i used to believe

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I used to believe that monsters could not attack if you were singing. They like American patriotic songs and christmas songs the best. The best songs to sing are America the Beautiful, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear, This Land is Your Land, and Silent Night.

Tiffany Vampyre Cat
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I used to belive that at night a huge black pantha climbed through everones winow to check they were asleep. If they were asleep it would leave a slice of cake! If you wernt then bad things happened. I don't quite know how i came up with this notion as i have no older siblings who could have told me! Whenever branches tapped against the window i was convinced it was coming and I had to pretend to be asleep! Still, despite the lack of cakes the next day I belived this for several years!

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i used to belive[thanks to my dad] that if you hung your toes over the bed the toe gobler would come and eat your toes....................and now i still don't hang my toes over my bed

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For quite a while during my youth, I believed that if I were to leave any of my toys outside, a vampire-like creature would emerge from them and try to eat me. The thought terrified me until I was around twelve.

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When I was a child I would never let my leg or foot dangle over the edge of the bed while I slept because I knew that the monster under the bed would grab it. As long as I kept all appendages under the almighty sheet, nothing could get me.

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I used to believe that if you spoke while driving past a graveyard that Frankenstein would come after you.

Sabrina R
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You know how your carpet sometimes has bumps in it. Well when I was little I thought it was the devils head and he was trying to get in your house. So I would always go out of my way to walk around them. I was afraid if I got near them he would jump up and grab me.

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I used to believe that there was a little lady that lived in my bed and would sew my feet to my sheet if I didn't tuck my blankets under my feet.

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My grandparents told me if I didn't finish my dinner (which was pork- yuck!) the Flashlight Monster would come and eat me. Just then, a flashlight was looming around outside the window. I scarfed down my food quick! ...Later I discovered it was my uncle.

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When I was little I had this really creepy clown picture hanging up on my bedroom wall. I used to think the clown was real and living in the attic and every time I heard thumps in the attic at night I thought it was the clown trying to escape to come get me, it turns out it was just old pipes rattling but to this day I can never go near a circus and even the sight of a clown gives me a cold sweat.

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When I was a сhild I used to believe that my parents were monsters, who, when I saw them, looked as normal people, but when I didn't look out, got their real appearance. Thanks time I stopped to think so.

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When i was a little kid, I used to be afraid to go on the big slide, because my friend convinced that there was a monster hiding in the sand. I was scared to go on the slide for years!

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When I was a little kid I used to believe that the power rangers were reals so one while I watched the Rangers I punch the wall of my house believing it would break and obviously I broke my hand.

Andres Restrepo
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I used to believe that there was a broccoli monster that was going to eat me if i didn't eat my broccoli. So i ate as much as i could to prevent the monster from eating me.

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I was fostered for about 5 years of my life. When i was in foster care everyone told me i was "special". Every since I've been concinced I'm different to everyone else.

Also when I moved to my permanent home, the one I'm in now, my room was (and still is) opposite the stairs, and at night it was dark at the bottom of the stairs. I would never turn my back on the stairs in the night, because i was convinced that there were dwarves down there, with big axes. I had never read Lord of the rings or The hobbit, never even seen snow white, so i didnt know what they were until the fear came back recently. I am the only 15 year old I jbow who is scared of dwarves......

Sue Shepherd
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when i went to bed at night, I believed monsters lived in the heating vent in my bedroom floor. I would put all my dolls in my bed under the blanket and I was afraid to have my feet outside the blanket. If I had to go to the bathroom at night I would be afraid cause there was a vent in the bathroom too. I would make bargins with the monsters and ask them not to hurt my babies. When I was done I would run back to my bed and find my safe place under the blankets. Now I can't stand anything touching my feet when I'm sleeping and I sleep with my feet uncovered.

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I believed that there were monsters in my curtains because in the dark I saw monsters in my curtains. They were the curtain monsters.

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When we were kids living in the realms of an isolation hospital on the Pilgrims Way on the North Downs of Kent (England) we were led to believe that there was a machine in a wood, known as ‘the glade’, that could or would cut your arm off.

We had bigger and friendlier woods nearby so we never ventured there very often anyway. The very mention of the name ‘the glade’ made me nervous, the fact it rhymes with blade probably contributed to my fear too. I would try and visualise this terrible machine and usually I imagined it was something like a giant mincer (the culinary variety) or other times as a mangle with blades rather than rollers. Generally it was a static device that just needed avoiding, but sometimes I thought it had the ability to chase you. The wood was carpeted with Bluebells in late spring and that was the only thing that would induce me to enter it. Even then we would run some way home before we felt safe. I lived in dread of this malicious thing and sometimes had nightmares about it. It never occurred to me that it was possibly some kind of farm implement, and not something with the sole purpose of mutilating people. To make matters worse, there was a permanent sign on the gate of the field below stating ‘Danger Unexploded Bomb.’ Why no one ever thought to dig up and disarm (no pun intended) it never crossed our minds. It too was probably a ruse by the farmer to keep people off his land.

Unfortunately, my parents are now dead and it is too late to ask what this thing actually was or whether it even existed.

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i used to believe if i went to sleep monsters would get my family, so i thought i stayed up all the time

Luc Lemmel
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In my mothers house there are 3 flights of stairs, when i was about 4-5 my older sister told me that if i steped on the bottom steps that a MONSTER would come and eat me in my sleep. I believed her so much that if i did accidentally step on one of thoses evil bottom steps that i would scream and cry when my mother tryed to put me to bed. Of course my sister also told me that if i told anyone that she told me that, the monsters would come and eat us both!!

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