i used to believe

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I used to believe that Dracula lived in the clock tower downtown. Why? Because my dad told me, and naturally, I knew my dad would never lie to me. There was a little blinking red light up on the tower so that plans wouldn't fly into it. My Dad said that those were Dracula's red eyes. And I thought he was winking at me. So everytime we walked past there at night I got all freaked out because I thought Dracula was telling me I was was next. *wink wink*

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As a child growing up my dad would take my brothers and I to monster movies. I would believe they were real life monsters but the thing I couldn't understand why weren't they in the news at 5:30 PM, which my dad would always watch.

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When I was little my mom would tell me that there was a monster coming toward our house and the only way I could save myself and my family was to clean my really fast and in doing so the monster would go away.

You have no idea how many times I saved them from that monster.

They owe me big time.

Kyle Centers
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***I used to believe that the candyman was someone who would come and steal your candy or poisen it.

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When I was younger my parents would always let me read in bed for a little bit, then come to tuck me in. I always believed that at the exact moment that they shut the door behind them, when the lights were out and I was supposed to be falling asleep, my head had to be under the covers. I thought that everything bad in the world: ghosts, monsters, dead bodies, etc. were let out of their daytime confinements at that exact moment. This fear of that exact moment continued from the time I was five to age 10...

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top belief!

I used to believe that monsters were real. Not a huge stretch for a little kid, right? Well, what I would do is every night before going to sleep, I would say a prayer to all the monsters--Dracula, the Mummy, the blob, etc.--and tell them that I knew they were real. I figured that if they knew that I knew they existed, they wouldn't have to come in the middle of the night to try and scare me to prove they were real. And it worked! I never saw a single monster! :-)

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When I was atleast 3 I believed in dead hands that were blue and pink. They would tickle you to death and I thought the blue ones were poisonnous. I called theem Chikos. I had dreams about them every night. I also feared they were under the couch and would tickle my feet.

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I used to work in a nursery and all the kids loved this one book about a bear. Except one little girl called Laura who believed that whenever the book was read, the bear was actually coming. It took me a while to convince her that there were no bears in England.

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I use to believe that Godzilla was real. And thought I could see him if we traveled close to Japan.

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i used to believe that if you went to bed not tired, you had to lie completly still and cover up entirely or else evil indian zombies will get you. you would only remain that way until you got tired

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I used to believe that monsters could not attack if you were singing. They like American patriotic songs and christmas songs the best. The best songs to sing are America the Beautiful, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear, This Land is Your Land, and Silent Night.

Tiffany Vampyre Cat
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When I was little, my dad used to tell me stories to scare me, and he told me one about a man who kidnapped children in order to build his castle of bones. So I convinced myself that he was made of chocolate, don't know how, just did. Then one night, my dad crept outside and walked to my window, where I would sit to draw, or just think, and he opened the window and grabbed my shoulder. At that point, I grabbed his hand and promptly bit down as hard as I could.

Alias Reaper
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When my little brother was 6 years old, I told him that those little dust particles floating around in the light of the window were actually little monster alien things that lived on the sun, called Megamimas. They transported to Earth by travelling on rays of sunlight. I told him that they bite, and the bites were extremely painful for their tiny size. My grandfather is missing a finger on one of his hands (it got shot off when he was in the Navy), and I told my brother that a Megamima bit his finger off.

He avoided windows during the daytime for a long time.

Fizzy One
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when i was little, i believed that there were there were all kinds of monsters. they could take any shape or form. it was usually whatever i was afraid of at the moment. The monsters had many different ways of killing me. for instance,i use to jump off my bed and run to my door because i was afraid of a clown with sharp teeth, or whatever frightening creature i could think of, would slash my ankles and drag me under, tickle me, then rip my stomache open and eat my intestines while i watch in horror. i used to think of the most gruesome ways for them to kill me so i could figure out how to avoid them. for some odd reason, i was afraid of being tickled too. i also used to keep my feet and stuff from going off the end of my bed so the monster wouldn't mess with them untill i woke up, then leap uppon me and rip my face off....or something like that. i also used to keep my closet open because i thought that if a monster was in it, it would actually have to open the door itself to get to me... then i started believing in a really tall guy with long hair that would come out from under your bed, or closet if i left it open at midnight, and stab me in the head with a broken broom. i guess i had a wierd imagination as a kid. i think i watched too many horror movies.

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My grandma used to tell me that if I went to bed with my socks on, a monster would cut off my right foot. It was the same monster that stole socks out of the dryer so we were always short one when we were folding.

Nick Lucas
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top belief!

When I got scared at night as a little kid I would pull the sheet over my head to hide from whatever it was that was frightening me. But one night it was so hot I consciously decided that to have protection from evil creatures I only needed to cover 10% of my body. I so completely convinced myself of this that to this day when I read a scary book or see a scary movie I cover myself up to the shins and have full peace of mind.

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Whenever I went to my grandparents house when I was young, I was terrified that spoiled turkies would be running around in the hallway, trying to find me and poison me. I believe this fear came from two major factors: my granparents house was always a mess and the kitchen was filled with rotten food, and my grandfather got a kick out of convincing me that everything would poison me. I hated spending the night there, because I thought the greenish-tinted turkies would be waiting at the end of the bed to jump down my throat.

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Between the ages 7 and 10 I had a strange belief that when I went to sleep vicious wolves would walk outside and if you didnt have your window curtains closed and one saw you, they would break through your window and eat you.

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When we were little...my cousin used to think that when we drove over cattle guards, there were monsters living under there and the sound they made was the monster telling us to leave. He was cute!

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I live in a double story house and our stairs aren't solid, so you can look through the gaps down at the floor below..When I was little I was terrified of a monster sticking its hand out between the stairs and grabbing me. So I used to run up the stairs and never look back...I still do it

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