i used to believe

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this one girl at about 3rd- 4th grade told me and my friends that on the playground there was this pole wire thingy sticking out of the ground ( and there was) and that if u touched it, you owould get sucked into the ground and satan wouldnt let us back up.

so then we dared her to touch it at recess one day ( well we didnt really like her) and she did! then she pretended that she was being sucked in so me and my friends pulled her and i guess satan let her go. we havent touched it since a few weeks ago!! ( and we are in sixth grade now

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For quite a while during my youth, I believed that if I were to leave any of my toys outside, a vampire-like creature would emerge from them and try to eat me. The thought terrified me until I was around twelve.

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i used to belive[thanks to my dad] that if you hung your toes over the bed the toe gobler would come and eat your toes....................and now i still don't hang my toes over my bed

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When i was really little, about 3 years old or so, we lived across the street from a cemetery. There were these little mausoleums with stained glass windows, one of which was right across from our front door. One evening i was looking out the front window watching for my grandparents' car, when i saw a light come on inside the mausoleum. I completely flipped out. I was positive that corpses has risen from the dead and turned on the light in their little house. Turns out it was just our porch light, which my dad had switched on when he saw me staring out into the darkness, reflecting off the stained glass.

Chicken little
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I used to think that the knotholes on my wood-panel ceiling would fall off. I guess I thought they would attack me or something, because I remember being extremely scared of them.

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i think i was around 3 years old and still sleeping in my crib when i threw up in my sleep one night. when i woke up, i thought my vomit was actually a lava monster trying to eat me. so i screamed and cowered to the edge of the crib and watched in terror as the vomit seeped onto my favorite pillow. finally my dad came in and rescued me, but i never abandoned the belief that there was a lava monster living in our house.

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i used to think dinsaurs still existed and they would hide behind trees and would come out at night when i was asleep and everyone knew about it and just lied to me. i almost never went outside as a child because of this.

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I used to believe a man that looked like Charlie Chaplin lived in my mirror and wanted to scare me.

Jennifer Johnson
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My grandmother lived in an apartment building after she split from my Papa when I was little. The building had one of those buildings where the people who lived there could drop off trash and recycling and stuff and I always was afraid to walk or drive by it (it was sort of in the middle of the back row of the parking lot). I always thought that a dragon lived in it and ate everything that went in so I never wanted my Grandma or my parents to go in there. I used to have dreams about it every six months

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I thought that I was destined to become the phantom of the opera after seeing the movie. I was horrified at his scary face so i prayed so I wasint the phantom and, you know what? It worked!

Erik...Whait, thats the phantoms name... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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I used to make giant circles of dead grass with my friends. We spent hourss collecting grass and leaves and things to make them in the playground. We always thought a bird would land in them but then one of my friends started believing she could turn into a dragon and kept "Nesting" in it. So whenever someone kicked it, she got really angry and said "Hey thats my nest you're kicking!".
I only realised how silly this was when i started going to secondary school.

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When I was about 6 I was told that there was a man who lived in the small wood (a spinney) at the end of our road. We called him 'Mr Spinney' and as my sister and I often saw smoke coming from the wood we believed he cooked and ate small children. I had to walk past it to go to school and was totally terrified that one day 'Mr Spinney' would grab me and put me on his BBQ. The friend who told me this story denies all knowledge...

Annie May
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When I was little I believed that monsters came out of the toilet every time you flushed it. I would wash my hands before I flushed, flush and then run and jump on my bed until I heard the water stop running before it was safe to touch the ground again.

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I use to think everyone were monsters, and when arent in my presents would turn ugly. but turn back as soon as I look at them.

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Hi. I'll get right to the point. When I was in 3rd grade, I was surfing the web, and found this video about Internet Safety. On this, it showed all the guys that betray you on the internet, blah blah blah. They called these the "wizzyWugs" (That's supposed to be scary?!) And one of these was "Follow-You Fiona", who looked like a cross between Lord Vauldemort and Micheal Jackson, but she had a nose. And she was sooooo creepy to me. So, for days, I was afraid that she would sneak up to my house and steal me away, (My parents said she tricks you into giving personal info, including your address) and, finally, my computer teacher told me that I had to GIVE her the info first. I thought she already knew! I told my husband, and he said his cousin had the same experiance.

Too afraid to give information (;
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I used to believe cement mixers were big monsters pretending to be cars. From the rear, it looked like they had angry, evil faces. I thought they were holding toxic waste inside for some nefarious purpose, and that they drove themselves- no drivers necessary.

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top belief!

The house where I grew up was in a town near a military base. At times they had drills where they had planes drop shell, the sound of which sounded like loud steps by the time they reached my neighborhood. Until age 12 at least I was convinced when I heard it that it was dinosaurs coming... I grew up in the 90s and Jurassic Park was big, what can I say... The sound and vibrations were IDENTICAL as in the movie!

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top belief!

When I was a considerably younger I would see the giant oil drills on road trips. When I inquired to what they were my father informed me that they were giant Grasshoppers that ate cars.

I am 19 now and I still cant look at an oil drill without feeling afraid. Thanks Dad.

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There is an amusment park near my hometown and around Halloween they have a haunted graveyard and you go at night and you go through the graveyard and it supposed to bge scary. When I was about four, I felt I was brave enough to go. My parent wouldn't let me, so my dad told that if I went, a monster hand would come out of the ground and pull me under and I would never come out.

I believed him for years. I was terrified.

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top belief!

I used to believe pencil shavings were the key to bringing clay creatures to life. My best friend and I made a point to volunteer for the positions in school which emptied the pencil shavings from the sharpener, then secretly stash them away and bring them home to animate a small clay monster we hid in the basement.

It never worked out as we planned.

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