i used to believe

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i used to believe that there was a little animal named the Squat, who lived in our house, and i used to hunt him with my dad every day. He would change colors, and sometimes have fur. My dad finally got tired of this game, so one day he pretended to find him, and wrestle him to the ground.It ended after that.

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when I was little and visiting my grandpa Paul's farm, there was an old outhouse that was dilapitated and unsafe to go near, he would always tell us younger kids that there was an untamed unicorn in there, that kept all of us away for years. I believed that until about sixth grade.

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I had to face the door when i went to sleep incase har hars walked past (and came in) they had pointy snout things (look like evil wombles except they thinner). And i had to sleep curled up in a ball incase the witches got my feet if i spread out. And there was a gap between my bed and bedside table i didn't like that either (trolls).

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Ever since i was about 1 my moms collected angels (she put them on drawer shelves in my room).Ever since
i was 7 iv been afraid there going to come to life and kill me.after they kill me theyll eat me.

*scared kid*
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when I was little I had a bad dream and I woke up screaming, my mom came in to see what was wrong and that night she was sleeping in a tasmanian devil t-shirt that had glow in the dark teeth. so all I see are these huge teeth coming after me. I screamed and ran off and crouched down in the corner until my mom turned on the light.

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My cousin does not like to be in his room alone because he is afraid that a zombie will come and kill him and make him a zombie.

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I used to believe that in picture books, the people inside were alive...

I had this Snow White one, and everytime I was the evil witch, I'd rip her face off the page.

...I used to wonder why there was a hole on the other side of the page.

Rebecca Sears
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Ok, I used to believe that the pine-needle pile in my backyard was a monster! My brother thought his leg was getting eaten when his leg sunk in. He lost his shoe and it was never found...

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I used to belief that a monster named the cokuee and chupa cabras are walking around in the streets eating homeless animals.

Mistery man
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I used to believe the boogyman lived downstairs and you couldn't enter the attic or he would eat you alive!

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These are two that John D. MacDonald wrote about. One was the child that overheard his father talking about an obviously fearsome monster: the twi-night double-header.

The other was a child frightened of the Green Ripper. Her parents finally figured out that she'd mis-understood "grim reaper."

And me, I brought all my childhood beliefs into adulthood.

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I used to believe that the boogie man would come and get me if I didn't listen to my parents.

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I saw Jaws when I was little. Because out carpet (that went throughout the entire house) was the same color as the water (for the most part) I thought that if I walked on the carpet with bare feet then Jaws would come out of the carpet (symbolic of the water) and eat me. And do keep in mind, it was ONLY bare feet that made this possible.

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When i was a kid i knew there were monsters under the bed. i grew up in california, and one night when i was around five, i was lying in bed when an earthquake hit, shaking my bed.

I yelled to my mom, who was in bed in the next room, "I told you so! I told you so! There are monsters under the bed!" She yelled back, "Don't come in here!" She thought she her bed was possessed by demons ala The Exorcist. That was comforting.

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i used to believe that my friend was once kid-apped by trolls in her basment (she told me that and i believed her). i think i was only 5 or 6.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that there were monsters underneath my bed and they would eat me if I was on the floor to long, so I would take a running jump and leap into my bed so they couldn't get me. It wasn't until I put stuff under my bed that I realised there was nothing there!

Popcorn Hog
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When I was small, I believed that someone would come in my room and cut off whatever part of my body that was not covered by my blanket.

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at my groandmother's houre there was always this wicker chest type thing that sat in the living room. you could see into it, but not very well, so whatever was in there just looked like shadows. for the longest time i beleived that a devil type creature lived in there, until i was about 8 and my curiosity got the better of me and a opened it.

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where i live there are a lot of eucalypus trees. when i was very young (like 5) i had a very bad dream, and was terrified that a big monster would come and get me. if i went outside i was in danger or being caught by the monster, but because he was so big, he'd shake the eucalypus trees when he walked. so i'd go outside and look at the eucalyptus trees, and if they were moving i'd run back inside. because eucalyptus trees are so tall and the trunks are so thin, they move even in the slightest breeze, so i didn't get outside much!

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When I was younger, I was so afraid of my Halloween mask, that I made a trap for it at night for when it came alive.

My parents fell asleep that night deaf--I screamed my pants off when I saw them trying to pick up the food off of the floor.

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