i used to believe

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When I was younger, I was so afraid of my Halloween mask, that I made a trap for it at night for when it came alive.

My parents fell asleep that night deaf--I screamed my pants off when I saw them trying to pick up the food off of the floor.

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I used to believe that unicorns and dragons existed and that they all lived in New Zealand. I believe all this until I was about 17 and told a friend that I wanted to go to New Zealand to see the unicorns and she laughed in my face.
So…where DO THEY live??!?!?!

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there was this little gnome that lived in my house and he came out at night. he evn had a little door next to the front door. one time i came out of my room at night cuz i have insomnia an still do an i saw a shadow from the kitchen which looked like my cats but i saw my cats were in the living room with me and my room was next to the kitchen so i was afraid and couldnt go back to my room all night. 7 hours of waiting in fear sux so much, but i got patience!

skittles d
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i used to beleive that if u talked to a black girl named sally a boogie monter would come and cut off your big toe

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Two things that haunted me in my childhood weree the boogie man and the sand man and whenever I was playing in the sand box I saw my friends picking their noses so I kept on begging them not to so the sand man and the boogie man would not come and haunt us at night.

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I used to believe that there was a shrunken head that would appear every time I turned around (in the dark), and if I didn't do what it said, it would kill me in some way.

Now that I think about it...how could a shrunken head hurt you??

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i used ta think dey were lil monstaz unda muh bed nd dey wuld make ma dreem nd one nite a monsta wuld cum out nd eat muh alive!

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When i was younger i used to have a bed next to the wall. Before going to sleep i always had to make sure my head and neck were completely covered so that when the green eyes appeared in the wall they couldn't look at me. i was never sure what happened if they looked at you, but it had to be something bad!

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in third grade, i read a book about Dracula (it WAS a kids book) and i was always so scared that I thought that my bed sheets wrapped around my neck would shield Dracula's fangs. Ha!

Babs Bukle
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When i was about 8 i had just played a video game that happened to have a freightening monster in it. As i was about to go to bed i was scared so i ran in the darkness to the garage and grabbed a baseball bat. On my way back to the bedroom i swung at everything i saw. The Next Morning i was the first one up so i went to watch tv down stairs and to my beliefe the house was a wreck. Later i realized that i did the damage.

g money
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whenever i first heard of the boogie man, i was in the front yard of my cousins house. i imaginined this man covered in green boogers (gross) running across the street with a brown bag. i dont remember how i got that one straight...

weird imagination
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When i was little i use to believe that a monster was in my house everynight and he would make a loud rawring noise.I always hid under my covers and fell asleep that way. Well I soon found out it was just my daddy snoring.

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My cousin used to believe that my dad was a monster because she didn't see him often.

Shirley B.
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When I was 3, one night going to bed I saw a monster creep up between my bed and wall. It was flat like a shadow (so it could slide up and down the gap), and looked like a werewolf, with arms held up in a grabbing pose on either side of its head. I was surprisingly non-chalant, I think, and went to my parents to tell them about the monster.

My dad followed me back and asked where it was; I pointed to the edge of bed (behind which the monster had slid back down in my absence, and away from the light).

My dad then did the most remarkable thing. He picked up a blanket, and holding it stretched out between his arms, bent over the bed so as to cover the far edge, then brought his arms together to enclose the monster in the blanket. I followed him out to out second story porch which overlooked our driveway, and beyond that a wooded area. He shook the blanket, and *I swear to god* I saw a large hairy man running away from us across the driveway into the woods.

The monster never came back.

Scott Forschler
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For nearly two years i beleived an indian girl lived in my cupboard and i hated going in my room. It came about from watching an episode of full house. What the indian actually was my clothes in the end of my cupboard at night.....still to this day i have to close my cupboard before sleeping!

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I used to believe that whenever it got dark, a werewolf, or two, would be wandering around in my house, lokking for me. I would always run to and from the bathroom at night, and when i got into my room, i would quickly shut the door, but only after making sure that the werewolves hadn't got into my room.

i am fourteen now, and i still am scared of being on my own in my house after dark!!!!

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when i was about 5 years old my mother told me that when you blow whistles at night snakes will come from the floors and eat me.. i realized later that she had just told me that because it annoyed her, but still to this day i get uneasy when people blow the whistle at night

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when i was about 5-7/2 years old i alwase thought that teh coat hanger on the other end of the room was a person wating for me to fall asleep because the outline in the darkness of the hat and coat looked like a person

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When I was very young, I went on a vacation with my parents. There was a button in the hotel room, apparently to request room service.
My parents, in an attempt to prevent me from pressing the button, told me that it was a "Goblin Button"- and that if you should press it, the goblins will come.
To this day, I can remember staying awake throughout night, still as can be, just staring at the button! I was scared to death, truly believing that the goblins would storm the place, just with the touch of the button (which happened to be next to the bed! Ugh!). I was afraid of somehow rolling over in my sleep and accidentally pressing it.

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I used to believe that there were barracudas under the docks at Chautauqua. (A counselor told me this when I was 5, to keep us from playing under the docks and being out of sight of the lifeguards.) To this day, I hesitate to go under a dock, and feel very uncomfortable there.

Susan Davis
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