i used to believe

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I used to believe that two lizardmen lived under my bed and that they would grab me by the ankles to pull me under and kill me if I got my feet too near the bed while getting out to get water or use the bathroom. I got very good at leaping from my bed to the door and back again. Later, I adapted it so that the lizardmen were a bit more like Abbott & Costello and never managed to grab me-- I think I was trying to make it less scary for myself.

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When I was little my dad told me that monsters jump out from spotlights and I belived it...

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everynight when i went to sleep as a kid i would go totally under the covers; even when it was very hot during the summer. I only let myself room to breeth through a small opening in the sheet. I believed that when any bodypart of me would stick out from onder the covers the monsterst would come and get me.

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Being born in Alaska, when I was little I would go out and yell and the "Northern Lights" thinking that it would cause them to move around. My brother told me that if you yell at them they would come down and play baseball with your head. For years after that when the Northern Lights would come out I would run go hide in my bedroom.

Ed N.
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I used to think if you had your feet sticking out of the covers when you were in bed a monster could get you and you were safe if you were fully covered by a blanket

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I used to think that a monster lived in the duct work of our house. I would always hear the noises, and think it was him moving around, and that the heat was him breathing fire.

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I had this thing with shadows and dark places (probably from a certain Doctor Who episode I was terrified of) well whenever I walked down the street I felt that the moment I left the light from the lampposts I was unsafe and monsters could get me. The same if I was in the bathroom (we had a light on a string which u pull) I would drag it out as far as it went ready to run away before 'the dark monsters caught me' I had to be out of the dark in a certain amount of time

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I used to believe No-Heart (From the Care Bears) lived behind my shower curtains. I was really afraid to get up at night and would have someone check the curtains before I pee

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When I was a child I believed that the weeping woman would appear at 3 am, this is what my grandmother always told me that if I don't go to sleep early the weeping woman comes to take me.

Cristopher Narvaez
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After my mother very sternly warned me never to detach the vacuum cleaner bag from the vacuum cleaner, I thought doing so would release the monster that lived inside.

Jade NB
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When i was a kid, I used to believe that the rhyme- Night Night don't let the bed bugs bite, meant that in he night, if you didnt go to sleep, then giant bugs made of beds would come and bite you!!! it used to scare the C**P outta me!!

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i used to believe everynight monster or ghost would came to see me, if i have not fall asleep, they would kill me.

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due to my mams friends son letting me watch this video i used to believe there was a monster that would sneak into your bedroom at night and eat your toes. So i used to curl my toes upi so he would think he had already eaten them and go away.

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When I couldn't sleep at night I would lie awake and listen to the house settling. outside my bedroom I could hear creaking and I believed it was The Knight who would patrol the landing keeping a watch throughout the night. and if I was to go out there I knew he would get me and snatch me away, never to be seen again.

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I was always scared of hanging my feet out of the side of my bed at nightime as a kid, thought the monster thet lived under the bed would grab them.....!

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I believed zombies were everywhere and they came out at night to get you...making that horrible moaning sound and dragging one leg. I chose the bedroom furthest away from the top of the stairs so I would be the last to be eaten and therefore, have a chance to escape as the zombies came to get us.

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one night i heard a monster growl. i screamed and my mom came running in with an aerosol can and claimed to capture them inside somehow. i imagined them all sitting in this cylindrical cell. i still believe in monsters, but not in spray-cans.

puke-green death ray
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When i was nine i used to think that gnomes came alive when i watered the flowers. Therefore i always threw the water and ran. To this day i still don't have water fights near any flowers.

Vicki 23
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When I was five, my mom would always tell my brother and I that if we weren't good for the babysitter, a Boogie Man would get us. She said it stayed in the walls and watched us.

One night I was bad at the babysitters, I bit my brother. She told me I was a really naughty girl.

As I slept that night, I woke up and saw a Green Head poking out of the wall. (I didn't realize It was just part of a bad dream).

I asked all the kids in Kindergarten if they had ever seen the Boogie Monster.

They all said NO. So for another five years I was convinced I was the worlds most rotten kid. I wouldn't do anything wrong. I wanted to be a good kid, so the Boogie Man would not come back.

Imagine the horror when I heard my mother tell my brother there was no such thing. That it was made up to scare kids.

To this day my mother does not know what she did to me, with her little boogie man story.

Not so scared, or good anymore. lol
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(this is my sisters but oh well)
she used to belive when my dad and her went over the bridge in the country,h would use to get out,look under the bridge,get back in the car,tell her that there was trolls,and sped off.

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