i used to believe

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I used to believe in the big bad wolf. It was a very real fear for me.
At Easter and Christmas this terror was magnified tenfold.

You see, I could always hear this evil, hairy wolf with his sharp teeth,
enter my home, rustle around and had visions of him laying in wait
to eat both the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

I spent many years worth of holidays, cowaring under the blankets,
attempting to rouse mom and dad from their slumber to save the

Being struck mute due to the terror of the situation at hand,
this was NEVER accomplished. That and the simple fact there was
no chance of me leaving the safe haven of my bed to make the
break for their room. :)

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To stop me disappearing into a field on the way to school my Mum told me once that there was an evil man living there who boiled up little girls and ate them for his tea. For years I was always wary of that area and still feel a bit queasy about walking that field!

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Up till I was 10, I used to think that the shadow of the tree next to my bedroom window, at night, was a big bat watching me. I always tried to look in the daylight for it's hideout. Needless to say I never found it.

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As a small kid I was told once by my grand father that 'Troll's' lived under small foot bridges and from then on I was scared to death every time I had to walk over a foot bridge.

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When I was younger my parents had big, fluffy recliner easy chairs and when I would climb on it at night I would be afraid to climb down because I thought the creature from the black lagoon would reach out and grab me. makes sense, don't it?

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As a child I used to believe that there were monsters lurking behind the bannisters at the top of the stairs and would never go up the stairs on my own after dark,even if the landing light was on. To my amazement, my first child confessed to an identical fear although I had by then forgotten about mine. Are fears inherited? The fact that my second child had it could be put down to being warned by her brother, but the first ?

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I used to beleive that bigfoot lived across the street from me.

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I used to believe if I held my breath, the scary monsters (in closets, under beds, in the basement) couldn't get me. This proved troublesome everytime I was called to dinner. i would leave my room, turn off the lights, and run like hell down the hall and the stairs, skidding into the kitchen gasping for air, I find I still hold my breath coming up from the cellar.

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I used to believe that monsters were only able to get you if you were in the dark and it was completely quiet. This resulted in me either sleeping with the light on, or caterwauling any song that came into my head all night. My parents had to keep the lights on for weeks because I was terrified if I fell asleep with the lights off, the monsters would get me while I was vulnerable.

Noise and Light is GOOD!
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A Friend of mine was told that the froth that washes up on the shore from the surf was dead mermaids, he used to believe it too. What a dumbass.

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I was petrififed of E.T, and was convinced that he lived in my attic with several witches and was always waiting for me to fall asleep so he could kill me.

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I saw Jaws when I was little. Because out carpet (that went throughout the entire house) was the same color as the water (for the most part) I thought that if I walked on the carpet with bare feet then Jaws would come out of the carpet (symbolic of the water) and eat me. And do keep in mind, it was ONLY bare feet that made this possible.

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My dad use to tell me that there was a monster that lived in the walls of the bathtub named Wally the Wall monster. Me and my brothers were so scared of him that we would use are room as bathrooms instead of the bathroom as a bathroom. Oh good times...

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When I was 10 my friend told me that a girl in her neighborhood was a werecat and that she turned into a cat while they were swimming one night and got cat hair in the pool. I truly believed this story since I was(and still am) very interested in werewolves and werecats. Then when I met this girl, I noticed some things that confirmed my belief that she was a werecat like she was wearing cat ears and, this is the freaky part, she looked exactly like the girl on the cover of the R.L. Stine book "Night of the Werecat"!
I believed that she was a werecat for a few months until I got the courage to ask her.

What's new pussycat?
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I came up with the conspriacy at a young school age that grown ups had a hidden reason for us going to school. I wasnt allowed too many days off from, school, i thought that there was a big secret kids couldnt no. I believed that it was down to one of two reasons.
1)All grown ups were secret aliens
2)All grown ups walk around naked when kids arent about.
Never did trust my parents fully after that.

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I used to believe dragons were real. My logic was: I knew knights were real, so if there were no dragons, what did the knights do? Who did they save the princesses from? In 2nd grade I made a comment on how something or other was one of those things we would never know about for sure, like dragons. My teacher sure had fun with that one.

Fire Breather
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As a child, mys older sis had me believe that the stop light at the end of the street ( U could only see it above the houses), when it turned red, the Boogie Man was watching me, and if I went outside when the light was red, he was going to eat me...Took me years to realize she made that all up...

Diana S.
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My parents read the usual nursery rhymes to me. Somehow, when I was 4 or 5, my warped little child brain twisted the one about "Wee Willy Winky" into a horror story. I had an image in my head of a scarred, craggy, evil-eyed dwarf in a nightshirt and cap, with a bloody axe on his shoulder, peeking in the windows at eight o'clock to make sure I was in bed. You'd better believe I was -- with the covers pulled over my head so I wouldn't see him looking in the window of my first-floor bedroom!

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When I was lil (probably abOut 7-8)I had an uncle who was full blooded Irish who told me about the Banshee scream. At nite when I would lay in my bed and the heat would kick On, it would make a whistling noise coming through the slots in the heat duct in my room. I became convinced that a banshee lived in my heat duct, and when I fell asleep she would come out and scream in my ear and kill me.

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Ever since I was a little kid I've loved drawing in the steam in the shower cabinet. For some reason I've always drawn people. (never flowers or stuff like that)
Now the scary thing is that I thought they'd come alive and come after me. (I still do, and I'm fifteen!) So to be safe I had to wipe of the "drawing". Strange thing is that I just can't resist drawing in the steam. And every time I end up scared.

The wierd one
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