remember. This may be why i am now arsonphobic...

Mr Nobody lives under my chair!
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when i was nine i watched too many horor movies(about three a night) and i also had a creepy mask in my closet and every five minutes i would check to see if it moved and i acualy thought if it moved it would be behind me, i checked for a last time a month later and it was gone im 10 now and still check(just in case. . .)

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Craziest thing ever! One time when I was just beginning to read I had gotten a nice big book on wolves. I read it cover to cover, including one little sentence mentioning werewolves. I was terrified. So one night I had fallen asleep in my brother's room and I woke up some time later, having to use the bathroom. So I go out the door and turn to go into the bathroom, but I notice the TV was on, and then a second later it clicked off, causing total darkness. I grabbed my dog and dragged him with me into the bathroom and slammed the door and threw myself against it. The werewolves were watching TV and now they knew there were people to get in the house!!!
I whispered a plan to my poor border collie who needless to say wasn't happy, and gathering all my courage flung open the door and rushed down the hall to my parent's open door. But then I stopped~ My dad worked nights and for the past few nights I had been waking him (at about 5 when he returned home) and he told me never to do it again, but he was in my way of the safety of my parent's bed! He was sleeping on the side nearest to the door and taking a massive leap I attempted to jump clear over him and wake my mom.

It didn't work.
My legs landed on him....very hardly.
He wasn't happy. And to make things worse, I had somewhat dragged my dog on top of him too.

The werewolves?? It turned out it was my brother and he was trying to scare me into thinking he was a burglar....

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When I was younger we used to have these super loud flushing toilets and I would always believe that if I flushed them at night it would tell all the monsters in my house where I was and that if I didn't run to my room and hide under my blankets that they would see me and drag me off to their world and eat me.

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I used to believe that there was a monster in the toilet, that would come out when I flushed it.

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I used to believe there were such a thing as 'tree dragons' that lived in the woods. The dragons took the form of the branches and plants. Their eyes were invisible, but they were wise and old and watched humans to see if they were good or bad.

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I used to sing when I was lying in bed at night. I thought that the monster under my bed couldn't eat me if I sang pretty because he wouldn't dare hurt someone that was pretty hahaha.

weird to the tenth power
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I used to believe that if any of my body parts were hanging off the bed, the boogyman would reach out and pull me under. And if my covers were hanging off of the bed he would grab the covers pull them under and I would go under the bed with them. And to this day I still believe it. And I'm scared to walk near my bed in the dark, so I would jump on and off of my bed, when it's dark.

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When i was 5 i used to think (after i read a monster book) this freaky monster called a bedwolf would reach out and grab me if i didn't jump into bed. Istill belive that and i kinda whisper to him like "shhh baby its ok. i wont hurt you shhh." I think killer (i named him) is hiding everywhere.

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I used to run as fast as I could through the house at night when I'd get up to go to the bathroom because I thought that the zombie/mummy ducks from the Ducktales NES game were going to eat my feet!

Scary Dream
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I had a large sliding glass door in my room with aluminum tracks. When it rained, each drop would make a loud "SPACK" noise against them, and I thought there were skeletons dancing outside my window.

Scary Dream
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top belief!

I used to believe that the boogeyman was (lol!) a featureless, bald, gray man pushing a shopping cart! I guess it was because when I got told about him the first time, hearing "Boogey" reminded me of "buggy" and I immediately thought of a shopping cart. Still, when someone mentions the boogeyman, I get this mental image of the gray shopping cart man XD

On top of that, I thought he hated milk. This was because my mom's mom (who was a lunch lady) had a bunch of "Drink milk, it's cool!" stickers from work. My mom told me the boogeyman HATED milk and wouldn't come out of my closet as long as she taped the doors shut with one of the milk stickers!

Scary Dream
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When I was 6, I used to believe that if I didn't get out of the bathroom before the toilet finished flushing, The"Potty Monster" Would suck me down the toilet to his world. When I turned 7 he was replaced with the "Garage Monster". (I run out the garage door well it's still opening, and if I don't get back in before it finishes opening, He'll eat me.)

Still 7 years old (Really!)
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because i thought there was some horrible monster underneath my bed (that was only there at night and early morning) i would catapult myself off my bed every night and morning. my mom would always get mad at me for jumping on my bed....

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I used to beleive that a giant pig would come and eat me if I didn't sleep close to the wall. I was an insane 3 year old. I had the terrible threes, not twos.

Insane 3 yr old from VA
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This is my SISTERS belief but she used to thing that cougars are ghost cats and that grocery get their stock via owl. . . I think someone dropped her when she was an infant :)

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Being born in Alaska, when I was little I would go out and yell and the "Northern Lights" thinking that it would cause them to move around. My brother told me that if you yell at them they would come down and play baseball with your head. For years after that when the Northern Lights would come out I would run go hide in my bedroom.

Ed N.
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I don't have central air, so in the summer I'd have a fan in my room. It stood right over my bed and I always felt like it was staring at me. It creeped me out, so I'd always sleep with my teddy bear and my big quilt, no matter how hot it got. I thought if the fan tried to hurt me, my teddy would kill it and the quilt would keep the fan's evil demon friends from getting me.

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I was utterly convinced the bogeyman lived on the radio tower near where I lived. The red flashing light at top was him blinking his eyes.

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