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My father was a good pianist and even had his own dance band in the 1930s. In the days before TV he used to entertain me by playing boogie woogie. I never could understand why some of my friends were terrified of the boogie man. I couldn't imagine how anybody could be dumb enough to be afraid of a jazz pianist.

Texas granny
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When I was little, my parents used to joke aboutthe "Boogie Man". I mis-heard this as the "Booger Man", and I thought that if he touched you, you'd turn into a booger.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that a evil man would come in our back door at night and run around the house checking the rooms to see if anyone was there. So I always listened for my parents to go to bed (because the man would only come in if no one was up, obviously) and then I would hide under my covers and pillows completely, except for a little breathing hole, so that when the evil man looked in the room he would think that it was empty and leave. I was always terrified that one day I was going to wake up too early and that he was going to be looking in the room, and then he would laugh in a high-pitched voice (I was sure he had a high-pitched voice somehow), stuff me in a sack, and then take me through the woods to the funeral home that we live near. I always thought that was where dead people came from - they forgot to hide under the covers when the evil man came into their house!

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i used to believe if i closed my eyes the monster would not get me, and if i listened to the criminal/ monster guy he would not hurt or even kill me!

orlando fan
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When I was little like 5 my cousin told me that the boogie man looked liked a harmless old man that walked downthe streets with a cane and if you were alone he would come and get you and carry you away I am still terified of being near the street alone

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When I was 5 or 6 years old, I believed there were Skeletons that would walk right behnd you wherever you went. They would be the exact same size as you and when you turned behind to try to get a glimpse of them, they would dissapear.

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I was petrififed of E.T, and was convinced that he lived in my attic with several witches and was always waiting for me to fall asleep so he could kill me.

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My sister was really mean a long time ago (Now she's not)but she did a lot of mean stuff to us and one of them was that she told us that there were power rangers in a clostet so me and my brother were really scared

weird kid
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When i was about 5 i was at my grandparent's house.My uncles went in to the basement found an old folding cot, fishing gaiter things, rubber gloves, & a hat & put them on it. They brought it upstairs & said it was the "Cot Monster" & it freaked me out!! It's wicked funny know that we look back at it

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When I was a tiddler we lived on the second floor of a block of flats.

One day while Mum was chatting to a friend (for much longer than my own attention span could handle) I looked at a door which appeared on one of the external walls and it opened.

Maybe it was some portal to another dimension or maybe I was just daydreaming but some human-sized squirrels walked through and threatened me with their machine guns!

Worse still, I couldn't interrupt Mum's chatting and had to wait until she stopped before I could tell her so I was constantly peeking out the kitchen door to check that the giant squirrels hadn't seen me and wouldn't come to drag me to their home dimension!

To this day I am still nervous around squirrels in case they grow big suddenly...

The Aphid!
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When i was lil and for my brother as well, my parents would tell us if we didnt go to sleep that cuco would come get us. Now cuco was suppose to be a big scary monster that ate lil kids. Now me being a frady cat always listened but my brother he never did so one night my father dressed up as cuco. Well he did scary someone but not my brother. in fact he was craking up. me on the other hand........

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A Friend of mine was told that the froth that washes up on the shore from the surf was dead mermaids, he used to believe it too. What a dumbass.

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When I was little, I believed that monsters came out when the lights are off and dissapeared when the light turned on. For about a year, I always opened the door a crack, then use a stick to turn on the light before going in!

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My Stepmother led me to believe, at the young age of 6, that if I did not finish my dinner the "Sleastacks" from "Land of The Lost" would come get me. Talk about nightmares.... :)

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When i was about 3, i had a dream in which some monsters came up ourr garden path and tried to eat me. For 5 years i believed that it hadn't been a dream, it had actually happened, and i wouldn't go into the garden alone.

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When my brother was lttle he was always scared to look out a window at night because he thought that the emperor from star wars was waiting outside the window to shock him. Weird.

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When I was 6 years old a fellow student told me that Gremlins were haunting me and the only way to get them to stop was to go to Jupiter and complete a deadly maze. Somehow I figured myself that if i was near my stuffed cat "Tiger" I would be safe. This went on for about 6 months but gradually i became less and less scared.

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when i was about 4 i lived in this house with hollow stairs. after my dad tucked me in to bed i would hear this loud stomping (my dad goin down the stairs) and thought it was a t-rex comin up the stairs and if i didnt go to sleep it would kill me. duh..

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I Used To Belive Someone Evil Could Tranform You Into A Litte Bug Then Take Their Sock Off And Squish Your With There Bare Feet

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When i was a little girl, i buried myself in the sand-box, and also had my friends bury me. My parents told me that the Sand Monsters were going to pull me under the sand one day when i was buried, and i beleived them. i was so scared. for almost a month after that, i wouldnt even go near the sand. then my older sister told me the truth, i was furious!

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