i used to believe

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When i was little i saw the show unsolved mysteries. They showed this thing that was a "Mothman" It had fur and red eyes. It could fly and it scared the hell out of me. From then on whenever i saw a moth i would scream and run inside.

ThE mOtHmAn
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When I was little like 5 my cousin told me that the boogie man looked liked a harmless old man that walked downthe streets with a cane and if you were alone he would come and get you and carry you away I am still terified of being near the street alone

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when i was about 5 years old my mother told me that when you blow whistles at night snakes will come from the floors and eat me.. i realized later that she had just told me that because it annoyed her, but still to this day i get uneasy when people blow the whistle at night

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When i was younger i used to have a bed next to the wall. Before going to sleep i always had to make sure my head and neck were completely covered so that when the green eyes appeared in the wall they couldn't look at me. i was never sure what happened if they looked at you, but it had to be something bad!

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I used to believe that moss was left there by the boogie man, my sister told me and it really used to scare me!

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When I was younger, I read a book called "Tailypo." It was a children's book. In the book the monster's tail was cut off by an older man, so the monster came back and ate the man in his bed. I used to believe that I would wake up and see glowing red eyes right before the creature would eat me.

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I used to be utterly freaked out by the dark. I would stand at my room door, flick off the switch and run as quick as my little legs could take me to the living room where mummy and daddy were watching television. I knew I could not turn back, or trip, or be slow as the skeletons chasing me would catch up and eat me.

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When I was little, I used to believe (along with all the other kids on my street) that the Boogey Man was a monster made out of green, slimy, disgusting boogers. He didn't live in our closets, but underground. If you were outside, you'd have to be careful and watch for a large lump under the dirt tunneling after you. If he got close enough, he'd reach his hand up through the earth, grab you, and drag you under. We always thought we saw him coming for us, and we'd all freak out and run home as fast as we could, screaming at the top of our lungs.

Boogers Girl
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I used to beliebe that dragons do really exist, they are just survived descendants of dinosaurs. I believed it until I was eleven!

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my uncle used to tell me when i was little and stayed at my grandma's that if i didn't wash my hands before i went to bed, little germ monsters would come and eat me alive, and all that would be left of me in the morning would be a pile of bones. i was so terrified of this that i wouldn't be able to sleep and have nightmares about little germs coming and devouring me in my sleep! i believe this until i was like 10!

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My older sisters told me and my cousin when we were little that there was a monster through this door at my cousins old house. The door was on the side of the house and it had a big hole in it (the door led to the laundry room and you couldn't see through the hole). We believed it for a long time, and we even stuck grass and seeds through the hole to feed the monster. We thought the monster was nice.

Captain Wheeler
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When I was about four, we moved to a house that had a laundry chute in the floor of the bathroom, beside the toilet. My mother had placed a johnny-pole, one of those over-the toilet storage cabinets, over the toilet and one of the legs was sitting on the "door" of the chute. At the time, I thought that it was actually the hole where the monster of the house lived, and that my mother was very brave and smart to put the johnny-pole on top of it so he couldn't get out.

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When I was a little girl, my father told me that "Jack Frost will nip your toes." I took it literally, and even on the hottest nights (before air conditioning), I would never leave my feet uncovered. I must have thought Jack Frost could strike any time of the year if a tootsie was uncovered.

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For some reason, I watched the movie "The Blob" (the original verison) when I was young. The scene at the beauty salon scared me half to death. We did not have a shower in our home (only a bathtub) and so had to wash our hair in the sink. I kept waiting for the Blob to come up out of the sink drain and get me, so I washed my hair as quickly as possible. I would have won world records for the fastest hair-washing.

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When we were much younger, my sister used to believe that there was a monster living on the stairs and it's plan was to grab her ass and pull her into his evil pit so she used to run, full speed, up the stairs, firmly holding onto her ass, yelling "HOLD YOUR BUM!"...

Everytime for about three years. I must admit, for a while I did take her advice...

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I used to belive that I shouldn't go around in the woods in foggy wheather. The evil creatures (the "vetter") in the forest could take me. An old scandinavian belief I suppose.

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My mom told me that if you were out past 9 pm Frankenstein would get you. He roamed the streets looking for children out so he could kill them.

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When I was little, I could never go into this one section in this small museum because of this huge tortoise shell. This shell was hung on the ceiling over a flight of stairs going down and I would think it was going to come and get me, so we would have to take the elevator.

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I always used to watch scary movies as a kid. Of course when it was time to go to sleep i would be scared. I always figured as long as no body part was off the bed and as long as i was covered by the blanket i couldnt be hurt by the monster. They only part that would be out was my nose to breath, but i always thought something was going to cut my nose off!

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When I was about 5, We lived in Kansas..often there would be a truck that came through the neighbouhood with a loudspeaker declairing a Tornado Warning, and to go to the basement. This Truck had steel bars on the windows. I was absolutly sure that the "Tomatoe" was going to be let loose and kill us all. Then the movie Revenge of the KillerbTomatoes came out. never watched it...

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