i used to believe

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When I was a kid, my mom's friends used to tell me that there was a monster in the basement and I was to never ever go down there. I visualized this huge, purple, muppet-type creature covered in fur with yellow fangs and ginormous claws. I was never afraid of anything ever as a child, but I was absolutely petrified to go into that basement. I must have been about 5 and I still remember how real that belief was! Now I'm pretty sure that the grown-ups were smoking weed down there!

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I used to believe when i was five that when i flushed the toilet a monster would jump out and eat me

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Ever since i was a little kid-as far back as i can remember- i WOULDN'T keep my feet out of my covers when i was in my bed no matter what....even if it was warm in my room.
I thought that if i did monsters or ghosts would come out from somewhere in my room & try to touch me.
I'm not sure why, but i feel safe under my blanket.

I'm a teenager now, & i still feel like i can't have my feet out from under my blanket.
I freak out if i do.

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I believed that "It" lived in the sewer. so every time i walked by a sewer i hid behind my sister

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I used to believe the mountains were dinosours and at night they would wake up and come to my window and eat me.

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When I was in Elementary School, my class sometimes had to run a mile in the form of going 5 laps around a field behind the school. When we'd finish, my friends and I would always sit away from everyone else and look into the forest that was right beside the field. One day we all saw a black thing in a tree. We were convinced this was a giant tree-monster that lived in the forest. We ran away but. still wanting peace and quiet, quickly found another spot. We saw another giant tree-monster there, so we started running across the tree-line, seeing them everywhere. There was no fence separating the forest and the field, so we were scared half to death. We came up with an idea. We made a "peace-offering" to the monsters made of plants and flowers from around everywhere. We figured they would eat that and be gone. We piled everything up and left promptly. The next day, it was gone. We thought we had saved the school. We didn't know at the time that they were just leaves and branches.

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I believed that public parks closed at dusk because werewolves slept under the dirt during the day, but awoke and came out at night. I figured they were trapped within the area of the park, though, so sometimes when I was near one at night, walking with my folks or riding in a car, I thought little taunts to them. Then I realized that if I ever accidentally was in a park at night, they'd be mad about the taunting, so I began to apologize, but I had to do it out loud or else they'd think it wasn't sincere. I told people I was saying sorry to the land because it couldn't be a forest.

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when i was 5 my sister told me if i got up at night that the monster would chop off my legs.....so untill i was 8....i always wet my bed thinking i couldnt get up untill the sun was out...now im 13.

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I used to believe that monsters come out at midnight and until today I'm more of a morning person

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When I was small, my parents were watching a movie. I was not yet tired and wanted to watch too. When I asked what the movie was about, my mom told me it was about a monster that eats your feet.
From that night on I was afraid to stand next to my bed in the dark, because I thought the monster would come from underneath it and eat my feet.

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When I was turning 9 I saw this movie called boogie man and it was about this thing with sharp nails that lives under your bed and takes everything thats under it! So I started to believe that it was real so from then on i started to hardly go in my room when I was getting ready for bed and i NEVER put my hand or leg under the bed again.

movie listener
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Until I was 12, i lived in a townhouse. When i went to sleep and put my ear to the pillow, i heard voices.Until i was 10 I thought that thieves, criminals, and monsters were having meeting in my house while we were asleep! It turns out that i was hearing the voices of the people in the opposite house, louder because the bed was aginst the wall we shared with them.

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I never had a basement, but for a few years while I was in grade school, I lived in this old house with an attic. I used to believe there was a mystical dragon living up there, and that if I could steal a necklace it protected it would grant me seven wishes. But I was always too afraid of it, and at night the house would creak and groan, and I'd think the dragon was eating the last person who tried to steal the necklace.

Duran Artora
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the poopy man. he would pick your poop up when you flush

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I used to believe that monsters lived in my closet and under my bed. I had to get a running start then jump on my bed so monsters wouldn't eat my feet.

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I grew up in London near Heathrow Airport and as a child I knew, for a fact, that there was a werewolf living in the tiny space between my shed and my garden fence. I wasn't too afraid of him.... except for every evening at 6pm when a concorde would fly overhead.
I was mainly afraid that no one would hear me scream if he came out and got me.

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when I was little I used to believe that gremlins were real and seeked distroying the world.

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I used to believe that the "boogyman" was short for "booger monster". I had nightmared of a giant booger monster for a year.

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I believed that a monster lived, not under my bed, under my sheets. If there were sheets on my bed, I had to fold the bottom part of the sheets so my feet were over top. Some how, this stopped the monster from getting me

Go figure
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I used to believe that if I didn't go to sleep by midnight a werewolf would come in my room and eat me and use my bones for toothpicks.

Dalton Anderson
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