i used to believe

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As a child I caught a glimpse of a Hammer Horror film as I was going to bed, a scene where Dracula latched himself to some maiden's neck.

For years after that I could only sleep if the covers covered my neck.

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For some reason, I watched the movie "The Blob" (the original verison) when I was young. The scene at the beauty salon scared me half to death. We did not have a shower in our home (only a bathtub) and so had to wash our hair in the sink. I kept waiting for the Blob to come up out of the sink drain and get me, so I washed my hair as quickly as possible. I would have won world records for the fastest hair-washing.

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I used to belive the Gollum from the Lord of The Rings lived underneath my house, and at night he would scratch on the bottom of our wood floors because he was hungry.

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My sister used to get me up in the middle of the night to watch movies like the Crawling Eye, King Kong, and a whole slew of scary movies on television, as a small child, I thought that they were all REAL. At the age of six, I figured that she was telling me the truth about them being real, along with Superman, Gorgo and Godzilla. As a young child this influenced me into learning about dinosurs and by the time I was in the second grade, I knew pretty much all about em, but I still had several weeks of nightmares that kept me awake at night.

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when i was six, i had dreams about a monster named the treacherous "Pink Monster"!! I would wake up crying because I had dreams about a pink monster shaped like a hershey kiss with razor sharp teeth! i dreamed that i was in the shower, and the water turned pink! all of a sudden, the pink water turned formed a glob and started to chase me! every night, i would refuse to take my shower, and my parents had to force me to take them! Even now, i get freaked out when i see a hershey kiss shaped shadow on the wall outside my doorway!!

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When I was a little girl, my father told me that "Jack Frost will nip your toes." I took it literally, and even on the hottest nights (before air conditioning), I would never leave my feet uncovered. I must have thought Jack Frost could strike any time of the year if a tootsie was uncovered.

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Ever since I was a little kid I've loved drawing in the steam in the shower cabinet. For some reason I've always drawn people. (never flowers or stuff like that)
Now the scary thing is that I thought they'd come alive and come after me. (I still do, and I'm fifteen!) So to be safe I had to wipe of the "drawing". Strange thing is that I just can't resist drawing in the steam. And every time I end up scared.

The wierd one
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When we were kids, my brother and I used to play outside after dark at evenings. My mom used to say that if we didn't come in, would "hands anf teeth" or "hender og tenner" in Norwegian come and take us away! for many years I thought that "hender og tenner" was something scary that was in the forest.. It was really scary...

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I believed in King Kong until last year. By the way - I'm 19!

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I used to think that the cow on the Elmer's Glue was a monster. I was afraid of the Elmer's Glue Monster and tried to use different glue bottles. I still have a sneaking suspicion that it's not really a cow...

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When i was younger, like 5 or 4, i thought that when i would see a scary movie or somen like tha, the "monsters" would come to get me because i watched them at work. when turned 12 i realized that, "why would they come after me when they don't know where i am?" some things still scary the hell me! but i just keep thinking about that saying....

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I used to believe my house was haunted by 1/2 man / half horse (one red & one blue) creatures that were returning to their family home

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At themeparks, there are always charcters of movies walking around in suits, right? Well, at movieworld, I ran into bugs bunny. I cuddled him, and my parents took photos. Little did they know that I thought all people dressed up like that were real characters- that they wern't wearing a suit, but that was their skin. When Bugs bunny lifted me up, I saw a zip on his neck! He didn't even notice when I pulled it down! I pulled off the head, complete with stuffing to hold it up, and ran away screaming! I was yelling something like, "I decapatat-ed buggy bunny!" I still reckon that some of those dress ups are skins.........

I gotta bike u can ride it if u like it got a basket and a bell that rings and dings to make it look GOOD
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i used to believe in the boogieman . i thought he was a man made of snot . i would be afraid when i wake op at night and find myself on the floor . my mom and dad would tell me he wasnt real .

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I used to believe there was a malicious rat that lived inside the light switches and sockets in my house. I also belived that if I played with these things the rat would come out and kill me. Parents are f'd up.

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When I was lil (probably abOut 7-8)I had an uncle who was full blooded Irish who told me about the Banshee scream. At nite when I would lay in my bed and the heat would kick On, it would make a whistling noise coming through the slots in the heat duct in my room. I became convinced that a banshee lived in my heat duct, and when I fell asleep she would come out and scream in my ear and kill me.

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My parents read the usual nursery rhymes to me. Somehow, when I was 4 or 5, my warped little child brain twisted the one about "Wee Willy Winky" into a horror story. I had an image in my head of a scarred, craggy, evil-eyed dwarf in a nightshirt and cap, with a bloody axe on his shoulder, peeking in the windows at eight o'clock to make sure I was in bed. You'd better believe I was -- with the covers pulled over my head so I wouldn't see him looking in the window of my first-floor bedroom!

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I used to believe that the boogieman was a big mean guy covered in boogers.

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top belief!

I used to believe in the 'New Year Man' when I was around 5 or 6. He was a tall, dark monster that would come to people's houses at midnight on New Year's Eve and eat whomever was still awake. I vividly remember sobbing and begging my grandparents to please for the love of God to go to sleep early on that December 31st and getting furious when they just laughed at me.

I have never been able to enjoy New Year celebrations.

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This is not my belief but somehing I told my sister, Serena, when she was around 3 - 4 years old. She always wanted to go outside and play, even in the rain, so keep her from running out in the middle of a rainstorm I told her that rain awoke the dead. I made it quite an enthralling story. Exlaining that it went into their graves and re-animated them. Needless to say, she didn't go out in the rain for a few years. :P

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