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When I went to bed as a child I used to believe a little monster or somthing of some kind would come into my room and try doing somthing to me.
So I believed if I put my head under the bed covers, and made sure there were no gaps around me, they couldn't get in to get me.

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When I was little I thought the boogy man's favorite color was pink and I hate that color, years later I found out that my sister told me that so I would stay out of her room.

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Does anyone remember the Stephen King movie "Cat's Eye"? I must have been about 10 years old when it was broadcast on television; the cat-lover I am, I was compelled to watch it...
The horrid little troll in the final story was the subject of my nightmares for years. My room in the attic had cracked walls and I was ever afraid something evil would come out to steal my breath.

when I was 14, the movie was on TV again and I thought it would be good therapy to watch again. After all, I was older and knew the troll was fake. *bites lip* My nightmares came back scarier than ever.

Now, I am 27 years old... about three years ago I found Cat's Eye on dvd for a fair price and bought it. Never plucked up enough courage to watch it for a third time, though.

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When I was in 3rd grade my friend told me that she had a stuffed dog that at night came to life. She said it was evil but she couldn't get rid of it because if she did it would try to kill her. She told me it would growl at her and try to bite her while she slept. When she had her birthday she asked me and a few other girls to sleep over. I didn't want to because I was scared that dog would bite me and then try to go home with me. She asked my mom if I could and my mom said yes. I faked a stomachache to stay home.

Cant believe i belived her
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I remember when I was younger, I believed that monsters only lived in the rooms with carpet. I made the assumption that the monsters preferred carpet rather than wood floors either because carpets were more comfortable or because wood flooring was colder. I always tried to avoid the carpeted rooms as much as possible. But if I had to go onto the carpets, I'd run!

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when the water went down thr drain from my bath i used to like putting my hand there to feel it going down my sister used to tell me that theres a dragon living in the pipes and if i kept putting my hand there he would bite it off

Lucie M.
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Ok when i was about 11 or 12 or maybe even 10 i used to sleep with the lights off in my room and then id have my door open and the lights in the hall on, i would always sleep so my back was facing the door and whenever i turned i was scared that Chuckie(yes the little red-headed doll) would be standing there with a knife, so i started sleeping facing towards the door

Bobby, the king of swing
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I think at night that if I hear a creepy noise and I pretend to be asleep, I turn invisible and monsters can't see me.

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I sometimes think that when I go in the bathroom if a soap bottle is pointing at me, a monster will come that night when I'm sleeping and kill me.

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I was very young when I had an obsession with Power Rangers. One day, I watched the movie. The following night, I lay awake in the belief that The Ooze was going to come underneath the crack under the door (I always had my door closed) and kill me.

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It was right after I had watched Jurassic Park. I was a little kid back then and it terrified me... Even though I had a great love of Dinosaurs. When I was in bed at night and I heard a noise outside my room, I swore that a Velociraptor was coming up the stairs to eat me. Because they could obviously open doors in that movie. =D

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When I was young I watched a movie about a mummy that (of course) came to life and attacked people. There was a scene where some innocent was passing a doorway and the mummy surprised the passerby and attacked. I was a very big kid when I finally overcame the fear of being attacked by a mummy everytime I passed a darkened room.

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I used to believe that if I said out loud that I love all bugs animals and monsters that they wouldent come get me. It was a long dark walk home from grandmas house and I was sure the bugs animals and monsters were waiting to get me in the dark

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For some reason, whenever I was in a room without an adult, I always used to think there were some sort of monsters in there.
Any time my mom would ask me to go downstairs to help her out with something and the lights were off, I would run down the stairs, do whatever it was she asked me to do, then run back up the stairs ten times quicker.
I believed that whatever was down there was going to prevent me from running up the stairs and would suck me back down.

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top belief!

As a child, I never slept by myself in my own room. I had to call my mother to sleep with me or I went to her room.


I had a phobia that Batman would appear at the foot of my bed at night.

Batgirl =] New Jersey
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i beleived that behind the door in my nanas hallway
there was 3 monsters that wanted to jump out and eat me so i ran past i also thought there was a monster in the toleit that them when i was there i wont go near the door if i had been toliet. i now know the door lends to the boiler

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I was convinced that some sort of flying vampire monster would get me if I left any part of my body sticking out from under my sheets at night.

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top belief!

I used to think there were monsters living inside the walls. This belief was validated when I stuck a key in an electrical outlet.

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When I was about 6, I went through a phase of thinking that a giant wanted to kill me. I would lay in my bed and I could hear the giant's footsteps walking up the hill to our house. I would jump out of bed and peep through the curtains to see him, but of course, he was too quick for me and would hide.

When I got back into bed, it would start all over again, only he would be walking faster and faster and eventually running to get me. I really had trouble sleeping for a while because of this giant.

I don't remember how long it went on for, but I eventually realised that it was only my heart that I could hear as my ear was pressed tight against the pillow, my heartbeat getting faster and faster the more scared I became.

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I used to believe that an immortal old man would climb through my window at night with an axe and cut off all of my limbs. I slept with the blanket pulled up so just my head was showing thinking that the "man" would think he already cut my head off and move on to the next house. He was competeing with the vampire that lived under my bed.

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