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wen i was about 4 and my sister sophie was 6 we used 2 believe heavily in the boogeyman.
It used to be under our bed, in the pantry, and most especially out side in the bush.
So every time we went on the trampoline my sister would guard it with my dads golf club and vice versa.
i still believed this until my neighbours troy n brady came over and we camped the night in the bush.

haha we all had golf clubs :])

haz tha spaz (#[!]#)
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I used to be deathly afraid of monsters. I even had a plan for every possible situation if a monster happened to get in my room at night. I shared a room with my sister and my sister slept on the bottom bunk and I slept on the top bunk. I believed that any monster would eat her first and would be too lazy to get me. Even if they weren't feeling lazy I would get a headstart running while they were eating my sister. If I was sleeping alone I would tuck the sheets over my head and around my body, until I was practically suffocating.

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Ever since I can remember, up until around age 12 or so, I would go into my room at night, put on my PJ's, get into bed, reach over and turn the light off and then REALLY QUICKLY put my whole body under the covers. I'd lay there for hours just making sure no body parts were "exposed" for the two terrible monsters at the foot of the bed, just waiting for a chance to get me. Somehow that blanket saved me...lol. Even wierder was that, if I ever accidentally exposed my foot or arm or anything, or came up for air after nearly suffocating, I'd always say "oh, it's ok, they went to McDonald's." LMAO! Why McDonald's, I don't know.

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i believed a red one eyed monster would get me if i did not go to bed by ten. If I was awake still my mother would point out of the window and sure enough there would be the glowing red eye of the monster winding its way along the country road . Ahhhhhrg. I was never up after ten......
when I grew up....my mum confessed it was our drunk neighbour driving his car home after his regular visit to the local public house, the car had no functioning lights except one tail light, old red eyes..........

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when i was about six years old i thought a saw a "red eyed monster" behind the fridge. my mom had to move the fridge to prove to me that nothing was there.

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top belief!

Not so long ago I believed that when I drove my car along a long portion of highway that a mean gnome lived in the hillside. (this gnome is about 6 feet tall in my mind and wears a robe much like Father TIme or a wizard) Anyway, I traveled this road daily from my boyfriends house to my house at roughly the same time each day. I was sure that the gnome would see my car coming and watch me until I was out of his sight and then before the next day he would move to that location on the hillside. I believed that this would go on until he found where I lived and...well, I'm not sure what I thought he would do...he just creeped me out. So, I would change up the time a little bit, I would take a different route, etc. Well, then I got married (yes, I was that old and NOT in a mental institution.) and I felt that I fooled the gnome because I wouldn't be traveling in that direction any more and by then he was surely closer to my parents house and would not find me again. Many of my friends know this story and are waiting for the day that they will create little blockades by all my doors so that I am held hostage by little ceramic men holding gardening tools and smiling that creepy smile. I will forever hate gnomes!

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I used to belive that at night a huge black pantha climbed through everones winow to check they were asleep. If they were asleep it would leave a slice of cake! If you wernt then bad things happened. I don't quite know how i came up with this notion as i have no older siblings who could have told me! Whenever branches tapped against the window i was convinced it was coming and I had to pretend to be asleep! Still, despite the lack of cakes the next day I belived this for several years!

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I used to believe that there were alligators in my bedroom carpet, that would attack me if I let any part of my body hang over the side of the bed. Only when the light was on, or mum or dad were in the room, would the alligators not attack me. Blame my older brother for this belief!

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When I was little, I believed that the 'koo-ko' (spanish boogeyman) was outside in the dark or in the spareroom of my house and even now as an adult I get more than a little anxious waiting for my dogs to pee or going upstairs to look for something.

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when i was little my grandparents had this old storage shed with a small hole in the side. my cousin braught me over to the shed and told me that there was a monster inside. when i wasn't looking he poured bubble salution on his hands. he stuck his hand in the the hole and pulled it out and screamed '' monster slobber! '' . i ran across the yard screaming.

wacko zacho
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I used to crawl under my bed because I believed it was the only safe place to hide from Indians. I thought they would raid our house and kill my family, while riding horses in my bedroom. I think this logic was provoked by the movie "The Indian in the Cupboard".

Years later I found out I was part Native American... :\

Miss Kristine
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when i was at my grandpas ( i was about 5) i saw a furry gray thing twitching in the window.'' grandpa there's a monster in the window!'' i screamed. '' thats a squirells tail'' he said.

wacko zacho
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When I was little we would watch Chiller Theater while my parents played cards with my aunt & uncle until the wee hours of the morning on Friday nights. One movie that really frightened me was "The Tingler". My older brother had me convinced that he could become "The Tingler" at will and would anytime I didn't do what ever he wanted.He would roll his eyes back in his head, stick his bottom teeth over his upper lip and groan"Ughhh, tingler,tingler". I did alot of his chores and I was in my early 20's before I would enter a room before turning on the light first. Thanks alot Steve for the emotional scars.

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I was afraid to be alone in the house when it was dark. I believed that a human skeleton would appear out of nowhere and strangle me. (I thought the skeleton was the creepiest thing on earth) I had a skeleton costume for Halloween, and as long as I was wearing that, I was not afraid.

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When I was little, I sincerely believed that my dresser turned into a monster at night. So I devised a fool-proof plan to keep the monster from getting me: I would put my toy Smurf on my head as I slept, and then the monster would think I'm a moose and it wouldn't eat me. Sure enough, it worked. The dresser monster just sat there staring at me all night, but never once tried to eat me.

To this day, I still sleep a little bit sounder if I put my Smurf on my head...

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My brother and I used to sneak and watch Chiller Theater even though we weren't allowed to. After watching a few episodes back to back - The Mummy and Dracula.. I was so afraid when I went to bed that something was going to get me, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I believed that I'd be safe from the vampire if I slept with a cross around my neck and I slept with my arms and legs all sprawled out so I couldn't I couldn't be mummified while I was sleeping!

Wild Imagination in CT
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I used to think that when people were talking about the "Abominal Snowman" (more correctly known as the Yeti), they were saying "Invulnerable Snowman".

Snow Leopard
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The only way to get rid of the boogie monsters that lived in my closet was for my mom to get the broom and sweep them out of the closet, through the house, out the front door, and onto the sidewalk. All the while, she would need to yell, "Go away monsters!" or it wouldn't work.

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When I was a child i believed that there was a monster under my bed and it i didnt get to my bed from the doorway in 6 steps it would jump out and eat me....i had a large room and my bed was on the other side, so on the 6th step i always had to jump. I eventually grew out of this but i always made it to my bed in 6 steps.

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