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At the age of six, I was terrified of werewolves. I used to hide behind the couch whenever the Thriller video played on TV. Instead of falling victim to a werewolf attack, I decided (imagined) that I had a PET werewolf that I would send out each night to terrorize OTHER children.

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I used to believe that there was a monster that rampaged the streets at night and ate little children who weren't in bed by 9 o'clock in the evening.

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My bedroom was upstairs, and I hated walking up them at night when my parents were in the living room. After a while I figured that since my parents could actually keep monsters away, then I could trick the monsters into thinking my parents were there by saying, "Good night Dad." "Love you too Mom." Over and over till I got to the safety of my room.

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In order to get me inside after dark, my father would tell me that if I didn't come inside, that "Shamu" would get me. I did not know who this Shamu person was, but he sounded big and horrifying. The trick worked every time. As I got a bit older I found out that Shamu was a WHALE at Sea World. Dad's trick died that day.

Connie G.
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i was about 5 years old. One time i was at Sonny's and i was crying. well, my mom got really mad and sayed that if i dont stop crying, this cheese grater that looked like a bird with a cage for a body, named The Crybaby Eater would come out and eat me and keep me in its cage forever for eeryone to see i was a crybaby. well, i stopped crying and believed that little tale till i was 10!!!!

Rachael Depp
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When I was younger, I read a book called "Tailypo." It was a children's book. In the book the monster's tail was cut off by an older man, so the monster came back and ate the man in his bed. I used to believe that I would wake up and see glowing red eyes right before the creature would eat me.

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i used to believe that at night, when i was doing my bathroom chores, if i didn't hurry and get ready for bed as fast as i could, the big bad wolf would come to the window and try to break in and eat me..

i actually saw him a couple of times..

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I was always a loud, monsterous child(especially on road trips). When my mother had to drive in big city traffic, which tends to make her nervous, she would get me to shut up by telling me that all the skyscrapers were homes to sleeping giants and if I was loud, they would wake up and stomp our car for desturbing them. I was terrified and I would sit there and try to hold my breath the whole time.

Brittany Southerland
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When I was about six, I used to believe that when I got out of bed in the night to go to the bathroom that if I didn't get back to bed as quickly as possible, I would be attacked by monsters hiding in the shadows. I'm 23 now and it's still a big problem when I'm home alone.

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when i was little i was scared of monsters under my bed so my mom made me "moster spray" it was in a little spray bottle and i would spray it upder my ben every night.

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When I was little, I believed that a mask I once saw at my grandpa's house would come and eat me at night. For years I slept under the covers.

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i used to think in the daytime there were monster that would hide and in the night when I was asleep they would come out and have a party.

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I used to believe that if you left the table while you are eating than the table monster would eat all your food.

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When I was like 3 or 4, I used to think that there were two skeletons under my bed. So when I went to bed every night, I would jump from 2 feet away from my bed onto my bed, because I thought they would pull me under my bed.

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When I was little I believe there was a monster under my bed and if stood near the bed the monster would pull me under. So to get on the bed I made a running leap to make sure I didnt get attacked by the monster. I had once heard my dad say a bastard was a bad person so every time I went to get off my bed I would scream "Okay you bastard if you touch me I will tell my daddy and he will kill you!" I would then leap off my bed and go on with my routine. My parents never knew because I was the only one who slept upstairs and my parents were downstairs. But one day my aunt was upstairs on the computer when a neighbor she had never met went up stairs to use my bathroom beacuse he was visting my parents and all the bathrooms downstairs had overflooded. When he had entered my room he had woke me up. I then went to get off the bed and screamed what I screamed every morning. My aunt had seen the man enter and when she heard me she came running in at the same time the neighbor came running out of my bathroom with his pants unziped to see what had happened. When my aunt asked me why I had screamed that I told her the monster was going to hurt me. She thought I meant the neighbor. I had a lot of explaing to do and so did my aunt because she had punched the neighbor and acused him of trying to rape me.

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I watched a video one time that had an evil guy who sneaked into kids rooms in the middle of the night, and if they werent asleep he would turn them into ugly rats and carry them off in a sack. There was always that little bit of urgency to get to sleep from then on.... Incidentally, if anyone knows what that film was called, id be really grateful if u let me know...

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When I was much younger, I woke up before everyone else on weekends. But I was always afraid to leave my bed because I feared when I walked from my bedroom, Chuck E. Cheese would be there with a huge scary grin on his face, ready to kill and eat me. So I'd be yelling for my parents to wake up from across the hall, horrified to even get out from under my covers.
I don't know why Chuck E. Cheese seemed frightening (Especially since I now own pet rats), but he was.

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I once thought a werewolf lived in our trash can. I was also undr the impression that light vaporized him

Friends think i'm crazy
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We used to pretend that we were velociraptors (Lisa watched too much jurassic park) and run around the playground when we were about 8 or 9, picking out our "prey", chasing them down and snarling at them, tearing at their necks with our first two fingers... we truly, truly beleived we were raptors, but no wonder our peers think we're freaks to this day!

Lisa and Helen
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top belief!

When I was little I used to believe that there was an invisible monster under my bed. Since I was afraid it would eat me, I had to feed it socks, but ONLY left ones. For a a year or two I was stuck with one of each sock...

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