i used to believe

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I used to believe the masks people wore on carnival days were their actual faces. I didn't like this.

William A French student in eighth grade
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At the mall in my hometown, there were occasionally doors along blank walls and someone told me that monsters lived behind them, and that if you stayed in the mall until after dark, the monsters would come out and accuse you of shoplifting so they could have an excuse to eat you.

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One day I answered the phone and the person on it told me he was the boogie man. It was my dad. I believed him, freaked out, and had a phone phobia for years.

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I thought that you could never lay on the opposite side of your bed (feet where head go and head where feet go) because I believe that there was a Alligator that wore a purple jacket and carried a brief case walked down my driveway, and then came into my room and bit my head off. Sad, I know

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till i turned 12 i thought that an evil scarecrow followed me around every where i went but when i tried to find him he would just hide behind and under things. i also believed that he couldnt be in any type of light, so i had many different types of night lights till i got over this.

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After seeing the movie, "Little Shop of Horrors" I named every plant in the house "Audry Two." I believed that plants really DID like blood, so every time I got a cut, I would let the blood drip onto our dying Basil plant. Eventually the plant died.
( I also wouldn't go to the dentist for a while...)

Lovely, no?
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When i was about five i had a really scary dream i thought this charactor from a video game came turned into an aligator and was swimming in my backyard that turned into a lake he ate my flesh off the bone and my shoe. Then i woke up i checked to see if my shoe was still there then i slept with my shoes in my room for about 3 months

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When I was little, I used to believe (along with all the other kids on my street) that the Boogey Man was a monster made out of green, slimy, disgusting boogers. He didn't live in our closets, but underground. If you were outside, you'd have to be careful and watch for a large lump under the dirt tunneling after you. If he got close enough, he'd reach his hand up through the earth, grab you, and drag you under. We always thought we saw him coming for us, and we'd all freak out and run home as fast as we could, screaming at the top of our lungs.

Boogers Girl
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I used to be utterly freaked out by the dark. I would stand at my room door, flick off the switch and run as quick as my little legs could take me to the living room where mummy and daddy were watching television. I knew I could not turn back, or trip, or be slow as the skeletons chasing me would catch up and eat me.

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My sister convinced me that a monster was trying to claw it's way out of the little attic door in my bedroom. I would lay there at night with the covers pulled over my head hoping that it wouldn't see me.

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When I was younger, my family was staying at my aunt's house for a coupl weeks, and my cousin who is three years older than us got tired of us [my brother and I] complaining about the 'Boogeyman', so she took ketchup and mustard, squirted it all over a vent, topped it off with a ketchup covered butter knife, and exclaimed, "You guys, look! I killed the Boogeyman!". We were so grateful that we jumped on her and hugged her and almost started crying with happiness, hah. Plus, we could finally sleep well the rest of our stay. We actually didn't find out for a quite a few years that it was just condiments, heh!

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Being extremely shielded as a kid, I was never allowed to watch Power Rangers. However, that didn’t stop a buttload of Power Ranger commercials from warping my seven-year-old brain. For fun, I convinced myself that if I remained in a dark room for more than ten seconds, the creepy witch villain from the Power Rangers would manifest herself and kill me in some fantastic way. What started as a game eventually became a debilitating fear, to the point that I regressed to sleeping with the light on. I think I just sort of forget about it one day and was cured for good.

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I came up with the conspriacy at a young school age that grown ups had a hidden reason for us going to school. I wasnt allowed too many days off from, school, i thought that there was a big secret kids couldnt no. I believed that it was down to one of two reasons.
1)All grown ups were secret aliens
2)All grown ups walk around naked when kids arent about.
Never did trust my parents fully after that.

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That socks were monsters and lived under the bed.

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I used to believe that at midnight a monster would come and eat one of my body part.

Dominic Rohrmann
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When I was little I found a rock up in the mountains with a hole in it that had another piece of rock that fit right over the hole. I was sure a troll lived in the tiny rock, so i brought it home with me. About a month later I lost a remote, socks, and other small things that I lose all the time, and was convinced the troll stole them all!

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I used to believe that the devil lived behind my bedroom curtains.Every night in my dreams he would throw my covers off and lift me in the air.I got so sick of being scared I told him to **** *** one night and he never came back.I am sure freud would have had a field day....

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When I was about six or seven, Nana used to tell me about "Rawhead Bloodybones". He would break into the houses of children who weren't asleep, cut their heads off and then walk back down the street.

Jessica Tinch
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When i was five i saw Gremlins and from that day on i thought that the noel moving dolls were out to get me. Then when furbies came out i was terrified of them because i thought that they were gremlins.

Jenn G.
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I used to believe that the boogeyman was the giant pitcher of red "Kool Aid." Sometimes he was yellow, but usually he was the red one, except the face was meaner.

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