i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you stood by a window for too long at night than a werewolf/vampire/monster would reach through the window and kill you.

I never looked out a window for a long time.

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When i was younger i had,for some reason a very intense fear of the dark. when turning of the light and running into bed fast as i could failed to relieve these fears,i turned to leaving the light on to sleep. this ended very quickly when one night my mother came to my room and said "you know, leaving the light on wont keep away the boogiman, it will only make it to where you can see his face when he comes to eat you." From then untill this very day i sleep in total darkness. because you see. ;-) if i cant see the boogieman, mabey he cant see me either.

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I used to tell my little brother that if he didn't pull the covers right up to his chin at night, the head hunter would come and chop his head off. We were 4 and 5 at the time. Recently at a family gathering some 20 years later I told this story. He stared at me in disbelief and said "you know I can't sleep at night unless the covers are pulled right up to my chin!" Ahh, my work is done.

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As a child, mys older sis had me believe that the stop light at the end of the street ( U could only see it above the houses), when it turned red, the Boogie Man was watching me, and if I went outside when the light was red, he was going to eat me...Took me years to realize she made that all up...

Diana S.
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Every time i walk past a door without a light on i have to run because otherwise i get too scared. Because i think there are things in it the rooms that i have seen in movies.

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I used to believe dragons were real. My logic was: I knew knights were real, so if there were no dragons, what did the knights do? Who did they save the princesses from? In 2nd grade I made a comment on how something or other was one of those things we would never know about for sure, like dragons. My teacher sure had fun with that one.

Fire Breather
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I used to belive that when I had nightmares about the wolfman, frankenstein, dracula, etc... and was truly scared when I woke up. I would be sick the next morning. I usually was.

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I used to think that a family of evil bears lived in my grandparent's attic.

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When I was younger I was very afraid to visit Chinatown in NYC because I was convinced that any moment, Godzilla, or some other reptialian giant monster, would come through and destroy everything.

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When I was little, I used to think that wigs were living creatures, and would eat my brains if made angry. Well, my Grandfather, knowing this, he had a few wigs, and would throw then off this overlooking balcony thinger into the living room where me and my sister would be colouring. Oh man, did I ever scream my head off and cry!

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I used to think that there were monsters hiding everywhere in my room and that they were always planning to eat me, so I had to trick them before I left my room by saying out loud that I was going to be in my room for a while, so that they would think that there was no hurry to catch me and eat me. Then, I would run for my door as fast as I possibly could.

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top belief!

When I was about nine, my younger cousins and I believed that there were dragons living on our backyard. We made 'dragon food' (mud, rocks, sticks, leaves, and few ladybugs for color) and placed it around all the places we thought the dragons would be hiding. We came out the next morning to look for dragon footprints, and were sure that we saw some.

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I went to a slumber party in 2nd grade, where the girls all convinced me that if I slept with my neck exposed, Dracula would come and bite it. (I'm 33 years old and STILL have to sleep with a blanket up to my chin!)

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I (rather oddly) believed that the lightswitch on my grandmother's hallway wall - which was actually the bathroom light switch - was sentient, malevolent, and biding it's time (not quite in those terms, but every kid knows what it's like to just KNOW something is evil). It's switch looked like a beak, and the screws were it's eyes. It chased me through my dreams for months, and I still can't quite figure out why I fixated on the damn thing!

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I used to believe there were purple people eaters. My brother told me about them when I was like 4. This terrified me EVERY NIGHT for 2 years, then, I FIGURED OUT A LOOPHOLE. So, one night, as I'm lying in bed, I ask my brother: "Are purple people eaters, purple PEOPLE who EAT people, OR are do they JUST EAT PURPLE PEOPLE?"

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When I was about four, we moved to a house that had a laundry chute in the floor of the bathroom, beside the toilet. My mother had placed a johnny-pole, one of those over-the toilet storage cabinets, over the toilet and one of the legs was sitting on the "door" of the chute. At the time, I thought that it was actually the hole where the monster of the house lived, and that my mother was very brave and smart to put the johnny-pole on top of it so he couldn't get out.

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when we were younger, my dad told me and my sisters that C.H.U.D.'s (cannabilistic Human Underground Dwellers) lived in the sewer, so we would jump over those sewer grates on the sidewalk so tey wouldn't snatch us.

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I told my older sister that there was a devil man named Billy buttcrack that lived oustide my window and she freaked out. and till this day if i say billy buttcrack she gets mad because it still scares her

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I used to believe happened to be when I was in my mid 20's sad to say. Being a city girl has many drawbacks when you end up living in the hills of Tennessee.
When I first married we lived in a mobile home ;ocated wayyy out in the country. On the way home one evening I noticed that all of the tree tops had been cut up and mangled. I asked my then husband what had happened to all of those trees. He replied matter-of-factly that the bush hog had come through. Wrong thing to say to a city girl with no further explanation. All I heard was "bush hog". From then until I finally left the far out country, I lived in fear thinking that there was some kind of giant hog like creature that was eating the tops of the trees! Well, I've learned differently now, but everyone still laughs at me for that one.

Yvonne Cagley
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I used to believe that when in bed at night and hearing the blood pump in my ears, it was a giants footsteps comming to get me.

Brenda S.
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