i used to believe

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Much Thanks to my kind, loving, uncle:
In the area of my uncles house where the furnace is, there is a little closet door so you cant see the ugly furnace. He says that in that room are the "Furnace People" they are kind of like zombies that live in the furnace. They loved the people who lived in that house and thats it. So any guests would be ripped to pieces. Like, his wifes sister, i called her AUNT michelle anyway, lived with them for a while. When she moved out, he said that the furnace people got her.

He also said that his neighbor's house had "crawlspace people" and at night you could see the two breeds of zombies fighting eachother. they would take pieces of the furnace and the people from the crawlspace would fight with gardening tools. He also said that the crawlspace people were much eviler and that if you didnt sever their heads, they could multiply. so, if you chopped off their arm, they would grow a new one and the arm would grow a new body.

so i always hoped that the furnace people were good at killing the crawlspace people. damn, i was stupid.

Furnace Hater
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I believed when I was going to bed that dinosaurs roamed the streets, peeking in the windows with one huge eye to check everyone was sleeping. I don't know what would happen if you weren't sleeping, I was always sure to at least feign sleep.

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When I was about 10 I stayed up late one night to watch the TV premier of American Werewolf In London. By the time it got to the dream sequence of him chasing through the forest I was so terrified I turned off the TV and legged it to cower under the covers. To this day I am unable to walk through a wood on my own without getting the screaming heebies, even though it's 25 years later and it's one of my favourite films.

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My granny had a garage made out of compressed wood chips and one looked like a really angry owl monster and I use to think if I stared at it too long it would come off the wall and peck my back.

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I use to believe that dinosaurs were real because of Barney

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My little brother couldn't sleep for awhile, and I asked him why and he said he was afraid of the "tutors coming out of the little holes in the wall"

My sister had a tutor for math that year...

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When I was home alone my protection from monsters and ghosts was to stay on my couch or bed with no part of me touching the floor or walls...and my bed had to be in a position where I could see all of my room...it seems to have worked ;)

Usagi Ohkami
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I used to believe that if you closed a door on a dark room, then all of these monsters in the room would come out of their hiding places and start partying. I even remember one time when I was closing the door to my parents room, and I said something like, "I hope the monster's have fun." I was one screwed up kid.

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I used to beleive that a "cathedral" was a type of monster.

My mother would sometimes sing me a lullaby called "Green Cathedral" . . . I would lay awake for hours, afraid, because of it.

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My mom told me that if you were out past 9 pm Frankenstein would get you. He roamed the streets looking for children out so he could kill them.

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In the 80s there was a game on the Commodore 64 called 'Shamus' - if you stayed in a room too long a character called 'The Shadow' would appear from nowhere and rush at you; if he touched you he'd kill you. For many years I would apply this theory to certain rooms and would hurry to get out of them as quick as I could... mostly those rooms where I was alone such as the bathroom or the stairs.

Of course I don't believe it anymore, but I believed it for long enough to develop habit that I still have now I'm 27; I nearly always run up stairs...

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THis is a story my mate Tracy told me: When she was little and wouldn't eat up or tidy her room, her older brother would tell her that the GIBLETS would come after her if she didnt do as told. It took many years before she realised that GIBLETS were the insides of Poultry.She thought they were huge monsters!! Bless

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I convinced my 4 year old cousin of an exsistece of something called a walking around troll. I said if you stay in a room in the dark when your not sleeping it will eat you. It got very creepy when the power in my room only went off. Thats when I told him I made it up.

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I used to believe that monsters could take you at night and bury you alive while you were sleeping. The only way to keep them from doing that was to sleep all sprawled out, because when they came to take you, you'd be frozen in whatever position they found you in. If they couldn't fit you into a coffin, they'd leave you alone. Needless to say, I slept in some pretty odd positions in my youth.

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When me and my siblings were younger our parents always used to tell us that we would turn into gremlins if we went to bed after midnight. We later found out it was only to get us to bed early. We still joke about it.

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when i was younger, my mom used to tell me that if i didn't go to sleep when she told me to the boogeyman would come and eat me. Then she'd say a boy would be trying to kiss me and i hated boys then.

Chakeva MO.
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I used to believe that if you walk under a tree at night there was a chance that a warewolf would jump on you and attack you. For about four years I did not walk under a tree at night.

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When I was 5, my Dad told me that if i go out at night, I'll see the "Night Troll" He told me that he had a long, pointy nose and ate kids. I used to believe him. I used to think I seen him peeking in my bedroom window.

Stimpy9337 (Kelsey)
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I used to believe that if you fall asleep with your hands on the outside of the covers, monsters would come and eat your fingernails.

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I used to think there was a monster that lived at the end of the hall during the night and was mortified to go anywhere near the hallway. I later found out that the noises I was hearing that caused me to believe that, was my dad snoring.

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