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The public elementary school I attended was next to a private parochial school. That school's main building hard a large vent pipe coming out of the roof. "Everybody knew" that on St. Patrick's Day, a huge green ghostly hand would appear out of that vent pipe to throw rocks at you.

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When I was little, I would stay the night at my grandparents' quite often, and the door to the attic was in their hallway. If I ever acted up, my grandpa would threaten to go tell Grandma Moses, and she would come out of the attic and cook me in her stew. It worked very well, especially when my grandma would be in another room hitting the ceiling with a broomstick.

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When I was about 4 yrs old I was absolutely terrified of the TV show "The Increidible Hulk." Even though the big green guy was suppose to be nice, I would freak out and run away if someone was watching that show. The house we lived in, at the time, was old and the carpet in my room was green. At night I had to sleep with the hall light on because I thought if I turned it off that the "big green guy" could use my carpet as some kind of portal (with his magical powers); beam himself into my room and scare me some more. It was some scary stuff when I was little!

lil' Jen
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When I was little I was terrified of monsters. I believed in not just one, but seven Boogiemen. I even thought that I could see them. They resembled large piles of goop. Each was a different color. They were all evil, except for one that was blue. The worst one was the red one. I also had a reason for sleeping with the covers over my head. It was because each of the Boogiemen had a portion of the body they would eat. If I was under the covers then that part of me would be safe.

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I rember in kindergarden, me and my friends wouldn't do near the creek, beacuse my friend victoria said there was a killer mr.patetohead that lived under the bridge. he whould kil you and cut off you ears or nose what ever body part he wanted

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I used to believe that flying bats (nevermind the fact that all bats fly) would come into my room at night and try to eat my ears.

To this day, I still can't sleep without my ears covered.

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I was always afraid of dracula so i would put tons of blankets over my neck

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i used to beleive that if i slept facing the away from the door, or if i had any part of ma body not coverd by the blanket a scary midget wud come and kill me.

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I used to belive that there was a moster that was immune to hugging your teddy bear, the flabergaster. When I was in bed at night I would see a flabergaster in the shadow I would hug my teddy bear and close my eyes but I still saw it. So I ended up bareley useng my own bed

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When I was a kid I use to believe that as soon as an individual got out of my eye sight they would turn into a monster not necessarily a bad monster just a monster.

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When I was young I saw an episode of some kids TV show where a granny's false teeth were stolen by a 'hand' (think 'Thing' from the Addamm's Family...). Somehow I got it into my head that a hand was going to come and take all my teeth out when I was asleep. I still remember trying to get to sleep that night, but keep my mouth tightly closed at the same time...

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Whenever I saw the full moon I used to think that it would change me into a werewolf if I looked at it for too long. I'd always check my face afterwards to see if I'd started changing. :)

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When I was a little kid, about 3 or 4, I thought that "lepruchans" were 6 foot tall, literally, lepoards that wore green hats, resembling Abe Lincolns, and green disco suits. HAHAHA

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I always thought that when the trees leaning against the window at night were people trying to get me. I watched way too many horror movies. Old habits die hard.

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My dad use to tell me that there was a monster that lived in the walls of the bathtub named Wally the Wall monster. Me and my brothers were so scared of him that we would use are room as bathrooms instead of the bathroom as a bathroom. Oh good times...

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When I was in kindergaurden, we read a book about a monster that came off of a bus or something. Then, from that night on, the monster would haunt me in my sleep. So I thought up a plan. When I went on vacacion, the monster would follow, right? well, since he couldn't take a plane, he would need to walk. Then I imagened that he needed to walk after me and he would be so slow he would be on the road forever. That way, I would never see him again, but I know he's out there somewhere....

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I watched the music video "Thriller" so everytime I would see a full moon I thought that Zombies would come out of their graves. Therefore, I was scared of full moons.

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I used to think if I mixed up a bunch of dirt and grass in a bowl and left it outside at night, dragons would eat it.

TB Samurai
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I used to beleve that the Boogyman was some guy running around in a racoon suit!

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when i was little, my big brother alex used to play a game with me and my sister called monsters.
alex would put his duvet over himself and pretend to be a monster and me and my sister would have to push him off his bed before he ate us (or dragged us under the duvet with him!)
when we finally managed to push him off the bed, he would take the duvet off and hit the wall without us knowing to make it sound like a load of monsters were coming in the direction of his bedroom. and we would always get really, really scared!!

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