i used to believe

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When I was five or six years old, I believed that 6 meter (20 feet) tall human giants really existed. I was scared that giants could walk upto me anytime and attack me. I probably got the thought from hearing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk where there was a giant that lived in a castle up in the clouds. I now know that giants are just imaginary creatures from Norse mythology that were also known as Jotuns.

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You know that noise from the bath when you let out all the water?
I used to think they were monsters yelling and if I didn't get out of the bathroom by the time the noise stopped, the monsters would come out and take me down the drain with them.

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When I would be riding along in the car and it was dark outside, I would look far into the distance and see the outline of the trees. But I used to think the dark outlines were monsters and they looked like they were going in the direction of where I was headed. I was always freaked out that one day they'd all be there waiting for me.

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Once my big brother tode me elf you throw mud at the house the mud moster wold come and get you .and bring you to his mud laiand make you be a slave.

Blaine Potts
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That there is a monster at the end of the hall that wants to get me.

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I used to think that there were these wierd black imp things living in our house. I used to think they were evil and did bad things. When someone did something bad i thought that an imp had possesed them and made them do it. Then when I turned 9 and started playing UT 2003, I pretented that i would shoot them with guns and that was the only way to kill them. I also thought that the can of whoop-ass was a huge bomb and would kill all the imps. From then on I searched endlessly for the can of whoop-ass. Then I got my hands on a can of beans without a wrapper. I opened the can and ate it all. Then i pretented I had Godly powers and could kill the imps by poking them.

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When I was a kid I suffered from sleep paralysis and extremely vivid dreams... one dream I had was that I went into the kitchen to get a lollypop and as I was walking out the light went out and something gabbed me from behind and clapped it's hand over my mouth, when I tried screaming it only told me that nobody coud hear me and started giggling manically, this was VERY VIVID and I actually remember it as a real waking experiance since I don't remember waking up afterwards but I figure it must have been a dream, anyway afterwards I couldn't go in the kitchen and it made my parents mad when I insisted they go with me.

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I used to beleive Bigfoot would come and crush me when I was alone.

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I used to think the tellytubbies were going to kill me

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I used to believe there was a man on the moon and a skeleton in the wall.

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When I was a kid, if I was being mischevious or bad in some way, my mom would (rather theatrically) pick up the phone and pretend to call "The Woman". Now, "The Woman" was a bogeyman figure who worked for child services. By all accounts, she had curly teeth, greasy hair, and if called upon would take you away to live with her in a grotty house with itchy blankets and nothing to eat but moldy bread. I used to believe she was real. I remember being so traumatised i'd have nightmares about her, standing 100 feet tall somewhere in the distance, tearing roofs from houses searching for me. Frankly, I think its a wonder I'm not petrified of all women these days...

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When I was 4 years old, there was a spate of monster stories at nursery. One night (or so I thought), I was picked up out of my bed by a brown furry monster, taken downstairs and placed on the record player where I lay, while a few ghosts (you know the sheet looking ghosts from Scooby-Doo) danced above me. For years I was absolutely convinced that it had happened! Maybe it did...

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When I was 8 I thought there was a monster fish living under the tub that ate everything. Whenever I took a shower at night I thought it would come up from the drain and attack me unless I used a certain soap. The other soaps it would just eat but one of the soaps I thought it hated the smell of so it would keep it away. I called it "Peach Repel." I would cry when we ran out of it because I was sure the monster would eat me if I couldn't keep it away with the Peach Repel. Once I heard strange gurgling noises coming from the drain and I was SURE it was the monster and it was going to come and attack me and then I found out it was just water gurgling in the drain. I stopped being scared of the monster fish when I got into writing stories and in my book series I was writing one of the characters was a girl who invented a potion called Fish X that could turn her into a monster fish. Writing about the monster fish, especially writing about the monster fish actually being just an 8-year-old genius with a potion made me a lot less scared of it.

I was SO easily-scared back then.
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When I was little and it was time for bed, my parents would say the poem of "Wee Willie Winkie," but this just made me scared to death that there was a little man outside my window every night just waiting for me to go to bed and my bedroom being on the second floor meant he could fly. For years I thought he was outside my window watching me while I slept, and I would curl up in a ball and sleep as close to the wall as possible so he wouldn't know I was in there and he'd go away. To this day I have issues walking past open windows at night.

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I used to believe that if I slept with my arms or legs dangling over my bed, a monster would come in and chop them off. I also believed if I slept with my neck exposed a vampire would come in an suck up my blood. Needless to say, I slept bundled up in fear of monsters and vampires.

Cathy C.
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I used to believe that their was a gorilla that lived outside my window. I couldn't sleep facing the window because he would bite my face off, and I couldn't turn my back towards the window because it would make the gorilla angry. I slept on my back for about 3 years before I finally came up with the theory that the gorilla now sat outside my brother's room. ;)

Dramatic Meg
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when i was little i had a statue of a womon(i have statue-phobia.)
and i thought that at night it came alive and it would eat ma!

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We used to have an army training grounds not too far away from my place which would use the cannons in training. So one day when I was 5-6 my brother told me that the cracks in the black footpath were the footprints of monsters, and the bombing sound the army made was them stomping around the neighborhood.
I used to be happy when I would hear the cannons, glad that I was inside, and I would look out the window trying to see the monsters.

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I used to watch a tv show called the Bionic Woman with Lindsey Wagner. She always fought what I called the Bad Lady Robots. To me they looked a lot like the manicans in stores, and I was sure that the manicans would come alive and were really the Bad Lady Robots and that I would have to fight them. My mom and I always went to stores full of them, and I was always scared to go into the bathroom at this one store because the hallways was dark and eerie and inside was a manican, and I was scared to be in that hallway alone with it.

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When I was a little girl my brothers, sister's, and I were the renedition of "Babe's Kids". We were so bad that my mom had to make up this character called the Boogey Man. Everytime we did something wrong she would would show us a picture of the decil and call him the Boogey Man. One day I guess we all pushed her buttons a little too far at the mall and she sped all of us that weren't old enough to live at out in the world and packed our bags. She then knocked 5 times on our bedroom floor and told us to wait there for the Boogey Man to come and get us. She left the room and went to sleep in her bed. We cried for like ever then we came up with the plan. We took shifts all night so that when one of us saw the Boogey Man that one would wake the rest of us up and we would all beat him up. Since he never cam we all believed that he had heard about "Monique's Kids" and backed down....

Monique's kid # 6 out of 10
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