i used to believe

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i used to think that i was a werewolf and that at night i played poker with the grim reaper

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I used to run as fast as I could through the house at night when I'd get up to go to the bathroom because I thought that the zombie/mummy ducks from the Ducktales NES game were going to eat my feet!

Scary Dream
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I used to believe that if any of my body parts were hanging off the bed, the boogyman would reach out and pull me under. And if my covers were hanging off of the bed he would grab the covers pull them under and I would go under the bed with them. And to this day I still believe it. And I'm scared to walk near my bed in the dark, so I would jump on and off of my bed, when it's dark.

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Thanks to "The Lion King" movie I watched as a young child, I was very afraid to sleep because I believed that there were hyenas hiding under my bed. I would throw stuff under the bed so they wouldn't attack me, but i was still scared that they could be hiding somewhere else in my room.

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After a playground discussion when we were about 7 years old, my friends and I used to believe that you would see Dracula if you looked into a mirror in the dark. We had a big mirror in the hall, and if ever I walked past without the light on, I'd be too scared to look!

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My mum wouls tell me that the air freshener was monster spray

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My favorite book growing up was one starring Grover from the Sesame Street called "There's a Monster at the End of This Book". My grandmother would always read it to me. The book was about Grover trying everything he could to keep the reader from turning the pages because he was scared of the monster at the end of the book. The only problem was that the last page was missing where the book reveals that Grover is the monster, so for years I was scared that the monster was on the loose and was going to get me.

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When I was little, I used to think that wigs were living creatures, and would eat my brains if made angry. Well, my Grandfather, knowing this, he had a few wigs, and would throw then off this overlooking balcony thinger into the living room where me and my sister would be colouring. Oh man, did I ever scream my head off and cry!

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When I was atleast 3 I believed in dead hands that were blue and pink. They would tickle you to death and I thought the blue ones were poisonnous. I called theem Chikos. I had dreams about them every night. I also feared they were under the couch and would tickle my feet.

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One night when I was around 6 or so, my mother told me that if we didn't pick our shoes off the floor and put them in the closet, the shoe gnomes would come and take them. I starting sobbing and screaming, little men sneaking into my room at night to steal my shoes terrified me!! My dad had to sleep in my room that night

still scared of gnomes
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I used to crawl under my bed because I believed it was the only safe place to hide from Indians. I thought they would raid our house and kill my family, while riding horses in my bedroom. I think this logic was provoked by the movie "The Indian in the Cupboard".

Years later I found out I was part Native American... :\

Miss Kristine
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when my mum used to put me to bed she'd also tidy my room, closing drawers and wardrobe doors, I used to think the reason for this was to stop any monsters escaping and getting me,
I made my twin sister sleep in the bed next to the door so if any monster came in they'd get her first and i could run away (of course i never told her this)
even now if i'm in bed and i've left the wardrobe open I have to get up and close it, i think my husband leaves them open on purpose to laugh at me.

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When i was little and laying in bed to go to sleep, i could hear my heart beating but i didn't know what it was so i used to imagine a giant T-rex dinosaur was running and destroying the town i lived in and that any moment its foot would come crashing down through the roof, evan though i knew dinosaurs are extinct and it was very unlikely.It was only till i was about 11-12 did i find out it was my heart. I still imagine it sometimes, but im not scared.

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when i was little i collected Barbie dolls like all the girls i knew at the time... but at night they scared me. i believed that they came to life at night when everyone was sleeping to scratch and pinch and bite people...
now im older and laugh... but i wet the bed a lot when i was little! and it didn't help that my brother would tell me stories of the demon cat in the basement that ate little girls! he'd lock me in the basement and turn off the lights... then i'd have to change my pants again when my screams annoyed him so much that he'd have to let me out.
and my closet... ugh! the light used to flicker for no reason...

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When I was young (really young) my mother and father would always say things like 'Quick shut the door there's a draft coming in' or 'There's a draft in here I'll close the window'. Now I didn't know what the word 'draft' meant, but I knew what a dragon was and the two words had a similar beginning. So I thought that a smallish invisible(but not to my parents) dragon type crawling thing would come into our house when it was cold or dark out. A few years in school sorted that belief out. Thankfully

Cormac Scully
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I used to think that monsters could only come out in the dark. So when moving throughout the house when I was little I used to have to run forward and turn on the light ahead before running back and turning the one behind me off. This way I was always moving through the house in light. I never like turning off the one behind because I knew that evil monsters were slowly advancing behind me in the darkness. I was extremely happy when I had every light in the house on, and every dark cupboard was open ... though mum and dad were never too impressed! I wasn't too happy though when a lightbuld was blown!

Thinking about it now, every trip I made back then throughout the house would have been double the distance!

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For many years, I was scared to be upstairs in the dark because two murderers named Vinnie and Jack lived on the upstairs floor and were invisible except for when it was dark and I was upstairs. I thought everybody was out to get me back then...

A Weird Kid
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I use to believe that Godzilla was real. And thought I could see him if we traveled close to Japan.

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My mother is Korean and we have a lot of Korean decorations in our house. When I was little we had this really big wooden spoon and fork that hung on the wall in our kitchen (they are still on the wall to this day). They had angry faces carved in them and they looked kind of scary. Somehow I had convinced myself that if you didn't eat all the food on your plate the spoon and fork would come and eat you in your sleep. I had also convinced my cousin the same thing because his mother had a set in their kitchen also. I would get so scared during dinner that I would keep glancing at them to make sure they were still on the wall. It wasn't until later that I asked my mom what they were for. She told me that they were similar to totems that people would put at the entrance of the village to keep evil spirits out. Wow...I was wrong!

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For some reason, whenever I was in a room without an adult, I always used to think there were some sort of monsters in there.
Any time my mom would ask me to go downstairs to help her out with something and the lights were off, I would run down the stairs, do whatever it was she asked me to do, then run back up the stairs ten times quicker.
I believed that whatever was down there was going to prevent me from running up the stairs and would suck me back down.

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