i used to believe

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When I was in first grade. I had a dream that my sunday school teacher and the pastor from my church had my grandmother tied down to her bed, and that the pastor was a vampire and my sunday school teacher was his helper using tape and a marker to mark where he'd bite her at. The next day was Sunday and my granmother woke me up I checked her neck for bite marks or the tape, she laughed and blamed it on the goosebump movies. I was scared to go to sunday school the whole time I was in that class.

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i used to believe that vampires would come into my room at night and bite my neck. i had to sleep on my side with my hand covering my neck to stop them..... im 24 now and still sleep the same way.

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After seeing this scary vampire film when I was little, I always covered my neck when I felt scared just in case a vampire would come behind me and bite me. It became a habit and now whenever I'm ever scared I automatically cover it

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I used to purposefully wander around after dark in our neighborhood hoping a vampire would get me... no idea why, I was just a twisted kid. I just wanted to meet one. I had a *very* complicated mythology worked out, mostly what came from reading Dracula a couple times over and my mom watching Buffy in the other room while she thought I was napping ^_^;;
Funny, now. I laugh at little Ricelings.

phobia girl
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I used to think vampires were fake

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i used to beleve i was a vampire when i was in the 3rd grade cuz of my "vampire teeth" my friends believed it also. I would bite them and they would become my vampire friends. i even bit my boyfriend and we were very deeply in vampire love. currently he goes out with my friend and got a lil shorter.

Mariah ( lil clumzy)
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i used to believe that vampires were attractive, so i would go out to the garage at night and hope that my handsom vampire prince would take me away to marry him...he never came

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My mom has always LOVED horror movies and stories, especially ones with vampires. So when we moved from Oklahoma to Pennsylvania when I was 3, I was scared I was going to get eaten, because Pennsylvania was where the vampires were.

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I used to believe that Vampires weren't real.

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I used to think that draculas were another name for vampires. So I thought that I could be attacked at night by a dracula. I eventually found out that Dracula was a vampire in a story.

Dark Ridley
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i would lie awake at night, pretending to sleep, and i would wait for a vampire to come. See, i was a twisted kid and i WANTED to be a vampire so i would wait and wait, but they never came.

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Until I was around 10, I used to believe that if you weren't sleeping at midnight, vampires would come and feed on you, and that was the reason why your parents told you to go to bed early - for your safety. One day, I gathered all my courage and waited till midnight, hidden under my covers, pretending to sleep, in the hope I would catch sight of the vampires at the window, checking if I was sleeping. Needless to say they didn't come. Night lost a lot of its magic that night.

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I was afraid to look at my bedroom window when it was dark out. I believed that vampires hung around outstide dark windows and if you looked at the window you would see them and then be hypnotized. Thus in that state you would let them in and they would make me a vampire.

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When I was very litte (4 or 5) and I would be in my bed at night I would think I heard Dracula walking across my carpeted floor coming to get me (why Dracula, I don't know) I discovered later that I was just hearing my own heartbeat when my ear was pressed against my pillow.

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I used to believe that there was a trap door to my vampire hideout underneath my bed, where my friends and I (Queen of the Vampire Club) would congregate each night. The trap door was really just the area where a fireplace once was.

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After I watched "The Lost Boys" I was terrified of vampires. I thought one lived in my closet, and I slept with garlic around my neck, and had a sharpend wooden crucifix under my pillow

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When I was little I was petrified of vampires and used to sleep under the covers with my teddy bear wrapped around my neck to protect me from being bitten. I'd also take the top bunk as it was 'safer' from the monsters - they couldn't reach that high.
I blame my parents for making us sit throught the radio play of Bram Stoker's Dracula...

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I used to believe that when i closed my eyes in bed a vampire would come in and bite me, so evry minutes or so i spend sleeping, and the other i would spend watching the room for any movement. One night My dad came in a kissed my on my neck and i thought it was a vampire- I slapped my dad on the head and ran away for my life! My dad wasent very happy with me...Oops...

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I used to believe that if i pulled the bed covers up tight round my neck that the vampires could not get me. Even to this day if its a dark moonless night i will still pull the covers round me.

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When i was around two or three my mom and i would go into the backyard of my grandmothers and there was a stone wall in her backyard. There was a hole in the middle of it and apparently to me it looked like a cave.. Whenever we would walk outside i would say "Mommy.. do the grampires live in there?" apparently i associated grandparents and vampires with each other lol.

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