i used to believe

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When I was little I had this really creepy clown picture hanging up on my bedroom wall. I used to think the clown was real and living in the attic and every time I heard thumps in the attic at night I thought it was the clown trying to escape to come get me, it turns out it was just old pipes rattling but to this day I can never go near a circus and even the sight of a clown gives me a cold sweat.

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when I was a kid I used to believe that we are little people and we live in a giant's playroom. Also they used toothpaste as a glue to build our houses.

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I used to believe there were crocodiles under my bed. At night they would wake up and look for ankles to grab and drag under the bed. However, they didn't like to venture far from the safe cover of the bed. So if I got up at night to go to the bathroom I would stand on the bed and jump off. Then when I got back I would do a running jump to get back onto my bed.

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When I was little my dad used to tell me that there was a short little man with white hair and who liked to eat children and hamsters (I had a pet hamster at the time) that lived in the woods surrounding our house. Every night I would get so scared that he would pop up underneath my window (which was on the first floor) and try and eat me! When we moved I still kind of believed that he lived in our attic.

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When I was little, I thought he was called the "Abdominal Snowman" instead of "Abominable."

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When I was younger, my older cousins told me that if you slept with your feet hanging off the bed the devil would pull your toes. I always slept as far up the bed as humanly possible or I would make sure my toes were covered.. I still do to this day and I am 22!

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In the nearest city to my hometown, there is an old radio tower. I always believed that it looked like a platform with red chairs, and since they were so high up in the sky, I thought they were chairs for giants.

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I always used to believe that when I turned the lights off downstairs at night, a werewolf would come and chase after me if I didn't run up the stairs. I'm 19, and I still run up the stairs to get away from the monsters.

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My grandparents told me if I didn't finish my dinner (which was pork- yuck!) the Flashlight Monster would come and eat me. Just then, a flashlight was looming around outside the window. I scarfed down my food quick! ...Later I discovered it was my uncle.

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When I was 5, I was convinced that Frankenstein lived in my bathroom. I would watch my door until I drifted to sleep, just knowing that moment I shut my eyes, he would appear and flush me down the toilet to his sewer home.

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When I was younger, I use to believe that if I didn't cover up my feet when I was going to bed something bad would happen to me in the middle of the night. Age 7 + horror movies, don't mix.

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I used to believe that the popping and thumping sounds of the heat-pipes expanding was little fire-demons climbing up the pipes! I used to put heavy objects over the heat registers to keep the monsters from getting out!

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I used to believe a drain monster would come out of the toilet every time I flushed, or walked over sewer grates.

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When i was younger, whenever I saw a bunny I thought it would become bigger when my back was turned and come and get me. That image stopped when I saw one in a really public place. I saw the bunny, kept my eye on it and ran...right into a pole. I can still hear it vibrating and all the people asking if I was alright...

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When I was little, my older brother used to tell me that only monsters don't blink, and would then stare at me, unblinking. I thought my brother was a monster for a long time, and still to this day get a little freaked out when people don't blink for a long time.

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On my playground there were a few power boxes with a warning sign that looks like an angry electricity bolt. I was convinced that if you got too close to a transformer a monster would come out and shock you.

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When I was a little girl, I believed that there were little men in my ceiling fan. Every night, I would cry for my mom, screaming "There's a man in my fan!" I was 3 years old, and I thought these 'men' were going to kill me.

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Instead of having a security blanket as a child, I had a pillow. And I was convinced that every night there was some creatures that would come into my room and try to steal it. So every night I would put this pillow between my knees and have a vice grip on it. If I found it on the floor in the morning I was convinced that the creatures had tried to take it from me

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As a child at bedtime, I kept my entire body under the covers. Due to monsters, any exposed skin meant certain death. I told my mom we should invent a bed snorkel so i never had to leave the sheets, not even for oxygen.

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when I was little I slept with about 27 stuffed animals in my bed at one time to protect me from the evil monsters under my bed. (I am not joking about the 27 stuffed animals, they were all ranging in size) and when I fell asleep the stuffed animals would "wake up" and have a dance party in my room. when a monster came out from under my closet they would stop dancing and start fighting the monster until it went away. My stuffed animals were Karate ninjas.

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